
Impact of Terminal Illness on Families


Added on  2020-02-05

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Impact of Terminal Illness on Families_1

Table of contentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................3Task 1.1: Significant impact of life events upon Richard and Sophie individually........................3Task 1.2: Analysing possible group response to significant life events occurring to one of itsmembers in context to the case study..............................................................................................3Task 1.3: Analysing the impact of John and Tim in health and social care on experiencingsignificant life events in the present case study...............................................................................4M1: Analysis of concepts, theories, and principles for formulating response to deal withRichard's addiction...........................................................................................................................5D1: Approaches evaluated to develop strategies on actual or anticipated situations......................5Task 2.1: Effectiveness of organizational policies and procedures supporting Richard and Sophieaffecting their social networks are to be evaluated..........................................................................6Task 2.2: Explaining Richard and Sophie can be supported by others in their social network.......6Task 2.3: Concerning the present case study the suitability of external sources of support wasevaluated supporting the affected individual...................................................................................7M2: Policies and schemes that should be implemented to support the families dealing withchallenging life events such as bereavement and terminal illness...................................................7D2: External sources and social networks available to support families dealing with challenginglife events are evaluated...................................................................................................................8Task 3.1: Organisational responses that can support with the experience of significant life event8Task 3.2: Personal contributions to support one’s individual experience of significant life events8Task 3.3: Recommendations made to improve support that is available from health and socialcare organizations for individuals and their social networks (M3, D3)..........................................9Conclusion:......................................................................................................................................9References......................................................................................................................................102
Impact of Terminal Illness on Families_2

IntroductionThe present assignment is covered on addressing the issue thus highlighted in the currentlymentioned case study. The assignment deals with the impact of significant life event that hastaken place in the lives of Richard and Sophie. It shows how Richard after being almostdrenched into his alcohol addiction has successfully been able to pull himself out of thatscenario. It narrates the journey of both Richard as well as Sophie who go through a tough timein dealing with the critical span to overcome the significant event taken place in their lives. Theimpact of such an event does not necessarily pose an impact upon the affected individual onlybut causes equal or even greater suffering for the social networks and families of the individual(Guerrero et al. 2016, p.69). For individuals affected by severe addiction as in the case ofRichard, it becomes mandatory to get the individual admitted in a health and social careorganization. Such a care unit provides them with proper monitoring and guidance to overcometheir illness and get back to their normal lives.Task 1.1: Significant impact of life events upon Richard and SophieindividuallyAs evident from the present case scenario, Richard has been almost drenched by his habit ofalcohol consumption in an excessive rate. This practice of his not only brought in anenvironment of suffering for Richard himself but his close social network comprising his family.It was seen that due to the two years long span of excessive alcoholism made Richard andSophie's life difficult by making them go through a significant life event having devastatingimpacts upon their lives respectively. Sophie, a wife of Richard, was observed to experience theworst phase of her life in managing her family with three children and an alcohol abuse husband.She suffered from insomnia, anxiety issues causing to perform certain compulsive activities suchas the keeping of constant check over her husband, throwing away any alcohol content availableat home, marked the alcohol bottles with spirit bottle tags so that Richard is unable to find anydrink for himself.Task 1.2: Analysing possible group response to significant life eventsoccurring to one of its members in context to the case study3
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In cases of occurrence of such significant events in one's life, two kinds of response can beobserved regarding the social network of the affected individual towards them. As Richard in thecurrent scenario in seen to be affected by alcohol abuse, it has posed drastic and dramaticimpacts upon him, his family as well as the social network that he comprises of. On the one handas Sophie being wife to Richard was seen to experience suffering in dealing with the complexsituational circumstances, on the other hand, she was observed to take remedial measures bytaking the appropriate step in overcoming the impact of the present event. Initially, though shewas seen to act devastated by its implication upon the family but gradually coped up with thechanging situation. Their neighbors, colleagues and other social associates were seen to becooperative enough in helping them overcome the doomed eventual circumstances (Ahn et al.2013, p.2772). Sophie was eager to send Richard to Addiction Centre to free him from theshackles of alcohol abuse. External support aid was also sought in the way of taking measuresfor Richard to recover from that condition in the most effective manner. The leaflets prepared byJohn, the healthcare professional for Richard, came to great help for the post treatmentadaptation and adjustment for both Richard and Sophie to return and lead a normal healthylifestyle.Task 1.3: Analysing the impact of John and Tim in health and social care onexperiencing significant life events in the present case studyIn the case of individuals being struck by such significant life events, they need to overcometheir health condition with the help of appropriate remedial measures and guidance thus providedby healthcare professionals. In the present scenario, we come across John who had beeninstrumental in treating Richard with his illness of excessive alcohol consumption. Being ahealthcare worker, John had to deal with all the tantrums and attitude issues of Richard beforebringing him to a normal condition. In the case of the post-treatment recovery phase, whichproves to be very crucial in such sensitive conditions, John acted to be extremely skillful intaking adequate measures for the smooth transition to their lifestyle. To find and set a better lifegoal bringing about a fresh beginning to their lives after facing such a significantly impactfulevent, one needs to be guided by trained and professional opinions (Minami and Kobayashi,2016, p.35). Richard had isolated himself from his social acquaintances due to his addictivepractices and was also seen to throw tantrum issues and attitude problems which worsened hishealth and surroundings. Tim being the focus group leader had been of tremendous help in4
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