1 HEALTH BEHAVIOUR RESPONSE In the post, colleague has mainly focused on obesity and unhealthy diet plan. The main motion of the written piece of report is how unhealthy diet is increasing the risk of developing obesity. The report also focuses on how obesity-related disability claims is increasing the cost to company while decreasing the productivity. The overall structure of the report is extremely disorganized with inappropriate placement of the obesity statistics. The writer highlighted that decrease in the level of fresh fruits and vegetables are the main driving force behind the developing of obesity. However, according to the reports published by the CentreofDiseaseDevelopment(CDC)(2018),themaindrivingforcebehindthe development of obesity among the US population is increase the consumption of fast food between the age of group of 20 to 39. The consumption of fast food among this age group is 44.9%. Apartfromthedownstreamandtheupstreaminterventionsandmidstream interventions, the company or the employer must also take effective initiative in overall lifestyle revamp of the employees. This will be guided restriction of smoking within the office premises or reduction of smoking during the office hours, restricting the flow of alcohol in the annual office party or other dignitary meetings and promotion of standing workstation in order to ensure physical activity (Van Nuys et al., 2014). The employers must also arrange for weekly yoga class or promote the use of the wearable devises to increase the awareness about the physical fitness level. In this way the cost to company arising out of medical insurance and be decreased along with increase in the level of productivity (Van Nuys et al., 2014).
2 HEALTH BEHAVIOUR RESPONSE References Centre of Disease Development and Prevention (CDC). (2018).Fast Food Consumption Among Adults in the United States, 2013–2016.Access date: 26thof December 2018. Retrieved from:https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db322.htm Van Nuys, K., Globe, D., Ng-Mak, D., Cheung, H., Sullivan, J., & Goldman, D. (2014). The association between employee obesity and employer costs: evidence from a panel of US employers.American journal of health promotion,28(5), 277-285.