
Mechanical Engineering Case Study 2022


Added on  2022-09-12

7 Pages1112 Words19 Views
Mechanical Engg.
Mechanical Engineering Case Study 2022_1

Various tests are performed to detect the vibration motion. The design of
this study is based on the shaker mass monitoring and testing of the glove by using
the holding cylinder tools which are attached to shaker mass at different
orientation. Comparison tests are performed to measure the force vibration motion.
Workers need gloves at the workplace to protect their hands from hazards
such as contamination and cut with hazardous microbiological or chemicals
pathogens. Tactile sensation, grip and hand movement can be reduced by ill-fitting
gloves by tighten the hand and constrain the movement (Center 2020). Hand tools
can generate the HTV (Hand-Transmitted Vibration). Intensive, prolonged contact to
HTV may cause HAVS (Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome). For the protection measures,
VR (Vibration-Reducing) gloves have been developed, which can reduce health
effects and HTV exposures. Therefore international standards for vibration-reducing
glove testing evaluation have been performed (Xu et al., 2019).
Vibration Effects appear as psychological disorders and mechanical, which
includes the movement and cognitive disorders, stress reactions, and concentration
problem (Pourabdian et al., 2017). The common symptoms and signs of HAV (Hand-
Arm Vibration) in the hands and fingers may appear as tingling, needles and pins
feeling, loss of finger sensation, numbness and dexterity (Organization 2020). So, it
is necessary to design the tool for measuring the vibrations to calculate HAV
acceleration. For new designing glove, we have to compare the testing result from
the two methods first evaluated by testing the parameters based on the standard
testing requirement for the hand vibration and other for the motion in which
simulating analysis is required by using the MATLAB software.
2.1Health, Ethical and Safety responsibility:-
It is the responsibility of the professional to protect and uphold the individual
who takes part in the hand-arm vibration testing and experiment. According to the
Mechanical Engineering Case Study 2022_2

work regulation of 2005, guidance was provided for the Hand-arm vibration testing
with measuring tools. According to the International Standard Organization (ISO)
5349, all these measuring standards for the equipment testing approved by the UK.
To reduce the risk for humans list of requirement is derived from the BS EN ISO
8041, and BSEN ISO 5349-2, must be satisfied before performing the vibration
testing on the ECB.
2.2List of Testing Requirements:-
1) Thee calibration of the LDS V406 should be at least six months prior experiment
testing phase.
2) Highest trigger time should not exceed from the EAV (Exposure action value)
3) Input signal frequency must be at a deviation of 0.2%
4) Deviation of the input mechanical signal must be up to 2%
5) The temperature of the air should lie in the range of the 20-260 Celsius.
6) Relative humidity lies in the range of 10-75%
7) In the Mechanical vibration test, total distortion should be less than 5%
8) Training should be provided for the testing methodology.
9) Use of standardized HAV points mandatory for the Exposure limit value and the
Exposure Action value.
10) The HSE Executive HAV point calculator should do the calculation of HAV points
The testing specification is based on the level of Vibration in term of frequency,
which lies in the range of the 0-1600 Hz. The handle of the device can be square,
cylindrical or elliptical.
Mechanical Engineering Case Study 2022_3

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