
Comparison Between Health Funding in the United States and Australia


Added on  2023-06-18

15 Pages3285 Words50 Views
Public and Global HealthHealthcare and Research
Title: Comparison Between Health Funding in the United States and Australia
22 October 2021
Comparison Between Health Funding in the United States and Australia 3
Introduction 3
Health Funding in the USA 3
Shan Stephen 20308975 22 October 2021
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Health Issues between USA and Australia 4
How USA and Australia is addressing the key health issues. 5
Health Funding in Australia 5
Health Funding in Australia Compared to the USA 6
Figure 1 7
Contrasts of Healthcare Funding in Australia and the USA 7
Conclusion 8
References 9
Appendix A (Concept Grid) 12
Appendix B (Search Strategy) 13
Appendix C (Student Checklist) 15
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Comparison Between Health Funding In The United States And Australia
Health is an important aspect of the lifetime of every person and every country. Health
systems can effectively meet all the health needs of their citizens by utilising some of the
available financial resources through health funding (Shrank et al., 2021). However, a lack of
facilitation of the health sectors in any social setup can lead to the downfall of other sectors, such
as the political and economic sectors (Shrank et al., 2021). Therefore, the financing factor is
fundamental in impacting health system effectiveness to improve accessibility and delivery of
primary care (Robertson et al., 2016). This funding provides the opportunity to improve the
delivery of quality care (Corvino et al., 2020). According to Shrank et al. (2021), health funding
also helps purchase, pool, and resource mobilisation in a healthcare facility. In Australia, health
financing is primarily through medicare, which permanent residents and all other citizens have
access to this program. In the USA, the program is through medicaid and medicare (AIHW,
2020). Therefore, governments should take the capability of funding their health systems. From
the research, this essay addresses the comparisons and the key health issues between the USA
and Australian healthcare funding systems that have many similarities in the health funding
Health Funding in the USA
In the USA, the healthcare system is through self-provision (Papanicolas et al., 2018).
The organisation of this system allows citizens of the USA to become responsible for healthcare
costs when in need of healthcare services (Papanicolas et al., 2018). There is no universal
healthcare in the USA that can provide healthcare benefits at a lower cost or free of cost (Al
Dalbhi et al., 2019). However, Johnson and Walston (2020) argue that health insurance is
complex, surpassing $1,000 every month, non-affordable to most Americans. Therefore,
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improving equity, affordability, and accessibility to health services within the healthcare system
should focus. According to Shrank et al. (2021), the maximum utilisation of the medicaid
program provides the ultimate opportunity to boost health equity and improve coverage. Besides,
the healthcare coverage by the private third-party sectors is forty percent of resource funds for
the healthcare services, the public covers forty-eight percent, and the citizens cover the
remaining twelve percent (Behdarvand et al., 2019). It is also important to note that private
organisations cover USA citizens more than public financing when receiving healthcare-related
services (Johnson & Walston, 2020). USA spends about eighteen percent of their GDP in the
healthcare sector to provide better and effective healthcare facilities to its citizens (Johnson &
Walston, 2020). It spends about $9,403 healthcare per capita which was in the year 2014.
Therefore, it is essential to provide better healthcare to a citizen of the USA (Johnson & Walston,
2020). In this, funding for the healthcare system should be smooth and increasing to improve
quality and efficiency in delivering care and services (Clark et al., 2020). In recent, it has also
been analysed that due to the impact of the coronavirus, there is a need to increase the funding
sources, which requires a considerable burden on the healthcare system (Suter et al., 2017). Due
to the impact of coronavirus, a larger population suffers from various mental diseases and
requires extra care and support (Suter et al., 2017). To fight the healthcare burden, there is a need
to deliver quality care and support services to the healthcare professionals to deal with this
situation and provides positive outcomes (Suter et al., 2017).
Health Issues between USA and Australia
Some critical health issues like mental illness, overweight, and obesity are critical health
issues in the USA. It is due to less physical work, working in an intimate environment, and using
technology for longer (Panchal et al., 2020). These are significant illnesses that need to be
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Title: Comparison between Health Funding in the United States and Australia
Shan Stephen
Curtin School of Nursing, Curtin University
CMHL1000 Foundations for Professional Health Practice
Amy Pracilio, Lee Fei Sim
22 November 2021
Shan Stephen 20308975 27 August 2021
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Comparison between Health Funding in the United States and Australia 3
Introduction 3
Health Funding in the United States 3
Health Funding in Australia 4
Health Funding in Australia compared to the United States 4
Contrast of Health care funding in Australia and the United States 5
Conclusion 5
References 6
Appendix 8
Appendix B 11
Appendix C 14
Comparison Between Health Funding in the United States and Australia_2

Comparison Between Health Funding In The United States And Australia
Health is an essential aspect in the life of every human being and every country. Health
systems can effectively meet all the health needs of their citizens by utilizing some of the
available financial resources through health funding (Shrank et al., 2021). However, a lack of
facilitation of the health sectors in any social setup will lead to the downfall of other sectors such
as the political and economic sectors (Shrank et al., 2021). Therefore, the financing factor is
fundamental in impacting health system effectiveness to improve accessibility and delivery of
primary care (Robertson et al., 2016). Different countries have their own healthcare funding
which impact the variation in delivery of quality care to their citizen as the healthcare services.
This funding provides the opportunity to improve delivery of quality care (Corvino & et. al.,
2020). According to Shrank et al. (2021), health funding also helps purchase, pool, and resource
mobilization in a healthcare facility. In the United States, the health funding process is through
government programs such as medicaid and medicare. In Australia, health financing is primarily
through medicare, which permanent residents and all other citizens have access to (AIHW,
2020). Therefore, governments should take the initiative of funding their health systems. From
the research, the comparisons between USA and Australian healthcare funding systems have
many similarities on the health funding process.
Health Funding in the United States
The United States of America’s (USA) healthcare system is through self-provision. The
organization of this system allows citizens of the USA to become responsible for healthcare costs
when in need of healthcare services (Papanicolas et.al., 2018). In USA, there is no any universal
healthcare that can provides healthcare benefits at lower cost or at free of cost. There is need to
pay for the healthcare services to all the citizens who are getting their services (Al Dalbhi & et.
Shan Stephen 20308975 27 August 2021
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