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Health Promotion through the Lifespan


Added on  2023/01/12

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This document discusses the importance of health promotion throughout the lifespan, with a focus on depression in adolescence. It explores the impact of nature, nurture, and cultural theories on adolescent development. The document also provides interventions for depression in adolescence.

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Health Promotion through the

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PART 1............................................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
Depression In Adolescence..........................................................................................................3
Importance of depression in adolescence in health problem.......................................................4
Discuss the impact of nature, nurture and cultural theories.........................................................4
PART 2............................................................................................................................................5
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................6
The focus of the intervention.......................................................................................................6
Objective the health promotion intervention...............................................................................6
rationale of this intervention........................................................................................................6
Intervention for depression in adolescence..................................................................................7
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Lifespan development is there proper level of exploration in terms of respective changes and
their growth from conception to death. There is the view of developments as the lifelong process
which have their identified across physical, cognitive development, and psychosocial. There are
related to the various approaches regarding the respective human development which can have
different pattern as the continuous development is considered to have cumulative process which
is helpful in gradually improving the exiting skills (Withers and, 2016). In this report, there
will be clear discussion on the three is major focus on the stage of adolescent emergent process
those who have develop from the childhood and remain more stable in childhood. The report will
have the focus on issues main event which are experienced during the life stages.
Depression In Adolescence
Adolescence is the considered to be the period between childhood and adulthood which have
the major changes to the body along with how the young person have relation to the world. There
are consideration of many changes which are such as their physical, sexual, cognitive, social, and
emotional changes that happen during this time can bring anticipation and anxiety for both
children and their families.
There is there need to have promotion healthy developments throughout adolescence or
entering into the early adulthood. As the event which is being experience through the stage are
characterized such as their early adolescence, middle and late one. During the first one’s children
often have start to grow more quickly which have inclusion of changes in body changes which
can inspire curiosity and anxiety (Meyer and, 2017). In addition to that’s they were not able
to have differential between what is good to them or not. On the other hand, at stage two the
physical changes from puberty have continues changes which results them to be more inserted in
romantic or sexual relationship. As many of adolescence have there more level of arguments
with their parents as they want to have struggle for independence.
Coming to last stages, there is completion of puberty changes which usually have more level of
impulsive control. At this stage, individual have more stronger sense of individuality by identify
their independent own values. They have turning out to be more level of focus on future based
decision which are more emotional and physical in nature separated from their respective family.
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In the adolescences there is sustainable level of premature death, illness along with injury. The
major level of heath issues can have the impact on ability to grow along with developing their
full potential.
Importance of depression in adolescence in health problem
In the adolescence, depression has been identified as leading cause of illness and disability.
Depression in childhood and adolescences is often recurrent level which have the continues
episodically into adulthood (Brar and, 2020). This have major occurrences with comorbid
psychiatric disorders, increased risk of suicide, substance abuse and behavioural problems.
Depression have overall effects of the person’s life with impairing more occupational, social,
emotional and physical health which have their conserving their stigma.
Th prevalence 3% in the perpetual children along with that’s about 5% in the post pubertal
young children. In addition to that’s the existences of depression are considered to be twice in
females as compared to males. On the other hand, prevalence appear to be more level of
increasing and having effect on younger children which is part due to greater awareness and
improvised level of diagnosis.
Children and adolescences with depression have frequently being psychosocial, educational and
family difficulties. In addition to that’s the strongest level of risk which is been associated with
depression ins regarding the family as this have resulted in the history of depression or the major
level of exposure to the psychological stress.
Discuss the impact of nature, nurture and cultural theories
The theories have the clear believe that’s the depression is been caused by there both nature and
nurture. As on the other have nurture have the greater level of influences on the adolescence at
time they are in depression of not. As the nature can be persistent, women is pregnant, baby have
been exposed with variety of toxic chemicals, foods of a certain kind, or also stress from the
mother then this can permanently change the cognitive development. On the other hand, nursing
may be can portrayed as there opposing or distinctive explanations which is pitted against each
other (Hymas and Girard, 2019). They have turning out to be more level of focus on future based
decision which are more emotional and physical in nature separated from their respective family.
The major level of health issues can have the impact on ability to grow along with developing
their full potential.

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As this have inclusion of over emphasizing as there is more level of particular abnormalities
which a person in heriots dues t changes which is being caused by major life changes. Or the
other , as both of nature and nature is being associated with the increase rate of depression , on
the other hand , the scientist have found this relationship as more toxic and complex as more
level of biological factors can have interaction over life experiences in order to have the overall
level of contribution to depression. Hence biology and life experience both have major lrvel of
contribution in increasing the risk of depression.
As from the above file it can be concluded as Lifespan development is there proper level of
exploration in terms of respective changes related to the various approaches regarding the
respective human development. there will continuous development is considered to have
cumulative process which is helpful in gradually improving the exiting skills. the physical
changes from puberty have continues changes which results them to be more inserted in romantic
or sexual relationship (Davidovich and, 2016). Children and adolescences with depression
have frequently being psychosocial, educational and family difficulties. In addition to that’s the
strongest level of risk which is been associated with depression ins regarding the family. They
have turning out to be more level of focus on future based decision which are more emotional
and physical in nature separated from their respective family. The major level of health issues
can have the impact on ability to grow along with developing their full potential.
There has been growing amount of interest within the use of complementary approaches
regarding health which is more especially as meditative approaches as helpful for the prevention
of prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioural disorders, and for the
promotion of psychological and physical health, well-being, and resilience.
There is greater level of interest in determination on these approaches which
have impacted as wide array of behaviour in order to have promotion of
health and prevention of diseases which is particularly for children,
adolescents families and young adults. In this report, there will be particular
attention on the depression among adolescences
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Promoting their health behaviours among the adolescences along with taking step to protect them
from different risk are considered to be critical form the prevention of health problems in
upcoming prevention health problems which will thrive future health problems along with ability
to develop and thrive (Kleiber and, 2017).
The focus of the intervention
As the more level of interventions which is needed to be identified among the
adolescences can be such as building up the skills among children and adolescences by providing
them more level of psychological support in the school along with different community setting
which will be helpful in promoting better mental health.
On the other hand, there should be intervention with developing more programmes which will
help in strengthen the knot between adolescent and their respective families. In addition to that’s
their problems as times arise should be properly detected and managements by their competent
as health care workers.
As per the major consideration, the major issues are been identified as Depression in childhood
and adolescences at recurrent level which have the continues episodically into adulthood (Nelson
and,2016). This have major occurrences with comorbid psychiatric disorders, increased risk
of suicide, substance abuse and behavioural problems.
Objective the health promotion intervention
To have the identification o the differentiated signs and symptoms of the adolescent
depression along with recognizing the level of difficulties in making the respective
To have proper level of recognition of the proper risk factors for the depression.
To have the appreciation to the respective aims and the existing theoretical concepts as
for prevention strategies for the depression of adolescent.
rationale of this intervention
As the rationale of this intervention is that’s their depression is considered to be more missed
in adolescents in adults which is been because of the lack of knowledges of the different
symptoms. This intervention will be helpful early detections as significant effects on young
person developments along with social functioning. There will be brief discussion in the
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respective diagnosis along with screen form different instruments before having the
presentation od the whole range of educational and physical preventive level of approaches
developed in adolescent depression.
As per the consideration over different intervention will be such as
Intervention for depression in adolescence
Educational interventions
This will be helpful in creating more level of self-awareness along with reporting of all level of
depressive symptoms (Dinwiddie, Schillerstrom and Schillerstrom, 2018). This is considered to
be more level of cost effectives as they have requirement of high degree organization along with
investments in schools.
In this intervention the activity will be as follows-
Beyond green
This is educational intervention which will be universal randomised trail which have 4 important
components. The first will be modification of syllabus which is focusing on the problem solving,
social skills, resilient thinking style and coping strategies. On the other hand, the second one will
be to build supportive environment in terms of school structure and culture. Third will to have
improved access support and professional services withing wider level of school community.
The las one is there formation of community forum which have their providing level of
information student, families and different staff members.
Adolescent depression awareness programmes
This is programmes which have 3 hours educational materials over 2-3 session which is being
delivered by psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses to schoolchildren as part of a health class
(McCauley and, 2016). There’s will be improvement in test score along with more level of
self-awareness along with reporting of all level of depressive symptoms.
Psychological interventions
Problem Solving for Life
This will help student to have proper identification of their challenges which can have negative
and irrational thought. in addition to that’s, it will also help in developing the intervention of
positive orientation towards problems solving and optimistic thinking styles. As the result it will
have decrease level of systems of depression along with negative problem-solving orientation,
avoidant problem-solving, and an increase in problem solving skills

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Adolescents of parents with depression
In this their parents will be targets in which there will be proper focussing on the cognitive
restructuring therapy on major level of challenge negative beliefs. In this to that it has been
found that’s there has been diagnoses along with reduction in major level of depressive orders.
Family intervention
In this the programmes have been developed to have the respective teaching of cognitive–
behavioural skills to parents with depression and their children, with the aim of enhancing
effective parenting and improving the coping skills of the adolescents (Sangsawang, Wacharasin
and Sangsawang, 2019). This intervention will be more level of flexible but would be difficult in
practices for the wide spread interventions in order to have the encouragements for the sufficient
parental attendance.
From the above file it can be concluded that’s Promoting their health behaviours among the
adolescences along with taking step to protect them. In addition to that different risk are
considered to be critical form the prevention of health problems in upcoming prevention health
problems which will thrive future health problems. As per the above programmes have been
helpful in there preventing the level of onset of depression among the adolescences. On the
other hand, as per the evident, it cannot be long term effectiveness as resources are limited to be
developed. There is major redacts of the differed risk factor along with increase in level of
rawness through education in venation
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Books and Journals
Sangsawang, B., Wacharasin, C. and Sangsawang, N., 2019. Interventions for the prevention of
postpartum depression in adolescent mothers: a systematic review. Archives of women's mental
health, 22(2).pp.215-228.
McCauley, E and, 2016. The adolescent behavioral activation program: Adapting
behavioral activation as a treatment for depression in adolescence. Journal of Clinical Child &
Adolescent Psychology, 45(3). pp.291-304.
Dinwiddie, K.J., Schillerstrom, T.L. and Schillerstrom, J.E., 2018. Postpartum depression in
adolescent mothers. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 39(3). pp.168-175.
Nelson, B.D and, 2016. Blunted neural response to rewards as a prospective predictor of
the development of depression in adolescent girls. American Journal of Psychiatry, 173(12).
Kleiber, B.V and, 2017. Treating depression among adolescent perinatal women with a
dialectical behavior therapy–informed skills group. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 24(4).
Davidovich, S and, 2016. Do better executive functions buffer the effect of current parental
depression on adolescent depressive symptoms?. Journal of affective disorders, 199, pp.54-64.
Hymas, R. and Girard, L.C., 2019. Predicting postpartum depression among adolescent mothers:
A systematic review of risk. Journal of affective disorders, 246. pp.873-885.
Brar, S.K and, 2020. The relationship between intimate partner violence and probable
depression among adolescent girls and young women in Lilongwe, Malawi. Global public health,
Meyer, S.R. and, 2017. The influence of caregiver depression on adolescent mental health
outcomes: findings from refugee settlements in Uganda. BMC psychiatry, 17(1). p.405.
Withers, M.C. and, 2016. Parent-adolescent relationship quality as a link in adolescent and
maternal depression. Children and youth services review, 70, pp.309-314.
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