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Health Promotion


Added on  2023/03/21

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Health Promotion

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Plan health promotion campaign
How health promotion campaign for supporting
health promotion strategies.
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Health promotion is that process of enabling people
for increasing controlling level and motivate for
improving their health. Such type of activity mainly
focus on person behaviour towards large range of
environmental and social participation. In this report,
it analyse the impact on unborn child and discuss the
possible barriers within the healthcare. This will help
in examine the link between authority strategy and
model of health promotion.
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Plan health promotion campaign
Action may includes such visions and mission for
changing the world and successful promotion of health
campaign which can change the lives of large number
of people. The main objective and target is to promote
healthy campaign for creating awareness regarding
significant within common public health.

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In addition to this, advertiser can create plans and
strategies which includes:
Clear the vision- This is required for campaign, how
these factors look like, most important topic, what is its
needs and base of specific campaign and also must be
clear about all particular points with the help of
operational and management team.
Developing the idea- The innovative and creative team
or group members of health promotion campaign
should create and make an effective idea.
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How health promotion campaign for
supporting health promotion
Health promotional campaign is the one which act as
common base for promoting health strategies. The
major goals and objective of health promotional tactics
is to give priorities that is important for an individual
life structure. The feedback come from the common
public which assist in deciding the many other
strategies for promoting health services and facilities.
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From the above mentioned report it can be analysed
that Health promotion is that process of enabling
people for increasing controlling level and motivate
for improving their health. Along with this, the socio
economic factors that significantly impact on the
common people life. Government reports can
capable for providing various data or information
regarding qualification level, gender differentiation
and level of income which spread disease and
prevent from different harmful diseases.

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Lewis, S., 2015. Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing
among five approaches. Health promotion practice, 16(4), pp.473-
Eldredge, L.K.B., Markham, C.M., Ruiter, R.A., Kok, G. and Parcel,
G.S., 2016. Planning health promotion programs: an intervention
mapping approach. John Wiley & Sons.
Yanek, L.R., Becker, D.M., Moy, T.F., Gittelsohn, J. and Koffman, D.M.,
2016. Project Joy: faith based cardiovascular health promotion for
African American women. Public health reports.
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