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Health and Social Students Wellbeing While on Placement


Added on  2023/06/13

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This presentation provides tips for maintaining wellbeing during health and social placement. It covers the top five things to do during placement, ways to build professional relationships, resources to support mental health, and tips for managing difficult situations. The presentation also includes references to recent studies on nursing and clinical placements.

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Preparing for the self-assessment- It is important to clear my own role
in my mind and creating the confidence is the major part.
Make use of proper time- During placement the various opportunities
has been offered to learn new things. Thus, I will focus on managing the
time for completing the duties and task that has been assigned to me at
the time of my placement.
Discussion with the healthcare support worker- Discussion with the
healthcare support workers helps in understanding the environment.
Supportive relationship at workplace- I will keep a focus on
implementing the effective relationship at workplace. In healthcare,
along with treating the patient it is important to understand the client as
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Ways of building the professional relationship
Professional relationship refers to maintaining the relation at the
workplace. The professional relationship can be maintained in these ways:
Maintaining ethics, values and autonomy- In healthcare, the keen
focus has been made over the value, ethics and autonomy elements
Be patient- Patience is the key that takes towards efficiency.
Listening to the experts- In placement, medical experts analyse
different cases to the students so, the students can become aware about
the different types of cases comes in healthcare.
Interact with the mentor and staff- There are many difficulties that
arise in the placement that can affect the professionalism pattern.
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Resources in order to support the student mental health
and well- being
The negative experience and scenarios can really provide the
high impact over the mental health and well-being of the
students. Here are the major resources that supports the mental
health and well-being of the students.
Safe and supportive environment- It is important to create the
supportive and safe environment for the students in placement.
Medical experts provides them guidance about the handling of
the cases.
Counselling- The mentors of the students must focus on the
counselling of the students. Students face large number of
difficulties in placement as it is the initial stage from where the
starting of gaining experience has take place.

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Managing the difficult situations
In placement the difficulties arrives in front of the students and it can be managed in these ways:
Identification of the problem- The first step is to identify the problems that is arriving in the
placement whether it is related to the understanding of the patient of performing the use of
medical instrument.
Communicating with the appropriate person- Next step is to communicate the problem
with the accurate person. It can be communicable with the clinical educator, academic
advisor or the student support service.
Reflection over feedback- After communicating the problem with the appropriate person the
suggestion that has been given by them has to be taken inconsideration. So, the
improvement can be made and the difficulties can be solved.
Support from the accurate person- The support has to be taken from the supportive person
it can be mentor or the medical professionals. Their support helps in solving the issue.
Developing strategies- The strategies in order to solve the problems has to be developed.
Also, this has to make sure that such strategies.
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Avidan, A., Weissman, C. and Zisk-Rony, R.Y., 2021. Interest in technology among medical students
early in their clinical experience. International journal of medical informatics. 153. p.104512.
Bawadi and, 2019. Jordanian nursing student and instructor perceptions of the clinical learning
environment. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. 16(1).
Imms and, 2018. Simulated versus traditional occupational therapy placements: A randomised
controlled trial. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 65(6). pp.556-564.
McLeod and, 2021. Undergraduate nursing student and preceptors’ experiences of clinical
placement through an innovative clinical school supervision model. Nurse Education in Practice. 51.
Soler and, 2021. Nursing students' expectations of their first clinical placement: A qualitative
study. Nurse Education Today. 98. p.104736.
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