
Massage Therapy Journal Club


Added on  2022-12-26

13 Pages3769 Words3 Views
Running head: HEALTHCARE
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Massage Therapy Journal Club_1

Response 1: Massage Therapy Journal Club
The video discusses the impact of massage therapy on relieving muscle soreness. The
speaker makes use of the evidence base to compare and contrast the findings of different
research studies in order to evaluate that whether or not massage therapy could effectively help
in reducing muscle soreness. The speaker discussed about a research journal that mentions
massage alleviates delayed onset of muscle soreness aster a strenuous exercise workout. The
scientific article comprised of a systematic review and meta-analysis authored by a group of
Chinese authors Guo Li Gong ZuZuZu and Chen and was published in the year 2017. The
authors included a total of 11 research papers and a total of 504 participants that fulfilled the
eligibility criteria. The overall findings of the research stated that muscle soreness significantly
reduced when participants received the massage therapy. The results were compared to a group
of two participants, one that received the intervention and one that did not receive any
intervention. The massage therapy was found to improve the maximal isometric force and
reduced the serum creatine kinase level. The authors have addressed the research assuming that
muscle soreness occurs after 24 hours of intense exercise training and is known to achieve its
peak between 48 hours to 72 hours and is combines with muscle swelling that decreases
muscular performance. Massage therapy has been studied to increase skin and muscle
temperature and lymphatic flow and improves the parasympathetic activity. The speaker has
further mentioned that the use of psychotherapy along with massage therapy helps in improving
patient outcome and promotes relaxation among the patients. In addition to this, the speaker also
mentioned about a number of research evaluation techniques. I have thoroughly gained
experiencein relation to research evaluation and assessment. Further, I also learnt that muscle
soreness differs from one individual to another based on a number of factors such as age and
Massage Therapy Journal Club_2

fitness levels and that massage therapy in combination with psychological therapy can help in
improving cumulative patient outcome.
Response 2: Message Therapy Journal Club-“Haptically Linked Dyads”
This video discusses about a potential link between ‘massage therapy’ and neurological
processing and coordination. This research further stresses upon the fact that there is a strong
need to expand massage therapy research beyond the conventional research studies and evaluate
the fundamental nature of cooperation, touch, perception as well as processes that might occur
outside the body of an individual. The speaker critically discusses about how massage therapy
affects the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system by promoting a relaxation
response by virtue of decreasing muscle tension and decreasing the tonic muscle contractions.
The speaker discusses the research paper authored by Reed et al. (2006). The research study
deals with the evaluation of performance of the haptically linked dyads on the target acquisition
task and compared it to the performance level of the individuals when the same task was
performed on an individual basis. Conevntionally it should be expected that in the diad
condition, the subject would need to deal with the motion output of his own motor skills as well
as his partner’s motor skills and would therefore encounter more resistance. However,
surprisingly the cumulative results revealed that diads performed better than individuals
regardless of the higher proportion of the irrelevant forces that were exerted opposed to one
another. However, participants believed that their individual performance was better than when
their partners were included in the experiment. In addition to this, the video also talks about, a
potential link between massage therapy and hypnosis. In other words, the speaker talks about
how a hypnosis in combination with a massage could lead to an in-depth physical and mental
relaxation at the convenience of the client’s time and space. The speaker draws on the reference
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that the physical body and mind are interconnected and that hypnotic imagination could lead to
potential benefits which could lead to a building stronger muscle density as well as alter the
blood flow so as to promote relaxation within the body.
Response 3: Neuroplasticity: the science behind rewriting the brain
From the video lecture, an explanation about what Neuroplasticity is and how it is
impacting the treatment and diagnosis of brain disorder like dementia, Parkinson, and Alzheimer
disease. From the video lecture, it was believed that brain does not have the capacity to change
and do treatment of various brain disease has been noted. The key finding form the lecture
reflected that Brain plasticity or neuroplasticity showed that, Brain has the capacity to change
and adapt to the response. This means that brain has the competency to reorganise and rewire
itself with respect to the any kind of injury or disease or any experience. From the lecture, it was
noted that may cell die and there is loss of neuron in the memory centre of brain known as
hippocampus as seen in the Alzheimer disease. It was found that physical activity, social and
mental activity can stimulate neurogenesis and increase memory and improve the mood. Chronic
stress and theory of depression highlight that there is production of new brain cell. It was also
found from the lecture when a person do any powerlifting, brain works in smarter way and
plasticity is increased. As it is seen that if one arm is extended, other arm also get stimulated
which reflect that neuroplasticity is generated in the brain. In Parkinson disease, music therapy,
dance therapy help to maintain body balance which is attributed by the property of Brain
plasticity. Thus, summarizing the key finding, brain cell and neurons shows the property of
plasticity due to which in Alzheimer and other neurological disorder regain the capability of
speaking after disease or injury. Thus the research give a new insight and implication towards
maintaining healthy brain.
Massage Therapy Journal Club_4

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