
Healthcare Assignment: Addressing Healthcare Needs of John Smith


Added on  2023-04-25

9 Pages2349 Words319 ViewsType: 319
Disease and DisordersNutrition and WellnessHealthcare and Research
Running head: HEALTHCARE
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Healthcare Assignment: Addressing Healthcare Needs of John Smith_1

The assignment helps in developing an insight about the healthcare needs of a patient
named john Smith. Various care goals and interventions had been developed for him.
Stage of ego integrity versus despair:
The last stage of the psychosocial put forward by Erik Erikson is called the ego integrity
versus despair. This stage describes that when individuals get aged over 65 years, they start to
explore their lives as retired individuals and also their productivity tends to become low. They
begin contemplating their achievements and this helps them developing their integrity as they
acknowledge that they are leading successful lives (Westerhof et al., 2017). When the same
individual finds their lives to be unproductive, they start to feel that they have not been able to
achieve their goals and they feel guilty with their past. This often results in making them suffer
from anxiety and depression. Studies opine that success in this phase often makes them develop
the virtue of wisdom (Derdaele et al., 2017). In this stage, people are seen to look back at their
past lives with pleasure as well as completion and thereby they can happily accept death instead
of fearing it.
Mr. John Smith is found to be 70 year old man who is proceeding through this phase of
psychosocial development. He is a retired man now who lives alone in his three bedroom
apartment. When he looks back at his life, he feels guilty of not being able to provide time to his
children and his wife when they required him. His wife always longed for his presence but he
used to spend too much time at his work being consumed in his work. He wanted to earn more
money to make his family live happily as he had a impoverished childhood. While doing so, he
had failed to provide emotional support to his family. His wife expired after severe depression
Healthcare Assignment: Addressing Healthcare Needs of John Smith_2

and his children rarely come to visit him as they have no bonds with him. He feels that he had
been the main contributor to his wife’s death and remains filled with grief and depression.
Another cause of his depression is his poor health condition where he is suffering from co-
morbid disorders. He had a BMI of 34 and has been suffering from obesity. He used to lead a
sedentary life completely engrossed in his work and resided on take-away foods. He never used
to actively participate in the screening sessions when his organizations used to arrange for the
employees. His present condition of obesity and osteoarthritis are making him suffer immensely.
All these have added to his despair and he does not feel like living anymore.
Two nursing diagnosis as identified in the case:
Individuals who are found to be having a BMI of 30 and above suffer from obesity
(Wilensky, 2017). Mr. Smith has BMI of 34 and therefore obesity is one of the risk factor of his
poor health that needs to be managed. Studies opine that obesity is a risk factor resulting many
complications like kidney disorders, cancer, sleep apnea, cardiovascular disorders, hypertension
as well as osteoarthritis. The SPICE assessment showed that he is having difficulty in sleeping
and this might be because he is suffering from sleep apnea that occur in obese patients. He also
has restricted mobility mainly because of his pain in the joints and this might be because of his
unmanaged osteoarthritis. Nurses, therefore, need to handle this situation and thereby help him
overcome obesity.
Another of the nursing diagnosis identified is the severe depression that the patient is
going through. Coming at the end phase of his life, he had realized that he had been careless
towards his family and considers himself to be the sole reason of his wife’s death. This guilt and
grief had affected his mental stability and resulted him in developing depression. This had been
Healthcare Assignment: Addressing Healthcare Needs of John Smith_3

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