
Healthcare Organization Structures in Saudi Arabia.


Added on  2022-11-22

10 Pages1900 Words3 Views
Healthcare and Research
Healthcare Organization Structures in Saudi Arabia
Healthcare Organization Structures in Saudi Arabia._1

The exploration of Saudi Arabia health care would be conducted through exploring the five
health care organizations which has been contributing hugely to the department as a whole. The
acknowledgement of each of the organizations would be done through considering is ownership,
mission, staff, finances, and management perspectives.
Healthcare Organization Structures in Saudi Arabia._2

King aisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre
Ownership: The hospital was established in 1970, on a donated land by King Faisal Ibn
Abdulaziz Al Saud and came into operation in 1975. Initially, the hospital was operated and
controlled by Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), for the period of 1973 to 1985. Since the
Royal Decree which took place in 1985, the contract came to an end with HCA and the control
and responsibility went to the national team (Specialties & Centers, 2019).
Financing: The funding of the organization is done by the Government and all the management
and other operational executions are all done by them too.
Mission Statement: The mission statement of the organization is “King Faisal Specialist
Hospital & Research Centre provides the highest level of specialized healthcare in an integrated
educational and research setting.”
Areas of Treatment: The hospital provides services regionally, locally and internationally in the
medical treatments along with the research and developments and educational areas.
Advantages and Disadvantages to the structure: The management structure has been quite
lenient in its approach which requires to be improvised. This has reduced the quality of the
National Guard Health Affairs
Ownership: The current Chief Executive Officer of the organization is Bandar Al Knawy and
the organization is controlled by the government.
Financing: The finances of the organization are dependable on the government funding and the
finances are also received through the organizations’ profits.
Mission Statement: The mission statement of the concerned organization is “Ministry
of National Guard Health Affairs provides optimum healthcare to SANG personnel, their
dependants and other eligible patients (Ngha.med.sa, 2019). MNGHA also provides excellent
academic opportunities, conducts research and participates in industry and community service
programs in the health field.”
Healthcare Organization Structures in Saudi Arabia._3

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