
Importance of Healthy Diet in Pregnancy


Added on  2023-01-17

24 Pages8841 Words96 Views
Materials Science and EngineeringDisease and DisordersNutrition and WellnessHealthcare and ResearchPhilosophy
Healthy Diet In Pregnancy
Importance of Healthy Diet in Pregnancy_1

Table of Contents
Statement of Intention............................................................................................................4
Aims and objectives.........................................................................................................................4
Literature Review.............................................................................................................................5
The basic understating about pregnancy................................................................................5
The ways of maintaining appropriate health during pregnancy.............................................7
The importance of healthy diet in pregnancy.........................................................................8
Project plan......................................................................................................................................9
Gantt chart......................................................................................................................................12
Risk management...........................................................................................................................13
Opportunities for research..............................................................................................................14
Health management theories and models......................................................................................15
Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................20
Importance of Healthy Diet in Pregnancy_2

“To analyse the importance of healthy diet in pregnancy.”
The maintaining a healthy life throughout life it is necessary to maintain the healthy diet.
It especially necessary for pregnant women as in the pregnancy the women body requires higher
content of nutrition. In the pregnancy, the women needs both micronutrient and macro-nutrient
to increase the energy in the body. It is important to take a proper healthy life which also provide
the energy and nutrients to the growing baby's health. As the nutritional supplements also
provide the good qualities of nutrients (Malek and et. al., 2017). The nutrition is most important
require to intake especially during first 12 weeks of pregnancy. By maintaining the healthy diet it
can protect the women and baby from a health risks. It is important to take nutrition before and
during the pregnancy as the energy level decreases during the pregnancy.
The healthy diet is necessary because it can prevent from retard of foetal development at
the first stage of pregnancy. It is important as it can also develops the nutritional habits in the
foetus. The foetus adapts the environment which is adapting the environment by mother and the
foetus also adapt the metabolism. If the mother didn't take proper nutrition then it directly
impacts on the baby as the baby does not receive proper nutrients and which results the cause of
low birth weight. It is also change the metabolism and cause the conditions such as diabetes.
The healthy diet is necessary to protect the brain and other developing organs which
includes the kidneys, endocrine system. With the help of healthy nutrient and well-balanced diet
helps to decrease some symptoms such as constipation and nausea. These symptoms can also
occur in growing baby after the born of baby (Lee and et. al., 2016). The healthy nutrition can
promote the development in the baby that will build the immunity of baby and it protect it from
disease throughout the life.
By maintaining the healthy diet, the mother can reduce the weight easily. After the baby
born, the women can easily shed out the weight in order to maintain the healthy life after the
pregnancy. The healthy life also impacts on women life because of the diet which are intake
during the pregnancy. The diet during pregnancy should be nutritional as it can deposited lots of
fat in the body and can cause some other disease in women. The healthy diet can also prevent the
complications in pregnancy. The healthy diet in pregnancy also includes the proper ratio of
Importance of Healthy Diet in Pregnancy_3

intake of nutrients so it can't alter the nutrients. The healthy diet also responsible for
reconstruction the system in the body of the women.
The healthy diet includes the fruits, green vegetables, proteins and whole grains. The
diet should be prefer in low fat content. These healthy benefits should definitely adapt by the
mothers in order to take care of their baby and themselves (Venter and et. al., 2017). By
achieving this it can give both the mother and baby a healthy and better environment in life. It
helps them to stay in the disease free environment for a longer period of time.
Statement of Intention
In this project, it focuses on the healthy diet during pregnancy. It also focuses that what
type of nutrition are taken by women. In this assignment, the healthy diet and routine of pregnant
women will be discussed. The advantages of healthy nutrients will also discussed in this. As it is
important to discussed the healthy diet during pregnancy to achieve the proper healthy life for
both mother and baby. This is important to understand by the women that a healthy and proper
balanced diet how affect the women and baby internally.
The presence of nutrients in the environment and their importance to develop the health
benefits for both mother and child in womb. In order to bring healthy life, the women must
known the advantages and disadvantages of a healthy and balanced diet (Martin and et. al.,
2016). This assignment focuses on the diet plan which is adapt by the women during and before
the pregnancy to maintain the healthy life for both women and infant. To bring improvement and
a healthy life it is necessary to built the healthier diet to the mother so that the infant can also
achieve a healthy life even after the birth.
Aims and objectives
“To analyse the importance of healthy diet in pregnancy.”
Research objectives
To determine the basic understating about pregnancy.
To evaluate the ways of maintaining appropriate health during pregnancy.
To examine the importance of healthy diet in pregnancy.
Importance of Healthy Diet in Pregnancy_4

The healthy diet includes the benefit such as developing the immune system, free from
diseases which can effect at early stage of life. It also help in maintaining the healthy life through
out the life even after the birth. So it is necessary to maintain the healthy life in order to gain a
healthy life. There are lot of factors include to attain healthy life which includes intake of proper
a healthy life is not just enough to intake, it should be proper and balanced. The healthy diet
balance provides the positive outcomes at the time of delivery as it reduces the risk of low baby
weight, reduces the risk of infectious disease. With the healthy food, the immune system can
develop with in the body of baby which helps the baby to fight against the infectious agent after
the birth.
The healthy diet is basically means to take proper nutrients in a proper time and in a
optimum quality so that it can't alter the benefits of nutrients. It facilitate the growth of baby and
also prevent for mothers from various types of factors which may be challenging at the time of
delivery. The energy is most required at the time of pregnancy because of the changes in the
mother body as it support the the mother as well as the foetus (Sun and Zhao, 2016). The health
diet of a mother must includes all the essential micronutrient which includes folic acid, vitamins
A, D, E, B12, B6, C, zinc, copper and iodine. They required in low amount but are essential to in
take as they decreases the risk of low birth weight. The macro-nutrients are should be large in
amount as it provides the energy to the mother. This includes carbohydrates, fats and proteins. A
healthy diet is necessary to take by mothers as all nutrients are not present in the form of
supplements, they are necessary to take by the foods. The ratio of macro-nutrient for pregnant
women can vary because of the nutritional content present in them.
Literature Review
The basic understating about pregnancy
The pregnancy refers to the gestation period which occur when a sperm is fertilizes with
an egg and it released in the ovary which forms an embryo. Later on, the embryo develops and it
form the infant and after some months it develop into a child. On an average, the pregnancy last
for 40 weeks. According to the views given by Pomer and et. al. (2018), there are some early
symptoms of pregnancy which includes the missing period, bloating, constipation, vomiting,
swollen breasts, etc. It also includes the foetal development in which the growth of infant occur.
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There are basically three trimesters occur in pregnancy which vary according to the symptoms in
women like hormonal changes which lead to other symptoms. In the first trimester, the body of a
pregnant women undergo many changes such as hormonal changes. These changes can appear
many symptoms like upset stomach with or without morning sickness, mood swings, headache,
gain or loss in weight, extreme tiredness. In the second trimester, most women suffers symptoms
like fatigue & nausea and the abdomen will also start expanding as the baby development occur.
Some other symptoms also appear during this trimester are body aches, dark skin patches, mask
of pregnancy also occur, swelling of face, fingers and ankles. For some women this stage is
found to be easier than other women.
The last third trimesters, the symptoms of second trimester continue in this trimester.
Some women found difficulty in breathing and other problems. As mentioned by Meinila J. and
et. al. (2019), the symptoms of trimesters occur due to the growth of baby as the baby
pressurizing the organs of mother. The others symptoms occur in this trimester are shortness of
breath, sleeping trouble, heartburn, moving of baby in the lower abdomen of mother. The
contractions may also occur in third trimesters which is a sign of real or false labour. Some
vaccines are given before the pregnancy such as mumps, rubella, measles to prevent from
disease. The dose of TDAP (Tetanus toxoid, reduced diptheria toxoid and acellular pertussis)
vaccine is given at the time of pregnancy and it prevent the baby from whopping cough. At the
time of pregnancy, the mother needs to be careful about her health as if the mother get ill it will
impact on her child. The pregnant women should also considered the pros and cons of medicines
as most of the medicine are not suitable at the time of pregnancy. The prenatal vitamins are safe
to take at the time of pregnancy as they are prescribe from health care.
There are lots of factors which affect during the pregnancy which includes proper healthy
and balanced diet, regular exercises, medication, etc. As per views of Baskin R., Hill B. and
Jacka F. N. (2019), the energy level is higher increase during the pregnancy as the developing
infant also need the energy to develop. The are lots of micronutrients are occur which are
necessary for women to intake as the pregnancy period is important for both mother and child in
womb. The main micronutrient which are to be taken by a mother such as vitamins which
includes folic acid, calcium ad iron. The proper intake of these nutrients are should be taken as
they are responsible for development and healthy life of infant. It also facilitate the changes in
women from which the women can gain a healthy life even after the birth of a child.
Importance of Healthy Diet in Pregnancy_6

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