
Causes and Proactive Measures for High Absenteeism in Organizations


Added on  2023-06-18

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Causes and Proactive Measures for High Absenteeism in Organizations_1

Table of Contents
Some Companies have extremely high level of absence. a) causes of this? b) proactive measures
to manage this..................................................................................................................................3
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
TASK ..............................................................................................................................................3
Organisational issues...................................................................................................................3
Causes of issues...........................................................................................................................4
Proactive Measures.....................................................................................................................5
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................6
Three process Motivational theory and their role in an organisation..............................................6
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................6
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................7
Vroom Expectancy Theory.........................................................................................................7
Adam's Equity Theory ................................................................................................................8
Locke's Goal Setting Theory.......................................................................................................9
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................10
Books and Journals:..................................................................................................................11
Causes and Proactive Measures for High Absenteeism in Organizations_2

Some Companies have extremely high level of absence. a) causes of this? b)
proactive measures to manage this
Business environment gets very complex and competitive and that's why it is necessary
for an organisation that they should recruit employees who are able to overcome with the
difficulties. But day by day organisations are facing problem of increasing in employees'
turnover ratio and absenteeism (Grigore, 2020). That means in many organisations absence is
increasing. This report will find out the causes and solutions of absenteeism.
Organisational issues
Day by day organisation issues are increasing in the business environment, it is found
that it becomes necessary for an organisation that they should analyse the market conditions. It
helps organisation to find out the issues which gives a negative impact on organisational growth
and success. One of the important issue that currently face by organisation is extreme level of
absence. Employees take leave for their personal work which is very normal and that's why
organisations provide leaves such as paid leaves, casual leaves, sick leaves, etc. But if
organisations found that their employees takes too much leaves then it becomes a problem for
organisation. This is necessary for a company that they should identify the purpose and
objectives of leaves. Due to extreme level of absences, organisations face many problems and
negative impacts on the growth and success of company. They are not able to achieve their goals
and objectives as their most valuable assets are not providing that much output which needs to
proved. That's why it becomes an issue for organisation. Due to this, there are many
organisations such as TESCO which consider absenteeism is an important issues that should be
resolve in the business practices. Employees are the most important resource for organisation as
they contribute in company for achieving their goals and objectives. Without human resource it
is not possible for an organisation that they can achieve their desired results. This issues becomes
very common in now these days (Turner, 2020). This is necessary for a company that they
should find all the important ways so that they can overcome with this issues. But before that
Causes and Proactive Measures for High Absenteeism in Organizations_3

they need to ensures that human resources should be their valuable assets for the company.
TESCO is one of the organisations which believes that their success and growth are mainly
depend on their employees.
Causes of issues
Absenteeism is becoming the most common and important issue which need to be resolve
by organisation if the want to stay competitive and run their business in the market. For that
purpose, TESCO needs to identifying the causes that why employees are taking too much leaves
and their interest levels getting low in the organisation. There are some reasons that identified by
TESCO which are mentioned below:
It is identified in many workplaces that employees get bullied and that's why the
absenteeism is increasing. This is necessary for an organisation that they should identify the
reason of absenteeism and bullying becomes one of the important reason. This issues arise due to
negligence that faced by employees in the organisation. Sometimes team leaders and managers
are not understanding the problems of people and due to this employees are unable to cope up
with this situation.
Low Workplace Morale
This is also one of the important reasons in which an organisation needs to ficus on
employees' morale (Dwomoh, and Moses, 2020). Day by day the workload and competition are
increasing and this gives a negative impact on organisation's employees. Due to this, employees'
morale get lows as they feel that they have no use in organisation. They are feeling bad that what
they are for organisations. This arises due to the insecurity which gets from organisation culture
and environment. It can be come from the superiority due to high politics in organisation.
Workload for employees is increasing everyday which provides a severe impact on
employees as they are getting influence towards taking leaves. They believe that organisation
gives only stress to them and taking leave gives relaxation to them. Due to this, sometimes
employees get motivated towards switching jobs as their career and mind set get stuck.
Better opportunities
In today's business environment, every organisation is in competition and that's why
companies give better opportunities to those people who posses many employability skills.
Causes and Proactive Measures for High Absenteeism in Organizations_4

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