
Role of Management Structure in Holistic Therapy Industry


Added on  2023-01-10

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Title of project: Holistic Therapy industry: Role of
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Management structure in achievement of
company’s growth.
(should be the same as on participant-facing documentation)
Proposed start date:
Purpose of the proposed investigation (max 400 words):
This section should include the material which outlines the rationale for the project, i.e. why this study needs
to be done. This should be done in a way that is both accessible and scholarly, i.e. have proper cited sources.
Holistic Therapy industry is associated with a form of medicine of healing the whole person which in
includes body, mind, spirit and emotions of individuals in a quest of optimal health and wellness
(Harris and Crawford, 2020). Thus, Holistic Therapy industry, is the one where doctors makes use
of conventional medication to forms heath which also consists of use of alternative therapies to treat
and well care patient.
The main purpose of current investigation consists of leading better evaluation of importance of
management structure for a clinic along with determination of main contribution of management
structure in the success and growth of any clinic. Further, the selection of current research topic is
rationale as it ensures better evaluation of possible types of management structure along with their
potential benefits and challenges. Apart from this, current investigation is viable and rationale and it
lead to identification of best management structure for a clinic so that a better and higher level of
growth and success can be achieved by these clinic. Beside this, the current research topic also meets
the personal interest and academic perceptive and view point of investigator and other scholar thus,
rational and justifiable for leading improvement knowledge regarding the concept of Holistic
Therapy. Thus, main purpose of conducting current in investigation includes evaluation and gaining
of better information and knowledge along with a practical experience of leading a research to
ensure better skills development and enhanced competencies.
Beside this, as per the view point of Amanda Lautieri, 2020, it has been evaluated that holistic
therapy is basically a form of treatment that emphasis on recovery of a patient in comprehensive way
during treatment of complex conditions like addiction, depression and other forms of anxiety. Thus,
selection of current research project and topic is rationale as it leads to evaluation of variety
approaches and management structure that focuses on well care of both mind and body of an
individual’s (Frankish and Sinason, 2018).
Further, according to the Henrich, K., 2020, the management structure of a clinic or hospital plays a
vital role in its success and growth thus, evaluation of these efficient management structure which
comprises of Flat organisational structure, Tall organisational structure, Functional organisational
structure, Matrix organisational structure and Divisional organisational structure is a main purpose
for leading out current investigation (Søren Ventegodt, 2019). Beside this, determination of most
appropriate way which is viable to develop and maintain a suitable organisational structure for its
better growth and success is also one of the main purpose of leading out current investigation.
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Books and journal
Henrich, K., 2020. Supporting Student Wellbeing and Holistic Success: A Public Services Approach.
International Information & Library Review, pp.1-9.
Frankish, P. and Sinason, V. eds., 2018. Holistic therapy for people with Dissociative Identity
Disorder. Routledge.
Harris, J. and Crawford, L., 2020. Exploring the Integration of Technology in a Holistic Special
Educational Setting. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, pp.1-
Søren Ventegodt, M.D., 2019. A comparative analysis of the environmental consequences of the
world's different types of medicine: Consciousness-based holistic medicine versus
pharmaceutical medicine. Journal of Alternative Medicine Research. 11(1). pp.67-78.
Amanda Lautieri. 2020. Holistic Therapy and Alternative Medicine Techniques. [Online]. Available
Through: < https://www.greenhousetreatment.com/therapy/holistic-therapy/>
Outline of the project:
This section should include the details of the research methods i.e. what will be done and how. Please start
by giving a brief summary (one paragraph) including how many participants there are likely to be, where the
research will take place and an indication of how long participation will take for each section (interviews,
questionnaires etc.) and in total.
For current investigation on London Clinic use of following research method and approach is made
for better accomplishment of desired objectives and set target:
Research philosophy- From four main categories of research philosophy, which comprises
Posistivitism, Interpretivism, realism and pragmatism. Use of interpretivism is based on analysis and
evaluation of theoretical data where as implication of positivism is related with numeric set of data.
Thus, the use of pragmatism form of philosophy, is most appropriate is provided better evaluation
and analysis of set objectives through leading better support for quantitative data. The justification
behind the selection of positivism philosophy over interpretivism comprises of the fact the
interpretivism is based in theoretical data where as the nature of current investigation is more relied
in numeric terms and frequencies thus, use of positivism form of philosophy is more suitable and
Research approach- This section of methodology is basically divided into two forms which area
deductive and inductive out of which one form is adopted by researcher based on nature of study.
The unitisation of inductive approach of research is seemed suitable and appropriate with qualitative
nature of research where as deductive is opted for numeric and quantifiable set of investigation.
Therefore, out of deductive and inductive type of approach the use of deductive approach is more
suitable and viable for current investigation to lead better testing and scanning of numeric form of
data that is collected for current study. Thus, selection of deductive approach is justifiable and
suitable for current investigation on London Clinic as meet the nature of current study and ensures a
more observant and measurable form of results through easy and simple analysis and evaluation of
collected data.
Research strategy- With respect to current research project use of survey strategy is most viable as it
ensures collection of reliable and abundant information trough making use of questionnaire.
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Adoption of survey strategy is justifiable as it ensures more easy and simplified collection of
abundant data from larger section of respondents with the help of making use of questionnaire as
instrument of research.
Choices of method- There are three common form of research method which comprise of
qualitative, quantitative and mixed method. From these methods use of both qualitative and
quantitative form of method is made as qualitative method provides more theoretical information
from secondary sources where as quantitative is used for collection of primary data with the help of a
questionnaire in numeric terms, which leads better presentation, and communication of research
findings. Thus, a justification can be made that use of qualitative data requires more time and is a
complex form of research method which comprises of analysis and evaluation of theoretical data
where as quantitative method of research is more suitable as it ensures collection of data in terms of
numeric facts that is more easy to collect and present in relatively shorter span of time.
Data collection and analysis - Basically there are two common form of sources of data collection
which comprises of primary and secondary sources. With respect to current investigation both
primary as well as secondary sources of data collection are used as it ensures and provides better
accomplishment of current investigation. Primary sources are viable for collection of first hand data
where as secondary source is needed to provide a base and framework for current research project
through ensuring support from the old findings and literature work. For analysis of qualitative form
of data use of Thematic analysis is justifiable as it applied by a researcher in order to a set of texts
collected with the help of interview transcripts. Under thematic analysis the researcher closely
examines the collected data in order to identify and determine the common themes associated with
the topics and ideas to form acommon pattern and result. Analysis of quantitative form of data would
be made through making use of pie charts, statistical graphs and frequency table as it ensures better
presentation and communication of collected data.
Sampling method- This section of research project is basically associated with selection and
adoption of participants for an investigation from which the primary set of data is collected. For
current investigation, a sample size of 50 respondents is selected from the total population of
stakeholders of London clinic with the help of random sampling technique. The selected respondents
are mainly chosen from the employees of London Clinic, as they are one who have maximum level
of information about the management and operation of an organisation.
Use of following below stated questionnaire is made by investigator for the purpose of data
collection for current study:
Q 1) Do you have any understanding regarding management
a) Yes
b) No
Q 2) As per your opinion, what is the significance of having an
effective management structure for London Clinic?
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