
Strategies to Control Hospital Acquired Infections: Best Evidence Research


Added on  2023-06-05

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Strategies to Control Hospital Acquired Infections: Best Evidence Research_1

Assessment 3
Hospital acquired infection or HAIs are one of the major concerns of healthcare
facilities around the world as the data of World Health organization revealed
that more than 10 million people are affected due to HAIs around the world
(Pincock et al., 2012). More than 150,000 reports are registered in Australia
every year within which thousands have to lose their life (Fuller et al., 2012).
Despite living in the 21st century and modern healthcare science technologies,
worldwide presence of hospital acquired infections are the primary reason I am
interested in this aspect of infection and its control (lander4s et al., 2012).
Therefore, I am interested in identifying strategies using which healthcare
facilities can control this phenomenon. The primary aim of this assignment is to
provide details of three best evidences about hospital acquired infection and
validating the research findings collected from those articles.
Best Evidence
Best Practice Level of
In-text Citation in
Effectiveness of a
comprehensive hand
hygiene program for
reduction of infection
rates in a long-term
care facility
4 Cross
Schweon, Edmonds,
Kirk, Rowland and
Acosta (2013).
Promoting and
sustaining a hospital-
wide, multifaceted
hand hygiene
program resulted in
significant reduction
3 Uncontrolled
Al-Tawfiq, Abed, Al-
Yami and Birrer
Strategies to Control Hospital Acquired Infections: Best Evidence Research_2

in health care-
associated infections
Do hospital visitors
wash their hands?
Assessing the use of
alcohol-based hand
sanitizer in a hospital
5 Observational
Birnbach et al. (2012)
Annotated Bibliography
Schweon, S. J., Edmonds, S. L., Kirk, J., Rowland, D. Y., & Acosta, C.
(2013). Effectiveness of a comprehensive hand hygiene program for
reduction of infection rates in a long-term care facility. American journal
of infection control, 41(1), 39-44. Doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2012.02.010
The primary aim of the study was to identify the hand hygiene strategies used
in long-term care facilities as researchers are primarily focused about hand
hygiene acute health care facilities and very less studies are variable on long-
term care facilities. From may 2009 to 2011, all the infection and hospitalization
data were collected from a 174 bed long-term care facility where hand hygiene
and healthcare hygiene educations were provided and it was found that rate of
infection decreased d from 0.97 to 0.53 infections per 1,000 resident days. As
well as 54%, compliance rates were observed within that time-period which
indicated 100% compliance has the ability can reduce infection rates to a
considerate level. Therefore, the research article was able to prove the
statement that in long-term as well as acute healthcare facility, hand hygiene
technique has the ability to reduce the rates of infection to a specific level.
Al-Tawfiq, J. A., Abed, M. S., Al-Yami, N., & Birrer, R. B. (2013). Promoting
and sustaining a hospital-wide, multifaceted hand hygiene program
resulted in significant reduction in health care-associated infections.
American journal of infection control, 41(6), 482-486. Doi:
This paper discusses about the hand hygiene and its widespread usage among
healthcare professionals, which is found to be very low and not followed by the
healthcare professionals. Therefore, the objective of this assignment was to
find out the compliance of hand hygiene overtime and provide the rate of
device associated infection so that compliance level could be assessed.
Researchers conducted a descriptive time series related study from October
2006 to December 2011 in a healthcare facility with 350-bed in Saudi Arabia.
They used the multimodal program for the promotion of hand hygiene activities
Strategies to Control Hospital Acquired Infections: Best Evidence Research_3

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