
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour and Insight: Assignment


Added on  2021-02-20

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Leadership Management
Hospitality ConsumerBehaviour and Insight
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour and Insight: Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3LO1. FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE HOSPITALITY CONSUMER BEHAVIOR ANDATTITUDE.................................................................................................................................3P1. Different factors which are influencing consumer behavior and attitude.............................3P2. Consumer trends are changing due to the impact digital technology...................................4LO2. The ability to map a path to purchase in hospitality context, including decision-makingprocess.........................................................................................................................................5P3. Stages of consumer decision-making....................................................................................5P4 Importance for marketers to map a path to purchase and understand consumer decisionmaking in hospitality service......................................................................................................5LO3 Appropriate form of research to understand influences on the hospitality consumerdecision- making process............................................................................................................6P5 Decision making difference of hospitality company when dealing B2B and other is whendealing B2C.................................................................................................................................6P6 Different approaches to market research and method for research for understanding thedecision making process.............................................................................................................7LO4. Marketers influence different stages of the hospitality consumer decision makingprocess.........................................................................................................................................8P7 Marketers part in influencing different stages of hospitality decision making process.........8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour and Insight: Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONThis report is for understanding the factors that influence hospitality consumer behaviour andattitudes, in this report there is also discussion about how to understand customer decision-making and how marketers influence customer decision making stages and the whole discussionwhich is explained in report is on Bicester Village Hotel of UK which provide hospitalityservice. That how company use Black Box model to understand customers decision making likeusing primary research and secondary research.MAIN BODYLO1. FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE HOSPITALITY CONSUMER BEHAVIOR ANDATTITUDE.P1. Different factors which are influencing consumer behaviour and attitude.Social Factor – Social factors creates great influence on hospitality industry, as there arevariety of customer who visits Bicester Village Hotel in UK and every individual orcouple who visits hotel is of different mind set and this all customer together creates asociety so if they are happy with the hospitality of hotel then they will like your hotel andwill visit hotel again but if they don't like then they will prefer other hotel. As there aremany things which comes under hospitality like providing proper service to customer,giving them all the facilities which they think they will get, and that's why social factorbring great influence in hospitality behavior and attitude.Cultural Factor – Culture is like tradition in which different people are living like in UK,India, Japan, each country is having different culture and this culture gives a great impacton people minds as they are addicted to the culture in which they live, so this culture alsoinfluences hospitality factor as Bicester Village Hotel in UK used culture factor veryeffectively by giving all types of customer a cultural feel of their own country. Whenevera tourist visits another country, they feel unsafe that they will get proper food or not,good behavior from the people out their either from hotel staff or from other local peopleand after that if they get touch of their country then they get impressed with hospitality ofhotel, and Bicester has all quality of proving best facility to their customer.(Min andJeong., 2019)Psychological Factor – It is that factor which create judgments either facilities which areprovided to them is good or not. Like if a couple had visited hotel Bicester Village Hotel
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour and Insight: Assignment_3

and the couple which is from other country comes with a mind set that UK people arenot so sweet which is their psychological mind set and this mind set affects hospitalityfactor as they come with negative mind set but as psychology can be change if they gotso much greet from hotel then their mind set will become positive and this thing willinfluence hospitality of consumer's behavior and attitude positively.(Moutinho andVargas-Sanchez., 2018)Personal Factor – This factor is related with individual perception or can be said asaccording to individual thinking like many of customers visits Bicester Village Hotel andthe staff of hotel treat all customer equally but the thing is that either all individual isliking Bicester service or not, so to make each and every individual happy Bicester staffhas to change their behavior according to customers behavior.P2. Consumer trends are changing due to the impact digital technology.Customer trends are so much influenced by digital technology as digital world had changedwhole dimension of world as digital technology had came with lot of things in it like now anyindividual can book any hotel, film tickets, cab, or can pay bill digitally and this digitaltechnology is one of the most trending thing in today's world as like Customer who want to bookhotel in UK named Bicester Village Hotel UK and if customer was living in 90's then he wouldnot able to book hotel digitally, at that time when customer reach UK after that he will find hotelby asking people about hotel that which is best hotel and after that he had stop a tax and after thattaxi will drop him according to the hotel name given to the taxi driver, but after entry of digitaltechnology customer trend is highly changed like if now they have to book Bicester VillageHotel in UK then they can booked everything through their phone like taxi, hotel, or any otherbooking which is available digitally.(Yüksel., 2017) The most positive things which customerhas get through digital market is that they can go through different hotels, different shoppingapps and different products according rates, quality, brand etc. So consumer now days do alltheir work digitally and technology had provided very good result in term of money forconsumer like they do not need now to go here and their for so many purpose like for payingbills, for mobile recharge and many more important work.
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour and Insight: Assignment_4

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