
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour Insight


Added on  2023-01-05

12 Pages3720 Words36 Views
Hospitality Consumer
Behaviour Insight
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour Insight_1

TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
P1 Assess different cultural, social, personal and psychological factors which impacts the
behaviour of purchaser................................................................................................................3
P2 Change in trends of consumer due to use of digital technology.............................................5
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6
P3 Analyses of the levels for customer decision making process and also mapping of a path for
this hospitality service.................................................................................................................6
P4 Significance for a marketer to map out the customer decision making path as well as
understanding of decision making procedure..............................................................................7
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8
P5 Difference between B2B and B2C with the context of decision making process..................8
P6 Analysis of various methods & approaches for performing market research........................9
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10
P7 Marketers impacting different levels of decision making procedure in relation of hospitality
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour Insight_2

Consumer behaviour is considered as a process of analysing behaviour of an individual
person regarding their needs and wants at market place. The organisation focuses on providing
product and services as per their need in order to satisfy them. In other words, consumer
behaviour is determined as a study of behaviour of an individual person in order to take decision
of selecting, purchasing goods for satisfying need and want of its user for achieving goal in
timely manner. This report is carried upon company named as Grosvenor hotel. It is well known
hotel which is located in UK and provide superior quality services to its user. There are around
24 rooms as well as 24 suites and overall 8 floors and they are famous for providing comfort to
its customer in addition with prudent compensation (Bharwani and Mathews, 2016).
P1 Assess different cultural, social, personal and psychological factors which impacts the
behaviour of purchaser
Herein, there is an investigation regarding purchasing behaviour of customer during
particular phase of time period. In context of Grosvenor, the company focuses on investment of
large amount of efforts and contribution on understanding behaviour of its client and their loyalty
towards company. There are various factors through which consumer purchasing behaviour is
analysed that are going to be mentioned below:
Social factor include education level, lifestyle and wealth of an individual person during
particular phase of time period. There are different social factor that is going to be mentioned
Reference gathering this kind of gathering is connected with tremendous intensity and
choice of its user that help in achieving positive outcome in future period of time.
Family is considered as a most important thing which is attempted by individual person.
Quality as well as conviction is considered as consequences of family because there is a blood
connection between them. So, it has been analysed that purchasing decision is based on family
that imposes direct impact on organisation.
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour Insight_3

Jobs and status: The job and status is characterised as a section through which
personality related to culture is verified. In addition to this, these element imposes direct impact
on behaviour of consumer and useful in achieving favourable outcome in future period of time
(Björk and Kauppinen-Räisänen, 2016).
Individual factor there are various factors which is related to individual person and these
factors impose direct impact on behaviour of consumer. The individual factor that is connected
with different perspective which is going to be mentioned below:
Age and life cycle stages it is considered as a stage in which the behaviour of individual
person is determined according to their age. According to changing need and requirement related
to behaviour of individual person and the organisation focuses on satisfying their need in order to
increase brand image and reputation of company in front of customer at marketplace.
Occupation is considered as functions of business organisation which is performed by
individual person. In respect of behaviour of consumer, the occupation is considered as a
fundamental function as they provide money that is connected to monetary strength because it
influences buying process.
Social group this social group are linked with virtue, conviction, custom as well as
various imperatives. Culture is considered as a noteworthy function that affects the behaviour of
consumer in an appropriate manner.
Subculture it is considered as a gathering of value, convention that is connected with one
another. By using comparative culture, there are various preferences which are maintained in
order to provide intensity to changing behaviour of its user during particular phase of time
Social class is connected to different consumer have various characteristics because of
which they behave in a different manner (Bruwer and Rueger-Muck, 2019).
Psychological elements respectively are connected or related with the presence of
insightful capacity of individual person. Therefore, it is necessary to understand this kind of
element that is connected to various variables that is going to be mentioned below:
Inspiration motivation is determined as an important angle that is needed by individual
person in order to satisfy their need and want. In context of chosen hotel, their focus is on using
propel and various specific apparatus that help in achieving favourable outcome in future period
of time and satisfying their needs.
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour Insight_4

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