
Hospitality Digital Marketing Plan


Added on  2023-01-16

14 Pages3699 Words86 Views
Hospitality digital
marketing Plan
Hospitality Digital Marketing Plan_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
P1 Evaluate the different types of marketing channels and how they serve communication
objectives with organisational context .......................................................................................3
TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................4
P2 Design communication objectives for the organisational situation ......................................4
P3 Provide justifications for the selection and integration of communications..........................8
TASK 3 ...........................................................................................................................................8
P4 Create a marketing communication plan which effectively meets communication
objectives for a given organisational context .............................................................................8
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11
P5 Determine and evaluate the measurement techniques and performance metrics in digital
marketing ..................................................................................................................................11
P6 Present a set of actions to improve performance in digital marketing ...............................12
Hospitality Digital Marketing Plan_2

Digital media is playing a very major role in increasing everyday communication with
the target customers for various organisation. with use if technology there has been social media
use increasing at a very fast rate. The present report is based on understanding of challenges and
effect of social media application on hospitality sector. In the present report there is a detailed
assessment of Hilton Hotels and comparative study is made of digital presence of this hotel.
There is a development plan which is prepared for supporting initiatives taken for digital
marketing activities of a organisation. There are various key process have been discussed having
relation with digital marketing activities.
P1 Evaluate the different types of marketing channels and how they serve communication
objectives with organisational context
Marketing channels are used for making products and services from the manufacturer for
making them available to consumers. There are various activities for transferring goods from
manufacturer to customer (Buchanan, Kelly, and Yeatman, 2017). Products and goods are
managed and marketed in such a way that the distribution of goods are organised perfectly.
There are different ways of marketing channels that are used by manufacturers of the company
are mentioned below -
Direct selling - This is known as the oldest way of marketing channel. A manufacturer
is an individual who sells goods and products and sell them directly to consumers from any retail
store. There is no intermediator between customer and the manufacturer. In the present scenario,
direct selling has also changed (Online Distribution Strategy, 2020). The new model of direct
selling includes one on one demonstrations, personal contact arguments, party plan, internet
sales, etc. the direct selling method is further divided into following sub categories -
Manufacturer to the customer - This is a way of selling products in which consumers
but products and goods directly from manufacturers. There are no additional costs of
intermediators within this kind of marketing channel. This is generally used by the local
business operators.
Networking - There are different networking organisations which do their business on
the basis of direct selling. According to this type of marketing channel, products and goods of the
Hospitality Digital Marketing Plan_3

company are sold face to face. A salesperson provides provides demonstration of product
features and facts to customers.
Online selling – This is modern type of direct selling. In this kind of marketing channel,
technology plays an important role. Products of company are sold online through websites,
internet or on mobile. There are basically two ways of selling goods online – using e-commerce
websites and selling goods on own website.
Franchising - There are companies that sell their franchise to retailers. According to this
type of marketing channels, manufactures are having full control of the store. The owner of shop
has to work under owner of the company. Any individual if he is starting any franchisee, there
are various advantages such as there is no need for advertising and marketing the brand.
Company markets brand effectively at national as well as international level.
The marketing channel used by Hilton is online distribution strategy. The Hilton
corporation has started electronic and online distribution strategy for incorporating various
components like price integrity, third party online merchants, brand websites enhancements, etc.
According to this strategy, brand standards of the company need each and every hotel to offer
consistent rate across different distribution channels such as Hilton reservations worldwide call
centres, Hilton family proprietary websites, etc.
P2 Design communication objectives for the organisational situation
Social media is needed for advertising and marketing products and services of the
company for attracting lot of customers in less time. This is an effective platform where
companies can share an promote the facilities or services they provide to the customers
(Chaffey, and Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). Social media is used by customers to provide their
feedbacks and opinions about service. There are plans within marketing system which are
strategic in nature. For analysing a good marketing plan a model is used which is PASTA model.
This is defined as a roadmap for solving operational marketing and communication issues. Hilton
can use this model for adopting digital marketing. The different types of plan are mentioned
below -
Hospitality Digital Marketing Plan_4

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