
Hospitality Marketing Essentials Assignment


Added on  2020-12-18

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Marketing Essentials inHospitality
Hospitality Marketing Essentials Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LO 1 ................................................................................................................................................1Role of marketing and its interrelation with other functional units............................................1LO 2.................................................................................................................................................2Elements of the marketing mix...................................................................................................2LO 3 ................................................................................................................................................4Basic marketing plan to meet marketing objectives...................................................................4CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
Hospitality Marketing Essentials Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONMarketing refers to a set of activities which comprises of activities like creating,communicating, delivering and exchange of the goods and the services provided by a companyand offer value to their clients, customers, society and partners and all the entities engaged withthe business. Marriott International is an American multinational diversified hospitalityorganisation founded by John Willard Marriott in 1927. this chain of hotel manages andfranchises a large portfolio of the hotels and related lodging facilities. It is the largest hotel chainin the world comprising of more than 6500 properties in 127 countries and around the worldover 1.2 million rooms. The report will outline the role of the marketing function and its relationwith the other department of the hospitality organisation. Further the report will highlight theelements of the marketing mix. At last the report will suggest a marketing plan to meet themarketing objectives of the organisations.LO 1 Role of marketing and its interrelation with other functional unitsMarketing refers to a management process which is responsible for identifying,anticipating the needs and desires of the customers and then satisfying those needs by deliveringthe products and the services to satisfy the needs of the consumer and with that the companyalso earns the profits. The role of this function is to perform market research, making marketplan, market development, market penetration etc. and also involves looking out for advertising,pricing, promotion, distribution of sales etc. It is very important function in any type of theorganisation (Piñeiro-Otero and Martínez-Rolán, 2016). It is also interrelated with otherfunctional departments also. Its relation with other departments are as follows-Marketing with operations and production- marketing needs to closely work with theproduction department to ensure that the product manufactured is according to the quality,specification and the requirement of the consumers. The marketing department sets the deadlineof the production department. Marketing with the finance department- there is a major relation between these twodepartments. The finance is a department which provides money to each and every part of theorganisation. Whereas marketing is the most expensive department because this involves1
Hospitality Marketing Essentials Assignment_3

promoting the product which involves huge money flow. For this requirement of money to befulfilled the marketing department has to rely upon the finance department only. Marketing with the human resource department- every department needs manpower to carryon the work of the organisation. All this manpower is recruited by the human resourcedepartment. The marketing department also conveys the requirement of it to the human resourcedepartment which then works according to the needs of the marketing department. They findsand recruit those employees who are possessing the specification and skills required by themarketing department (Uhl and Gollenia, 2016).LO 2Elements of the marketing mixMarketing mix refers to a set of the controllable marketing tactics and marketing tools.The elements or the components of the marketing mix are product, price, place, promotion,physical evidence, people and the process. The people of marketing department uses thesecomponents and blends all the components to produce what the target market requires andwants. For understanding the concept of marketing mix in detail let us take an example of acake mix. All the cakes are made with help of the same ingredients but then also all the cake arenot of same size and shape, it is because of the quantity used of the ingredients. In the same wayall the companies also uses the same marketing mix but the quantum used is different andbecause of this all the products are different from each another. That is the reason behind thesignificance of the of the marketing mix because the success of any product depends upon theperfect blend in the elements of the marketing mix. The marketing mix of the Marriott hotelchain is discussed in the following points:Product- the first and foremost component of the marketing mix is the product. Product isdefined as any goods or the services which are created and offered in the market to attract thecustomers and the target markets to satisfy the wants, desire and the needs of the customers. Marriott 's success is totally dependent upon the ability of the organisation that how wellthe organisation satisfies the needs and the wants of the consumers. According to a the customerratings they have given 4.3 out of 5.0 ratings because the customers are more satisfied with theproducts and the services provided by the Marriott. Also through a survey it has been noted that2
Hospitality Marketing Essentials Assignment_4

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