
Hospitality Operations: Types of Food Production System, Food and Beverage Service Methods, Menu Engineering Matrix


Added on  2023-01-06

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Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Operations: Types of Food Production System, Food and Beverage Service Methods, Menu Engineering Matrix_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY ..................................................................................................................................1
Critically analyse various types of food production system.......................................................1
Demonstrate the understanding about the various types of food and beverage service methods
Analyse Menu Engineering Matrix to improve restaurant profitability......................................4
Critically analyse sustainable menu planning consideration to be competitive in market..........6
Hospitality Operations: Types of Food Production System, Food and Beverage Service Methods, Menu Engineering Matrix_2

Hospitality is the factor tends to undertake various practices including entertainment of
guests, visitors, strangers, membership club and other prominent functions. Moreover, the
hospitality operations tends to offer different types of commodities and facilities to their visitors
and guests (Filimonau and Delysia, 2019). This industry also tends to undertake various sectors
in it like hotels, restaurants and other in terms of effectively operate its functions at both national
and international level in terms of earning effective profitability. The report is based on given
case study of Alfredo's Italian Restaurant which is run by 22 years old girl named Amanda and
offer wide variety of facilities to their potential customers in terms of retaining them. The report
tends to cover types of food production system, understanding regarding the kinds of food and
beverage service method, identify menu engineering matrix and lastly, analyse sustainable menu
planning consideration to become more competitive in market.
Critically analyse various types of food production system
Food production system tends to consider effective process that leads to involve growing,
harvesting, processing, transporting, marketing, packaging and effective consumption of food
and related items. It also tends to undertake the prominent inputs which require and effective
outputs that occur at each and every step. It is undertaken as the process of converting raw
materials into the edible food products and it is also segregated into the number of stages and
each of them is essential. For this, various types of food production system is discussed as below:
Cultivating: It is the basic food processing method which is used in terms of turning
fresh food into consumable food. For this, people believe that agriculture is developed in eleven
thousand years ago and cultivated with the help of fertile crescent. This food production types is
prominently influenced by the region and types of edible and consider cultivated crops including
wheat, barley, cereal crops, chickpeas and other vegetables (Kim, Lee and Fairhurst, 2017). In
terms of Alfredo's restaurant, they does not use this type of food production as they order raw
materials from the vegetable market in bulk and then make prominent dishes according to them
by undertaking the preferences and needs of customers.
Preserving: It tend to depict the effective food preservation that tends to slow down or
stop the spoilage of food, loss of quality and makes them edible for longer period of time. This
Hospitality Operations: Types of Food Production System, Food and Beverage Service Methods, Menu Engineering Matrix_3

process tends to include prevention from the growth and development of bacteria,
microorganisms and others. It also undertake preservation with the help of refrigeration,
freezing, vacuum packing, drying and many more. In terms of Alfredo's restaurant they tend to
use this method which is useful for them in terms of making their food preserve and prevent
them from spoilage for the long time consumption (PRYCE, 2020). They also take care that the
food items which are being obtained from the plants and animals are tends to spoil fast after the
slaughter or harvest.
Pickling: This process is majorly used by restaurants and hotels who order raw food
products in bulk as this process tends to preserve and increase the life of food with the help of
immersion of vinegar. As this process typically impact the texture of food, taste and flavour and
the food items which are being preserved with this type is pickle and other food items that are
being pickled including fruits, meats, fish, eggs and dairy (Buhalis and Leung, 2018). In relation
with Alfredo's restaurant, they tends to use this method as they order food items in bulk and it is
beneficial for them in terms of preventing food items like fish, meat, dairy products and so on.
Baking: It is the effective and prominent method of developing food products that are
developed with the help of dry heat like gas stove, microwave and oven but sometimes also done
with hot ashes or stones. It is the most common method which is used by each and every
restaurant in terms of offering delicious food item to their potential customer. For this, the most
common food item is baked is bread and it is automated by the machines in various restaurants.
In terms of Alfredo's restaurant they also use this method in terms of making delicious food and
meal that leads to satisfy the requirements and demands of customers.
Braising: This process is the combination of cooking method that tends to use both dry
and wet heat and the food item which is seared at the high temperature and finish at low
temperature and also include prominent amount of liquid that tends to add flavour. This method
is useful for meat and also referred as the pot roasting based on the additional liquid (Filimonau
and Naumova, 2020). This type is also used by Alfredo's restaurant in terms of making dishes
that include meat and fish with additional liquid like soup.
Different food production system:
Food production system is the suitable process that tends to undertake prominent process
in order to engage effective growing, processing, harvesting, marketing, packaging and suitable
Hospitality Operations: Types of Food Production System, Food and Beverage Service Methods, Menu Engineering Matrix_4

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