
How to Relaunch Energy transition business after coronavirus


Added on  2023-01-09

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Data Science and Big DataDisease and DisordersLanguages and CulturePhilosophyEnvironmental Science
How to Relaunch Energy
transition business after
How to Relaunch Energy transition business after coronavirus_1

How to Relaunch Energy transition business after coronavirus?....................................................1
TITLE: “How to Relaunch Energy transition business after coronavirus”.....................................1
Overview of research...................................................................................................................1
Background of organisation.........................................................................................................2
Research aim................................................................................................................................3
Research objectives.....................................................................................................................3
Research questions.......................................................................................................................3
Significance of research...............................................................................................................3
Structure of report........................................................................................................................4
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................5
Concept of corona virus...............................................................................................................5
Key issues are faced by energy transition business due to corona virus.....................................7
Impact of corona virus over the energy transition business........................................................9
Approach to launch energy transition business after coronaries...............................................11
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................11
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS....................................................................................20
Data Interpretations...................................................................................................................23
Concept of corona virus.............................................................................................................39
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................................40
How to Relaunch Energy transition business after coronavirus_2

TITLE: “How to Relaunch Energy transition business after coronavirus”.
Overview of research
Energy transition is referred as a pathway towards conversion of energy industry from Fossil
based to zero carbon at global level by second half of century. This is associated with the
structural change in system of energy. It is the shift of global energy sector from Fossil based
systems of production and consumption of energy - involving natural gas, coal and oil - to
sources of renewable energy such as solar and wind and lithium ion batteries. As the companies
and investors seek greater confidence and clarity for climate risk as well as opportunities,
organisations are adapting to the concept of energy transition (Abu-Rayash and Dincer, 2020).
Switching from sources of non-renewable energy such as natural gas, coal and oil to renewable
energy sources is made possible through advancements in technology along with a societal push
towards the sustainability. Accelerated growth by permanent and structural changes to supply of
energy, prices and the demand, energy transition also intent to decline greenhouse gas emissions
related energy by distinct forms of decarbonisation. It is forecasted by the international energy
agency that the total power capacity of the world based on renewable sources increased by 50%
between year 2019 and year 2024 (What is Energy Transition?, 2020).
But as per the present scenario of world wide is that the corona virus is a new pandemic
which is spreading throughout the world and affected not only health of the people but also the
businesses and economy of majority of nations. Among all the other industries the energy
transition industry is also get affected due to spread of corona virus. This is so because due to
increasing severity of this pandemic, governments of countries passed the order to stop the social
interaction by implementing lockdown within the whole country so that spread virus can be
minimised by keeping people away from one another. But in all these the business are much
affected as due to lockdown the company sites are closed as the operations are not continuing at
this time and along with this the people are not able to work in appropriate manner. This in turn
affecting the productivity of the energy transition companies due to lack of labour availability
and inappropriate conditions (Huang, Lin, Wang and Xu, 2020). Despite of this the companies
also facing the financial issues as the profitability of the businesses affected a lot due to corona
virus which in turn leads to increases in the price of oils and other fossil fuels which are required
How to Relaunch Energy transition business after coronavirus_3

to produce the energy. This is also considered as one of the main reasons which affected the
energy transition business. Thus, it can be said that corona virus has a negative influence over the
progression as well as operations of the energy transition business. Hence for further studying
about the influence of corona virus over energy transition business and to determined way of
relaunching the business after this corona virus this study is conducted by considering the
Siemens AG company.
Background of organisation
The current report put emphases toward investigating how to relaunch the energy transition
business after corona virus and for performing this investigation the Siemens AG company has
been taken into consideration. Siemens AG company is a Germany based multinational company
which is headquartered in Munich and consider as the largest industrial manufacturing company
within Europe. It is a global powerhouse which focuses over the electrification, digitalisation as
well as automation (Barcaccia, D’Agostino, Zotti and Cozzi, 2020). It deals in producing the
energy efficient resources saving technology for power generation as well as transmission of the
medical diagnosis. In year 2019, Siemens AG company generated around €86.8 billion revenue
and net income of around €5.6 billion. The group of technical experts, long standing experience
as well as comprehensive portfolio all together are helping it to achieve a sustainable future
throughout the world. But despite of all this, it the financial condition of the company is also
very much affected due to spread of corona virus. This is so because the lockdown situation has
affected its working practices and operations which in turn reduces the production of energy
(About us. 2020). Other than this due to lockdown the demand for the consumption of energy is
also dropped which in turn affected the financial growth of the company to a great extent. Due to
this corona virus many of the energy transition company are collapsing but in order to recover it
from such condition, it become very crucial for the Siemens AG company to determine the ways
through which its energy transition business can be relaunched so that it become able to achieve
sustainability at marketplace (McCartney, 2020). Hence, for determining this the current study is
conducted which end up with suggesting the factors to be consider and procedure to be adopted
along with changes in current offering to relaunch the business after corona virus in order to
regain the sustainable position in marketplace.
How to Relaunch Energy transition business after coronavirus_4

Research aim
The aim of this dissertation is “To examine how to re-launch energy transition business
after corona virus”. A study on Siemens AG company.
Research objectives
The objectives in regards to this research are mentioned below:
To critically appraise understanding in regards to the concept of corona virus.
To articulate the issues faced by energy transition business due to corona virus.
To critically evaluate the potential impact of corona virus over the energy transition
To critically Synthesize an approach to launch energy transition business after coronaries.
Research questions
The question in relation to this particular study are as follows:
What is the concept of corona virus?
What key issues are faced by energy transition business due to corona virus?
What is the impact of corona virus over the energy transition business?
What is an approach to launch energy transition business after coronaries?
Significance of research
This investigation is based on the title How to Relaunch Energy transition business after
coronavirus”. This investigation is assistive for the researcher in understanding the concept of
corona virus and its impact on the businesses and economy. Apart from this, it also assists in
identifying the issues or problems which are faced by energy transition businesses because of
corona virus pandemic. Additionally, it also put emphases toward presenting the knowledge
regarding the area of corona virus and actions that businesses are considering in order to come
back within the market and gaining higher profitability (Wild, 2020). So that by evaluating those
issues it become easier to strategies the procedure to be adopted for re launching the energy
transition business after corona virus so that company be able to regain the market as well as
financial position that get affected by the spread of corona. With the execution of this study,
researcher would be able to widen up the knowledge area in relation with the area of corona
virus and manner in which it is influencing the operations and growth of business due to this
How to Relaunch Energy transition business after coronavirus_5

Structure of report
This is considered to be an effective part of study which represent the sections in which a
whole investigation is divided and what information a particular section involves. This assist the
investigator in getting an idea about the direction in which the activities are required to be
performed and it also assist the reader to get idea about information involve in each area. The
sections involve within current study are mentioned below:
This is first section of dissertation which provide a basic introduction and understanding
about eth topic selected for investigation which allow the reader to have an insight within the
area of study by understanding eth actual aim behind conducting the investigation. This section
involves a detail about the background of organisation, overview of study along with the aim,
objectives and significance of study.
This is the second section of investigation which focuses over performing the in-depth
analysis of the data which is already being investigated by several other scholars in related area
in order to determine the nature of study and to get an idea about what direction to choose for
performing investigation in order to achieve the aim or objectives behind the study. This data is
mainly gathered by getting an access over the books, journals, articles, webpages, blog etc.
Under this section a detailed information regarding the methods and tools used by the
scholar for performing the current study is being explained and justify the reason behind
selecting one. This is most crucial part of a dissertation as it helps in getting an idea about
validity and reliability of study. This is so because the method choose for gathering and
analysing the data help in getting an idea about accuracy of information presented within the
Under this section the data which is gathered from the primary and secondary sources
will be examined by the researcher in order to present the actual finding of investigation
conducted. In this section the secondary information will be evaluated with the help of thematic
analysis to bifurcate the information in sub sections for better understanding and primary
How to Relaunch Energy transition business after coronavirus_6

information will be assess through frequency distribution and understanding would be drawn
over the outcome.
In this part of dissertation the finding extracted in data analysis section will be
summarised to provide a short conclusion from the overall understanding developed through
gathering and examination of data. This section is crucial as it help in identifying whether the
aim and objectives of the study get accomplished or not. It also includes recommendation section
which present suggestions for the improvement over current work and future practices to be
adopted for relaunch of business successfully after corona virus.
Literature review is that part of an investigation which focuses toward evaluating the already
available information to extract meaningful information. In this the investigation gather
information about particular area of study from several sources here the study in this regard is
already get performed (Selmi and Bouoiyour, 2020). By gathering information the view point of
several different authors are critically reviewed in order to develop a better understanding
regarding the nature of study which support in taking up further actions toward performing
investigation. The literature review help the investigator in determining the further pathway to be
followed to perform primary investigation by considering understanding and evidence of the
secondary study.
Concept of corona virus
As per the information presented by the Stoppler. M. C., 2020, corona virus is a kind of
common virus which infect the human as a upper respiratory infection. There are around seven
type of corona virus has bene found within human. Most of the people will get infected with at
least a type of corona virus which can be observed with the frequency it is spreading throughout
the world. The virus mainly spread within air through coughing and sneezing, touching an object
or surface contaminated with virus, close personal contact and through these it get enter into the
body. The symptoms can be seen as runny nose, feeling unwell, sore throat, fever and cough.
Most of the people who get infected with the corona virus mainly experience a mild to moderate
respiratory illness as well as recover without require any kind of special treatment in case people
having stronger recovery system or better immune system. But in case of people of older age and
How to Relaunch Energy transition business after coronavirus_7

those who are underlying with any of the medical problem such as diabetes, chronic respiratory
disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease etc. are more likely to develop a serious illness.
On the other hand, according to information presented by Lanese. N., 2020, coronavirus
makes up a big family which have the potential to infect both the birds and mammals including
human beings as per the information presented by World Health Organisation. These viruses are
responsible for several kind of outbreaks throughout the world which mainly includes the severe
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) which was the pandemic of year 2002-2003 and te middle
east respiratory syndrome (MERS) which get outbreak in year 2015 within southern Korea. But
this spread of Corona virus is more severe then any of these out breaks. All the corona viruses
sport spiky projections over the outer surface which resemble the point of crown or corona in
Latin word as specified by the Centres for disease Control and prevention (CDC). Beneath a
corona virus pronged exterior lies a round core shrouded within protein and contain a greasy
membrane. The core of it consist of a genetic material which a virus can get inject into the
vulnerable cell for infecting them. The spike seen at corona virus are protein extend that are
within the core to the viral surface which in turn allow the virus for recognising and get latch
onto a specific type of cell in the body (Okyere, Forson and Essel‐Gaisey, 2020). At a situation
when the spike engages its receptor or a host cell, a cascade within it get triggered which in turn
end up with merging of virus within the cells present in body. With the help of this combination
it become easier for the virus to release all its genetic material and hijack the cell’s internal
machinery. After this procedure of capturing the cell by virus shed it coat the area and convert
the cell within the factory which start creating new viruses within body.
Several of the coronaviruses use animal as their primary host in order to get spread and
create their family which then evolve to infect human later. IT has been found that the SARS and
MERS coronavirus was first appear within bats nad then jumped to human after passing through
a kind of intermediate carrier. Other than this there are four most common corona virus
pandemic that are usually found within human such as 229E, OC43, NL63 and HKU1, these are
not entered into animals rather they consider human body as their primary host as per the
information presented by Centres for disease Control and prevention. These kinds of human
borne corona viruses have presumably evolve for maximising its spread within the population
instead of pathogenicity. This means that the viruses may opt for maximising the spread instead
of harming up the human host. From this information it can be said that the spread of corona
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