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HRM Plan for Marks and Spencer: Strategic Analysis, HR Issues, and Solutions


Added on  2023/06/18

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This report discusses the HRM plan for Marks and Spencer, including strategic analysis, HR issues, ongoing HR issues, action, and solutions. It also highlights the importance of HR management in identifying vacant positions and recruiting skilled employees to participate in organizational activities.

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Business Plan HR

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MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................1
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Human resource management is the main functional area that identify vacant position and
recruit skilled employees that participate in organizational activities. Having human resources
management is beneficial for industry as it supports to make business decision by resolving all
issues and managing productivity (Ambrosius, 2018). Human resource planning allows industry
to plan a head so it could maintain steady supply of staff and managing work accordingly. To
understand the importance of HR management Marks and Spencer has been selected that is
British multinational retailer with headquarter with headquarter in London. This was founded in
1884 by Michael Spencer. The report is based on HRM plan by considering strategic analysis,
HR issues, ongoing HR issues, action, and solution.
Human resource management is the important aspects for each organization as it finds out
vacancy and recruit skilled or talented people that helps to complete work and managing good
performance. In Marks and Spencer, HR manager plays vital role in delivery services as it
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analysis needs of their employees and formulate effective planning by setting vision or mission
that supports to managing all functions and activities. The management of chosen organization
develop a HRM plan for the purpose of growing their business is defined below:
Conduct a departmental strategic Analysis
Vision statement – ‘To make delight customers by providing best quality of products and
To fill the vacant position at the workplace by recruiting skilled and experienced people.
To identify issues pertaining in organization and solve effectively.
To increase sales and profitability by 70% within 2023.
Marks and Spencer is the large size UK retailer that deliver range of products and services in
changing environment and develop performance. The management should have proper
understanding and knowledge about employee’s problems and formulates strategies that can be
used to solve issues and managing all functions. The organization is following all strategy and
planning that used to bringing something new in market that could influence people and retain at
the workplace. For HR management it is important that staff understand goals and give their
contribution to arranging each function and activity. This can help to develop organizational
productivity and performance (Cascio, and Aguinis, 2018).
Identify strategic HR issues
In business environment there are different strategic HR issues that are as explained
Data privacy concern: It has seen that HR of companies facing issue of leak of
organizational confidential data that directly impacts on organizational sales and productivity. In
relation to Marks and Spencer, selling activity is reducing due to lack of data privacy concern.
Lack of recruitment and selection: In business organization there is need to fill vacant
position by selecting right candidates that could work effectively. The Marks and Spencer faced
this issue in their HRM department that created issues to operate their business regularly (Crane,
and Hartwell, 2019).
Managing changes: To regulate and operate a business there is need to bring changes
continuously at the workplace that supports to complete goals. The HR management of Marks
and Spencer faced issues in adopting changes that relates to organizational working as it affect

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productivity negatively. This is important for management to understand problems of staff and
provide them best solution.
Maintaining employee engagement: This is another strategic issue facing by companies
as their staff does not participate in working and not share new ideas due to which competitors
gaining advantages. The Marks and Spencer faced competitive challenge issue as employee is
not engaging in business activities that directly affected business productivity.
Identification of ongoing HR issues
HRM is the main department of each organization as is made for employee welfare and
organizational development by influencing, attracting, selecting right people and placing them at
right place. The aim of HR management is to give higher output to organization by hiring
talented people and retaining it for long period that supports to work accordingly. Marks and
Spencer is larger retailer of UK that sales range of products with the help of employees and
managing all functions. The environment is changing, created many challenges in area of HR
that are discussed below:
Employee retention – Now a day, rate of employee turnover is increasing at the
workplace due to lack satisfaction between employees. This is important for organization to
understand employee’s issues and try to solve that could help to retain staff for long period.
Marks and Spencer facing issue of employee retention as dissatisfaction between staff and lack
of employee engagement. To solve this issue there is need to provide employee satisfaction by
managing functions and engaging employees through right allocation.
Lack of Training and development – In managing all working, developing business
activities, and increasing performance there is need to have proper training and development
programme for staff who could get training and perform well. Marks and Spencer faced issue of
lower productivity due to lack of training between staff and lack of satisfaction that directly
affects business industry (Gupta, 2019).
Lower sales – In business environment there is lack of communication and marketing
skills in employees that directly affects business industry. The sales performance of Marks and
Spencer is reducing continuously due to lack of communication between employees, and
improper work assignment between employees that directly affects business industry (Zhang, Jia,
and Chen, 2019).
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Lack of employee performance – This issue is related to HRM department that faced by
organization while operating their business as low employee engagement. In relation to Marks
and Spencer, employees faced lack of reward and recognition while working that demotivates
them and does not perform functions and activities (Hughes, 2018).
From the above it can be explained that Marks and Spencer faced different issues while
running their business that directly affects their business and create challenges for organization
to operate their business.
Prioritize the HR issues and Action
This stage is used by Human resources management of organization as it
identifies issues which is pertaining at the workplace and supports to develop business
productivity. The HR management plays important role by conducting environment analysis and
bring changes in their performance by recruiting skilled people and placing them at the right
place which supports to develop performance. In relation to Marks and Spencer, different issues
such as strategic and HR issues faced by organization that directly affects their business industry.
To manage business activities and increasing performance all vacancies filled by HR managers
who analysis employee’s skills and place them at right place which can help to complete
business goals and task (Taylor, 2018).
To increase working and adopting changes, management should be providing training
and development programme to their staff that supports to manage working and get ready all
employees to work effectively. This can help to boost the morale of employees and providing
them right benefits by managing all functions and activities. To increase learning and accepting
change learning strategy is used by management that can help to provide new learning to their
employees and managing all activities effectively. The HR management is requiring to build
good relations with their employees by understanding their issues and provide optimum solution
that can help to increase company performance. The major issues faced by Marks and Spencer is
employee turnover that could be reduce by following the motivational strategies as it helps to
know what employees are expected and how they will be satisfied that can help to maintain
higher productivity. This also helps to increase business performance by managing all functions
and attaining competitive advantages (Latukha, 2018).
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A HRM plan is followed by Marks and Spencer by focusing over strategies to
motivation, training and development, learning, and creating effective working environment that
supports to develop business activities and maintain higher performance (Mensah, 2019).
From the report it can be concluded that Human resource is the main practices of arranging
and managing the people at the workplace to achieve better performance. The human resource
management is playing an important role as it identifies the vacancy and fill them by recruiting
capable candidates. This helps to organise all functions and activities properly by compensating
and benefiting the employees. Different challenges are facing by Marks and Spencer due to not
focusing on managing employees as it creates the cultural conflicts, lack of leadership, increase
employee turnover and miscommunication between people who works at the workplace.

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Books and Journal
Ambrosius, J., 2018. Strategic talent management in emerging markets and its impact on
employee retention: Evidence from Brazilian MNCs. Thunderbird International Business
Review. 60(1). pp.53-68.
Cascio, W. F. and Aguinis, H., 2018. Applied psychology in talent management. SAGE
Crane, B. and Hartwell, C. J., 2019. Global talent management: A life cycle view of the
interaction between human and social capital. Journal of World Business. 54(2). pp.82-92.
Gupta, V., 2019. Talent management dimensions and their relationship with retention of
Generation-Y employees in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management.
Hughes, C., 2018. The role of HRD in using diversity intelligence to enhance leadership skill
development and talent management strategy. Advances in Developing Human Resources.
20(3). pp.259-262.
Latukha, M. O., 2018. Can talent management practices be considered as a basis for sustainable
competitive advantages in emerging‐market firms? Evidence from Russia. Thunderbird
International Business Review. 60(1). pp.69-87.
Mensah, J. K., 2019. Talent management and employee outcomes: a psychological contract
fulfilment perspective. Public Organization Review. 19(3). pp.325-344.
Muratbekova‐Touron, M., Kabalina, V. and Festing, M., 2018. The phenomenon of young talent
management in Russia—A context‐embedded analysis. Human Resource Management.
57(2). pp.437-455.
Taylor, S., 2018. Resourcing and talent management. Kogan Page Publishers.
Zhang, K., Jia, X. and Chen, J., 2019. Talent management under a big data induced revolution.
Management Decision.
(Ambrosius, 2018) (Cascio, and Aguinis, 2018) (Crane, and Hartwell, 2019) (Gupta, 2019)
(Hughes, 2018) (Latukha, 2018) (Mensah, 2019) (Taylor, 2018) (Zhang, Jia, and Chen,
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