
Human Computer Interaction And Design


Added on  2022-08-21

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Human Computer Interaction
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Human Computer Interaction And Design_1

Table of Contents
1. Introduction:...........................................................................................................................3
2. Background:...........................................................................................................................3
2.1 Processes and Framework for the Interaction Design:.....................................................4
2.2 Cognitive Psychology:.....................................................................................................5
2.3 Interaction Design Theory:..............................................................................................5
3. Design Process:......................................................................................................................5
3.1 Interaction Design Research:...........................................................................................7
3.2 Conceptual Design:..........................................................................................................7
4. Prototype:...............................................................................................................................7
4.1 Greeting Page:..................................................................................................................8
4.2 Main Menu:......................................................................................................................9
4.3 New Device Setup:.........................................................................................................11
4.4 Setup Success Page:.......................................................................................................12
4.5 Device Selection:...........................................................................................................14
4.6 Input Voice Command Section:.....................................................................................15
4.7 Command Execution:.....................................................................................................16
4.8 Changes Done Page:......................................................................................................17
5. Evidence of Reviewed Interaction Design Principle:..........................................................18
6. Research Study:....................................................................................................................20
7. Conclusion:..........................................................................................................................20
8. References:...........................................................................................................................22
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1. Introduction:
Technology has evolved with the time quite further and in the present situation
humans are surrounded with various types of advanced technologies. Regarding the
advancement of technology automation is one of the crucial factors. Automation is a specific
area in the technological sector where the procedures or the processes is executed while
having minimal assistance from the human end (Endsley 2018). Automation driven
technology has become quite popular in these days. Automation has made the life of humans
much easier.
The implementation of the automation technologies can be seen in various of sectors
including the household sections. One important automation technology that are currently
used in the households is the concept of smart home. A smart home can be considered as a
convenient home setup where the important devices and the appliances can be controlled
remotely through a specific device (Stojkoska and Trivodaliev 2017). These types of setups
are mainly connected with the internet services so that user can access all the appliances
when they want it.
In this report a prototype will be prepared regarding this smart home automation
system. The targeted prototype in this context is a smart voice control hub which can control
the available smart devices present in the home. This hub can be used for controlling all the
smart objects that are present in the home. This can be done by connecting the smart devices
to the smart voice hub. In the following section of this report demonstration of this prototype
is provided.
2. Background:
Currently, there are several of automation systems are available in the market but in
this context protype for a home automation system has been selected as it is one of the daily
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requirements and it having several of important benefits (Wilson, Hargreaves and Hauxwell-
Baldwin 2017). The first important benefit of this type of smart automation system is that it
will help the users to save energy as users will be able control all the components remotely. It
means components can be shut down easily whenever they are not in use. Another important
benefit of this type of home automation system is the convenience. Through the home
automation system, most of the tasks can be performed automatically with minimum amount
of human intervention (Fernandes, Jung and Prakash 2016). Getting a universal control over
the home is another important benefit that can be achieved through this system. Also, a high
level of comfort is achieved for the users who will be implementing this system. For these
benefits provided by the home automation system, discussion has been chosen over the home
automation system.
2.1 Processes and Framework for the Interaction Design:
Proper design of the interaction is important. Several of different frameworks are
available for the interaction design purpose. The main type of frameworks are the goal-
oriented design, user-centred design and participatory design. The goal-oriented design is
described as six-step process that can be used for talking to the users and important data is
collected from them (Santos, Schleicher and Caldas 2017). In this design process it is
determined that whether different type of users can be gratified through a single interface or
different interface is required for different users. The user-centred design is a specific type of
framework where user characteristics, usability goals and the workflow of a product is given
extreme attention for each step of the design process (Organ et al. 2018). The participatory
design is a specific type of process where all the stakeholders are included in the process of
designing so that all the demands of the stakeholder can be fulfilled (Duque et al. 2019).
For this case user-centred design is selected for interaction design purpose. The main
idea of this voice control hub is providing ultimate comfort to the users. By the
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implementation of the user-centred design, main focus can be given on the needs of the users
in each of the design phase of the application (Coleman, ClaRkSON and Cassim 2016). As
the needs of the users and the comfort holds the top priority, user-centred design has been
chosen in this case.
2.2 Cognitive Psychology:
The cognitive psychology also affects the process of UI design as this have an
influence on the interaction design. When a user interacts with any product, there is a
cognitive load that is applied on the user (Sternberg and Sternberg 2016). The cognitive load
applied over the user is the mental effort that the user needs to provide to learn new
information from the application. The cognitive psychology is also applied for this
application as the users might have to take some new information while using this application
(Robinson-Riegler and Robinson-Riegler 2016). So, in this prototype it has been tried to keep
the cognitive load as low as possible for the users so that a great UX can be achieved. To do
that, the prototype has been designed in simplistic way.
2.3 Interaction Design Theory:
To interact with a UI there are several of models are available. The most common
model of interaction are the touch model and the voice model. In touch model the user
interaction is done by touching the system while in voice model the user interacts with the
system through the voice commands (García-Peñalvo and Durán-Escudero 2017). For this
application both of the touch model and the voice model has been considered. For the basic
interaction with the system touch model have been used. For the advanced interaction which
includes controlling the smart devices voice model have been used where the users need to
provide the command over the voice.
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3. Design Process:
Before implementing a fully functional system, it is important to test the system from
each and every perspective. In this aspect, the system prototyping plays and important role
(Taylor 2017). A prototype is an early sample or model of a product which is used for testing
purpose of the concept. The protype term is used for various of contexts which includes,
design, semantics, software programming and electronics. A general type of prototype is
mainly is used for evaluation of the new design so that overall precision of the system can be
enhanced from the end of both users and the system analysts (Koo et al. 2016). In this report
a design prototype will be developed for the targeted smart voice control hub centre. In this
case, a high-fidelity prototype will be developed for the system and for that Axure software
will be used.
Among the system prototypes there are several of sections and one of them is the
high-fidelity prototype (Rottermanner et al. 2019). A high-fidelity prototype is an interactive
representation of the product and it is prepared through the computer systems. A high-fidelity
prototype can be considered as closest resemblance of the actual system from the perspective
of both functionality and details. A high-fidelity prototype is a specific level of
comprehensiveness which helps to examine the usability questions so that the user behaviour
can be concluded. A high-fidelity prototype covers both the UX and the UI. It covers the UX
in the aspects of user flow, terms of interaction and user behaviour. It covers the UI in terms
of aesthetics and the visuals.
To develop the prototype of current selected system, Axure RP 9 Edition have been
used. The Axure RP Pro is a rapid prototyping, wireframing and specification tool that is
aimed at mobile, web and desktop application. This software provides several of operations
including the resizing, drag and drop placement and widgets formatting. This application is
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