Understanding Child Development and Stress
Added on 2019-09-22
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Running Head: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 1HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Name of the studentDate-Tutor’s name-University-
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 2SummaryThe Self-Reg is one of the most groundbreaking books that highlights a new understanding for the emotions and behavior of the child that tends to serve for the practical guide with regards to the parents for helping their children in a calm manner and to be successful in theirlife. The self-regulation is nothing but the way by which the nervous system tends to respond towards the stress. The children in recent times are already having a huge amount of stress levels that tend to result in an explosion in their social learning, emotional, as well as physicalhealth problems. 4pl arguments of the authorHowever, it has been observed that the author had some of the arguments that in return supported his overall objective. Firstly, the author highlighted some of the ways by which a "Hyperarousable" child. A child named Melanie had a sleeplessness pattern and the author highlighted some of the Self-Reg strategies that can be used for reducing the stress for a childthat is "Hyperarousable" as they do for any children. The women in this particular case named Rachael and Simon played an important role in terms of makeover the challenge with regards to converting their living room in living womb. There were several steps by which Rachel and Simon identified and removed some of the things that troubled Melanie. For example- Television was the first thing that Rachel turned off because Melanie would respond differently towards a sudden increase in the volume of the television. Furthermore, the sound of the other appliances was also taken care of such as the sound from the doorbell, vacuum, and blender because it would also startle Melanie.
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 3Secondly, the author highlighted that one of the most important tools that he had developed with his work with the families is the stress cycle concept. It has been also indicated in the book that any type of stressor in any type of domain has the power to trigger the stress cycle, but in case of the children, they are the most vulnerable when they are particularly in the low-tension state. One of the most important points of the Self-Reg highlighted that if a child is towards the high-tension state then it is quite difficult for them for going to find any type of domain. The most challenging part arrives when they find out one of the domains then they tend to deplete more from the all total energy reserved. In these situations, it can be quite hard for the parents in terms of remaining composed and calm for performing their main role in stopping this from happening. Throwing light on the above-mentioned discussion it can be said that parent-child communication plays one of the most vital roles in this segment because it can escalate the stress of the child. Women in this particular situation are the main element who can reduce the stress of a child acting as their friend. The parent-child communication tends to help the children for understanding their emotion and build emotion regulation skills.Thirdly, the author highlighted that stressors tend to come in all sizes and shapes, consisting of the physical, environmental, emotional, cognitive as well as social. If a child is put in a cramped chair in their class and an assignment is given to them where concentration is required and if a disturbing classmate is added then it will be more stressful for a child. On the other hand, if the child is sent to a school with a good night's sleep and perfect breakfast then it will definitely lessen their stress level. Furthermore, women in this scenario can be one of the greatest help to a child as they are most close to women than men. Both emotional,as well as the physical factors, tend to influence the entire bonding process between a mother and a child to a great extent (Shanker, 2015).
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