
Human Resource Management Overview


Added on  2020-06-04

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Human resourcemanagement
Human Resource Management Overview_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1: Purpose and functions of Human Resource Management....................................................1P2: Strength and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection...................2TASK 3............................................................................................................................................4P3: Benefits of HRM practices within an organisation...............................................................4P4: Effectiveness of HRM in increasing productivity and growth.............................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6P5. Importance of employee relation and their influence in HRM decision making..................6P6: Key elements of legislation act of employees......................................................................7TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8P7: Different application of HRM practices...............................................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
Human Resource Management Overview_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resource management is considered as a heart of an organisation which are liableto take care of needs and requirements of every employees working in an organisation. Theirmain role in an organisation is to enhancing the overall personality of employees so that they aremore capable of doing task in an effective and efficient manner. Out of many functions of HRmanagers, some functions consists of recruiting, screening, training and development programsfor new as well as existing employees. Aldi, a UK-based multinational retailer company whichdeals in providing quality food and other products is selected for the purpose of preparing thisreport. The project covers the functions and purposes of HRM along with their effectiveness inachieving productivity and growth. Different legislations, HRM practices, benefits of employeerelations has been also discussed under this report (Ployhart and Moliterno, 2011.)TASK 1P1: Purpose and functions of Human Resource ManagementHuman resource management is formed consisting of skilled and qualified memberswhich are more capable to make an effective decision and plans for the betterment of employees.The main purpose of HRM is to fulfil human resource requirement in an organisation. Theirfunction is to find out the new and effective ways of increasing the skills and knowledge ofemployees. For this, training and development programs are required to be conducted on regularbasis. Therefore, Human Resource Management play a crucial role in the growth and success ofemployees.Functions of Human resource management:Recruitment and selection: It is main function that HR manager need to perform in anorganisation. Recruitment is the process of inviting skilled and qualified candidates to apply forthe vacant position offered by an organisation. As ALDI is already attained brand identity inmarket, thus to maintain their current image they need to make changes in their workforcethrough recruiting new candidates and promoting existing employees to higher position incompany. Orientation: This is such a program which is conducted with an objective to define goalsand objectives of company towards the new employees and also gives an opportunity toemployees to interact with each others in order to build good relation among between them.1
Human Resource Management Overview_3

There are large workforce in ALDI thus it is important to maintain healthy relation among themin order to direct them to perform well (Bloom and Van Reenen, 2011).Maintain healthy working environment: HR manager always tries to give maximumefforts in creating good working environment with a motive of bringing motivation andconfidence among the employees due to which they perform better than before. As ALDIgenerated huge revenues every year therefore investing amount in giving financial as a swellnon-financial benefits to the skilled employees will bring more profitable outcome to companynear future.Building employee relation: An organisation is totally based on the the performance oftheir human resource thus establishing good relation among them through creating propercommunication channels and well co-ordination. Aldi employed huge workforce thus havinggood relation among between them will guaranteed achieving future success.Training and development: Every organisation wants skilled and more knowledgeableemployees which brings profitable outcome to them. Therefore, conducting training anddevelopment programs should required to be conducted for their employees on continuous basisso that the company can easily get support from them in achieving desired goals and objectives.P2: Strength and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selectionRecruitment is the process of inviting new candidates to apply for the vacant job incompany after analysing their actual skills and knowledge with required skills needed bycompany for such position. On the other hand, selection is the process of giving legalemployability after confirming that selected candidates have enough skills and capabilities toperform defined roles and responsibilities. Recruitment process to be done through internal andexternal approach due to which the company can get desired candidates who brings positiveresult to them in near future (Ployhart and Moliterno, 2011). Such internal and external sourcesof recruitment adopted by Aldi are described as below: Internal sources: Under this the company offered existing employees to apply for thevacant job position in order to increase their position in an organisation. This can be donethrough analysing the past performance of employees. There are mainly two ways of recruitingwithin an organisation which are as follows:Promotion and transfer: Promotion to the existing employees to get higher position inorder to fill the vacancy available in an organisation. Along with higher position, additional roles2
Human Resource Management Overview_4

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