Recruitment and Selection Process
Added on 2020-06-06
9 Pages2776 Words89 Views
Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1P1 Identify how two organisation plan recruitment using internal and external sources.......1P2 Impact of legal and regulatory framework on recruitment and selection activities..........2P3 Prepare the documents used in selection and recruitment activities.................................3P4 Plan to take part in a selection interview...........................................................................4P5 Take part in a selection interview.....................................................................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................6REFERENCES................................................................................................................................7
INTRODUCTIONIn every business organisation recruitment and selection is utmost aspect by whichcorporation can recruit and select the talented and skilled employees. As human resource plays avery crucial role in every business enterprise thus their selection and recruitment is veryimportant. It is a process under which management of firm invite the candidate by either externalor internal technique of recruitment and analyse their efficiency, talent and knowledge andrecruit them according to the organisation requirement (Hunt and Jones, 2015). In a simple wordit can be said that recruitment is a process of finding and hiring the candidate for the requiredpositions or vacancy within corporation. In this manner, manager of firm plays a very crucialrole because he/she is responsible to analyse and select candidate skill, efficiency andknowledge. There are major two kinds of recruitment that is internal and external recruitment.P1 Identify how two organisation plan recruitment using internal and external sourcesTesco and Cancer Research have similar source of recruitment:Transfers: employees in both businesses may be transferred from shop to anotheraccording their skills and experience.Promotions: many employees in both organisations get promoted from oneshop/department to another with more benefits and better responsibilities based on theirskills, qualification and experience. Re-employment of ex-employees who were made redundant in the past couple of years,this is one of the internal source of recruitment in which workers can be called andappointed to fill vacancies in the concern. Retired workers can also be recruited onceagain in case of shortage of qualified and experienced staff. Press advertisement: both of the businesses can use this method to tell others that theyhave a vacancy. The main benefit of this method is that it has a wide reach.Employment Exchanges: the government sets up public employment exchanges withinthe country (Kang and Shen, 2013). This gives job information to people who are lookingfor a job and also can help employers of both Tesco’s and Cancer Research’s to identifysuitable candidates. 1
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