
Human Resource Management Assignment Sample


Added on  2020-07-22

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Professional Development
Human Resource Management Assignment Sample_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LO 1.................................................................................................................................................1P1 Explain the objective and scope of the human resource management...................................1P2 Description on the approaches of weakness and strength of the selection and recruitment..2LO 2.................................................................................................................................................4P3 Significance on the human resource practice in the organisation..........................................4P4 write down the effectiveness of the human resource management........................................5LO 3.................................................................................................................................................6P5 Benefits of employee relation with regard to decision making of HRM...............................6P6 Description on the employee's legislation and its effects on the HRM decision making......7LO 4.................................................................................................................................................8P7 Explanation on the application of the HRM practice in a work related issue with theappropriate example....................................................................................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCE.................................................................................................................................10
Human Resource Management Assignment Sample_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resource managers of the structure are work as backbone to the organisation.They are very essential part of the business enterprise. Without their effective support companycannot perform the function in the efficient manner. They work in the manner of planning,directing, recruiting and selecting the employees so they can perform in right way ((Barrett andet.al., 2017)). The brand image of the system can enhance if they actively participate in thebusiness activities. With the help of the human resource manager an organisation can decide theframework of the working . This study is the inclusive of the various approaches of the humanresource manager. They help as gaining the competitive advantage of the firm. This report isdefining the working framework of the human resource manager of the 'Aldi's. They deal in theproducts of grocery and provide service as retailers. The HR managers help in the increasing theproductivity and profitability of the business enterprise. With the help of them the market shareof the people can be enhanced.LO 1P1 Explain the objective and scope of the human resource management.Objectives of the HR-The company is distributing and working on the discounted supermarket chain. To distribute it toall the market globally all over the world. The store handle all the work of the different kinds ofthe availability of the resources in the market. The HRM organise the proper availability of theresources . Appointing the right person to the right store as he/she can handle it with thereappropriate knowledge. The human resource has to take of the resources as the products andrendered should not be in lesser amount as Aldi gives the services to the people in the discountedamount but it should not go below the margin. To meet the need of the people and continuegiving all the services at the reasonable price so it beneficial for the society and even for theorganisation to build the market strongly (Van Wingerden, Derks and Bakker, 2017). Function of the HR-As Aldi is reached to the top of the competition market so it will face many challenges. It needsto get the powerful marketing strategy and planning appropriately. With less price of availability,the product and services from the Aldi it losses the quality base so it should be taken care of ithave to be enhance the quality to fight in the competitive market. The proper training is being1
Human Resource Management Assignment Sample_3

given to the people with the proper strategy (Liu and et.al., 2017). To develop in the growingmarket is very important so giving the perfect knowledge about all the current scenario to fight inthe market. It is the work of the human resource to keep the record of every detail of theemployee, material, strategy, jobs, etc. which will help the organisation to grow faster and in thebetter manner. To recognise the problem at the time solve it in the very less or little span of timeThe scope of the human resource manager-Personal aspect- This relates to the features like planning, recruiting, selection, transferand lay-off to the employees who are working under this business enterprise.Welfare feature- The effective environment always brings the maximum productivityand profitability to the organisation. The framework of the business enterprise should beimpressive so that they can work in the well and proper manner. The welfare facility isthe inclusive of the function like canteen, rest room, safety and education facility top theiremployees.Industrial relation- The employer and employee relation in the organisation should be ingood manner. The organisation of 'Aldi's' should take effective step in order to improvisethe relation between the worker of the company. It covers the following pints such ascollective bargaining and joint consultation.P2 Description on the approaches of weakness and strength of the selection and recruitment.The process of recruitment and selection should be handle by every business enterprise.This function should be done in the effective manner. The whole of the working of theorganisation is largely depended on this function ((Brewster and Hegewisch 2017)). This ishelpful in bringing the employees to the company An effective employee can contributemaximum to theentity. On every business enterprise, there are two kinds of organisation that isinternal or external. The terminternalrecruitment bring upto selecting the suitable candidateamong the organisation. Or the statementexternalenlisting refer as choosing an employeeoutside the business enterprise. It is time consuming process.Strength of the internal analysis of recruitment are as- The advertisement needs lots of expenses with this approach this cost can be saved.The works of the organisation are already familiar with the rules and regulation of theybusiness enterprise.2
Human Resource Management Assignment Sample_4

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