Week 5 Discussion - Lakia Elam
To: All Employees
From: Human Resource Department
Date: June 17, 2019
Subject: Company Policy on Internet Usage
The internet has become an essential part of the business in ensuring efficiency and enhancing the meeting of the business objectives. However, at times, it creates undesirable outcomes, hence, the need for the creation of the policies by the company. These policies tend to benefit both the employees as individuals and the organization as well. The following are the general rules on the usage of the internet that all employees should begin to adhere to starting September 1, 2019.
The use of computers, the internet, and the email system is strictly for the activities related to work (American Bar Association).
Employees are allowed to use organizations internet resources on a limited and occasional basis, and as long as it does not affect the productivity of the employee.
Employees are not allowed to use the comput