
Importance of Performance Appraisal in Human Resource Management


Added on  2023-01-13

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Importance of Performance Appraisal in Human Resource Management_1

Table of Contents
Assignment 1: Case study - Goal setting:..................................................................................3
1.1 Critical evaluation of current performance appraisal process at the Financial Security
Investment including manager’s behaviour and decision-making as well as the
organization’s role in this process:.........................................................................................3
1.2 Recommending two changes besides having a goal setting document to improve HR
and performance appraisal process:........................................................................................4
1.3 Based on Brooks role and responsibility, developing a goal-setting table:......................5
1.4 Identifying and critical analysis of HRM area involved in this case scenario:................7
Assignment 2: Question answers:..............................................................................................7
2.1.a Explaining the term job analysis:..................................................................................7
2.1.b Explaining the 4 stages involved in carrying out a job analysis:..................................8
2.1.c Identifying and explaining the information to be collected during job analysis
2.2.a Organisational empowerment:.....................................................................................11
2.2.b Strategies to be adopted for a good empowerment:....................................................11
2.2.c Listing top empowerment activities followed in UK:.................................................12
2.2.d Explaining in details about the obstacles in Empowerment:.......................................13
3. Explaining about employee engagement in an organisation:...........................................13
4.a Explaining in details the recruitment process of staffing officer by HR manager:........14
4.b Explaining in details the process of recruitment:...........................................................14
5.a Necessity of organisational change and steps in organisational change:.......................15
5.b Explaining the resistance and reasons for the reduction of resistance to change:..........15
Reference list:...........................................................................................................................17
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Importance of Performance Appraisal in Human Resource Management_2

Human resource management is a strategic plan to manage the employees and workers of an
organisation. As it is known to all that employees and workers are the performers of an
organisation, because due to their performance only, an organisation develop. On the other
hand, human nature is changeable, but controlling the changing nature and improve their
productivity is a major goal in human resource management (Cascio, 2015). Towards the
continuation of this study, the researcher has critically discussed the importance of
performance appraisal method for human resource development. In the context of given case
scenario, the researcher has justified the empowerment along with the obstacles in this. On
the other hand, this study has stated a clear evaluation of human resource development along
with this, changing environment of an organisation.
Assignment 1: Case study - Goal setting:
1.1 Critical evaluation of current performance appraisal process at the Financial
Security Investment including manager’s behaviour and decision-making as well as the
organization’s role in this process:
In the given case study, it has been stated that Brook has managed his team and each
members very well; therefore, the team members always appraised him for his continuous
supports. On the other hand, Baskin joined the organisation years later and not supportive to
the team members. Even though, there was no support from Baskin for the team members,
Baskin had promotion in organisation, because Baskin always had taken the attention of
senior managers, which Brook did not. In the words of Noe et al. (2017), working within
organisation to fulfil company objectives is a responsibility to each manager. However, due
to competitive working environment it is necessary to have attention of the senior managers
on to the works.
In this case, the financial security investment company implemented “Goal Setting
Document” plan for evaluating the performance level of employees. In this process, the each
employee is allocated with specific goal or activity and a specific duration is given to
complete that. However, it is necessary for the organisational managers to follow the
strategies for employee workforce development. According to Bratton and Gold (2017),
companies should alternate strategies for performance appraisal process. In this case, the case
study organisation has implemented only one appraisal process; but not all managers and
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departments followed that. Therefore, the decision-making process would not be proper in
that case.
1.2 Recommending two changes besides having a goal setting document to improve HR
and performance appraisal process:
Towards the continuation of this case scenario analysis, it has found that the chosen
organisation has not followed the performance appraisal technique properly. Therefore, it
would not be possible for the organisation to have information in decision-making process. In
the words of DeCenzo, Robbins and Verhulst (2016), employee workforce development is a
key activity for each organisation, because it is necessary to cope-up with organisational
objectives. Without having proper information and training, the employees would not be able
to perform as per the requirement to fulfil company goal. Along with this, the employees
would need to put their efforts and increase their workforce level. In this case, the
organisation should have more performance appraisal practices for employees:
360-degree feedback method:
This is widely used performance appraisal method in global organisations. In this process, the
performance of employees are judged and examined by other employees and managers. In
this process, a feedback form is distributed among employees and the employees would rate
to a particular worker. Based on the feedback from, the human resource manager would take
decision (Brewster and Hegewisch, 2017). In opposed to that Brewster et al. (2016) stated the
360-degree feedback method might create conflict situation among the departments, because
in this process other employees might give negative comments in the appraisal form for
revenge. That is why; this process is not used in many organisations. However, this approach
is helpful to not only have performance but also have communication level with other
Critical incident method:
This process is useful to examine the workforce level and decision-making ability of an
employee within an organisation. This process is used to check in context of how an
employee handles any critical situation and how overcome that (Brewster, Mayrhofer and
Morley, 2016). In this process, employees are allocated with specific objectives and goals and
duration is given to them. It is checked under this method, how the employees complete the
tasks. On the other hand, this process is also used to check employees’ working ability in an
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