
HR Management for Canary Wharf Success


Added on  2020-02-12

14 Pages3998 Words304 Views
HR Management for Canary Wharf Success_1

Human Resource ManagementCONTENTSINTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................3SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THE HRM......................................................................................3EFFECTIVENESS OF THE KEY ELEMENTS OF HRM IN ANY ORGANISATION.....................5INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL FACTORS AFFECTING HRM.......................................................6KEY ELEMENTS OF EMPLOYMENT LEGISLATION. AND IMPACT ON HRM ACTIVITIES. THREE REAL IMPACT................................................................................................................9About the event..........................................................................................................................12CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................14Page 2 of 14
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Human Resource ManagementINTRODUCTIONThe report deals with the management of the human resources management policies in relation tothe organisation that is Canary wharf, a leading firm. The report will analyse the importance ofhuman resource management in relation to the effectiveness of the human resource managementbodies that contributes in achieving the goals of the organisation. Initially, the report is about thescope of the human resource management within an organisation that possess the potential offostering the organisational performance in terms of achieving the organisational goals that isdependent on the performance of the employees who are who needs to be managed by the HRMof any organisation and here the Canary Wharf. In this report, there are the discussion of theeffectiveness of the key elements of the HRM that are crucial to any organisation including thisone. The factors that work in affecting the HRM of any organisation are all included in thisreport that gives the reader, here the CEO a clear view of the need of the HRM. further in thereport there is application of different HRM practises relevant for the organisation that is CanaryWharf. SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THE HRMEmployees are an integral part of any organisation whose performance influence the propagationof the organisational mission and vision in relation to the achievement of the organisational plansand strategies (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Therefore, there is always a need to manage theemployees. Before the management, the most important thing is the proper sourcing of theemployees in relation to the criteria of the organisation. The HRM within any organisation servesthe purpose of sourcing proper potential employees who will prove asset to the organisation. TheHRM works a bridge between the organisation and the employees who need to look after thebenefits of both the employees and organisation. The organisation is benefitted by the high-levelperformance of the employees and the employees are benefited by the rewards or the promotionthat is propagated by the organisation with the consultation of the HRM through the policiescreated for the employees. According to Purce (2014), the HRM does not only work for theorganisation but plays a pivotal role in keeping the employees motivated for better performancePage 3 of 14
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Human Resource Managementfor the company and take care of the grievances of the employees in order to ensure satisfactionwithin the employee. The job of the HRM not only ends here, it also includes the management and development of theexisting employees in order to achieve any new trends in the market. In this case, the HRMdevelops training programs in order to train the employees, develop their skills and keep themupdated for the company. Moreover, the HRM of the organization, organise campaign in order toinitiate the employees about the policies that are in favor of the employees. The HRM is the wayof communication among the employees and the organisation that has to take care of thesatisfaction of the employees. The satisfied employees will give the best to the organisation it isworking for therefore the company ntoo needs to keep them satisfied. This particular mentality isinitiated to the organisation through the HRM of the organisation. The main functions or thepurpose of the HRM includes the career management of the employees, building healthyorganisational and professional relationship between in the industry that works as goodwill andreputation for any company. Performance management is another role of the HRM within anycompany. Another pivotal role of the human resource management within any company is that ofadministrative in terms of developing policies that are beneficial for both the employees and thecompany as well. The administrative policies include the management of administering theemployees, managing the compensation policy incorporating within the company, managementof the finance within the company in relation to the salary structure and the like. The policiesalso include the health and safety of the employees within the company. The HRM operatesstrategically in order to manage the existing employees in terms of employee legislation,competitive advantage, integrated policies in employment. Therefore, the HRM is an integralpart of any company but its effectiveness in terms of its role is dependent on the approach or theoperation of the HRM. the HRM can make or mar the organisational reputation along withmission and vision with its negative impact. The negative impact may be in the form of wrongcode of conduct from the HRM that often operates as a team along with the managers. If thecode of conduct is negative then the effect will be visible through the performance of theemployees that will be discerned in the long run in relation to achievement of the organisationalgoals. The HRM can prove to be the strength and weakness of the organisation provided howthey are operating in accordance with their role. Page 4 of 14
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