
Assignment on Human Rights


Added on  2021-04-17

10 Pages2486 Words38 Views
Political Science
Running head: HUMAN RIGHTSHuman RightsName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor Note
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1HUMAN RIGHTSIntroduction:The intention of the report is to evaluate the decision given by the Court of Final Appealof Hong Kong in the landmark case W v. The Registrar of Marriages. In this regard, theresearch intended to make reference to various journals and scholarly articles in order to evaluatethe decision of the present case study. The research highlighted various arguments made bydifferent authors regarding the rights of transgender. The research is commissioned to examinethe how the relevant sources and the views of different authors would be beneficial inunderstanding the constitutional validity of the decision given in W v. The Registrar ofMarriages.Discussion:1.Horton, Lisa, ‘Meeting the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer, or questioning students through the school library collection’ (2016) 20Teacher Librarian,44.1 The Authors intended to highlight the importance of gender identity in modern era. Inthis regard, the Author rightly stated that there is a major distinction between sexual identity andgender identity. However, the author has not intended to distinguish between the two conceptsrather she focused on the underlying issues faced by the LGBTQ community. According to theperspective of the Author, a person possessing thoughts of same-sex is considered as a gay orlesbian however, persons who are unable to identify their gender assigned to them during birthare identified as transgender. In the opinion of the Author, being a transgender is the mostchallenging experience and therefore children being identified at an early age are being bullied ateducational institutions. By analyzing the source it can be stated that various library resources
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2HUMAN RIGHTSshall provide appropriate knowledge and understanding with the help of which transgender canidentify themselves which can eliminate their feeling of loneliness and despair. Therefore, it isimportant on the part of librarians to provide these children with appropriate solution andliterature in order to improve their condition. The article discussed about the identification oftransgender and the issues faced by them in the society and thereby provided appropriateliteratures to deal with such issues. In this regard, the article proved to be convenient forconducting the research.2.Navaratnam, Reannon, and Isabelle Lee, ‘Same sex marriage in Hong Kong: a rightis more than a referendum’ (2015) 220-227 International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies,3.3 The Authors emphasized of the legalization of same-sex marriage. In this regard, theAuthors have made reference to the contemporary scenario in Hong Kong regarding thelegalization of same sex marriage which is a topic of global controversy. In the perspectives ofthe Authors, in spite of various newly introduced laws and regulations in Hong Kong, no legalrecognition has been given till date towards the identification of transgender and the union ofsame-sex couples. Since time immemorial, much emphasis has been laid on the importance ofsame-sex marriage which is a major concern for human rights associations. After properevaluation, it is noteworthy to mention here that the article efficiently determined the presentcondition of Hong Kong and its approach towards the legalization of same-sex marriage. Thepurpose of the article was to evaluate the principles of human rights which can be rightly appliedto the controversy of same-sex marriage. However, the counter-arguments that have beenpresented by other scholars for the purpose of objecting same-sex marriage has been taken intoaccount by applying different perspectives of human rights. In this regard, it is worth noting that
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