
(PDF) Hypertension in Asymptomatic


Added on  2021-04-24

4 Pages1317 Words79 Views
Task 1Assessment 1: Medical history: Asymptomatic hypertension. The patient presents a history ofasymptomatic hypertension, and smoking habit. He does not take the prescribed anti-hypertension medication. The history of smoking could accentuate the condition, and presentas a causative factor for primary hypertension. Currently the patient does not show anycerebral or cardiac irregularities which could lead to any long term damage due to hypertension. However, if left unaccounted for it could assume severe form, which enhances thepatient’s chances of suffering from end organ damage. Assessment 2: Physical assessment: The primary assessment includes inspection of airways,circulation, breathing, and the vital signs of temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, oxygensaturation and pain. All these baseline observations are necessary to make the relevantclinical decisions for patient’s condition. If not recorded properly it could result inuninformed decisions proving to be dangerous for patient’s health.Assessment 3: Focused assessment: As the patient reports tenderness and soreness in thejoints it is necessary to perform the focused assessment for musculoskeletal system. Thelimbs need to be checked for muscle mass strength, and tone, besides the location of pain andtenderness. This is necessary to provide the patient with necessary support. If not assessed thefocused pain may go unnoticed and accentuate malaise.Task 3o Oseltamivir 75mg orally bd – Ostelamivir is an antiviral medication. The active ingredientostelmaivir carboxylate is known to block the action of influenza virus by affecting therelease of viral particles. It is prescribed for patients presenting symptoms of flu for 2 days orless (FDA, 2008). The dosage of 75 gm is the recommended dosage for prophylaxis of flu inadults. As Jim shows symptoms of Influenza hence he has been prescribed the respectivemedication, to be taken twice a day, o Paracetamol 4/24 orally prn – Paracetamol is a commonly used analgesic, and used as afirst line medication for mild to moderate pain, especially in soft tissue and musculoskeletalsystem of body (Department of health, 2014). As Jim reports muscle tenderness and soreness,and headache. As it is an analgesic, hence its intake has been directed as when required whennecessary (PRN).
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o Fluvax IM stat dose – Fluvax has been prescribed to Jim to help treat the preliminarydiagnosed condition of influenza. It is a vaccine which containes the inactivated influenzasplit viron. Therefore, it induces antibodies to the viral surface of neuraminidase,haemagglutinin, and glycoproteins, thereby preventing natural infection (Seqirus, 2017). It isknown for prevention of influenza virus, and therefore prescribed to Jim. Also, it has to begiven immediately to strengthen the immune system of the body. The nursing responsibilities associated with the administration of each medication involveadherence to five rights of medication administration. These rights include right patient, rightdrug, right dose, right route, and right time (Brotto & Rafferty, 2011). The nurse also needs tocheck the patient for any known allergies and previous adverse reactions to drug. In the givencase Jim has no known drug allergies. Yet another responsibility involves monitoring thepatient for any possible side and adverse effects. Jim needs to be monitored for the perceivedefficacy of medication after the first dosage. He needs to be monitored for the effect ofmedication on his clinical condition. The lab results for blood count, liver and renalfunctions, besides the other key parameters of physiologic functioning need to be monitoredas well (Tiziani, 2013). Task 4 Patient teaching: o Preventing and controlling the incidence and spread of influenza Jim needs to be informed about his medical condition, as influenza is an acute respiratorydisease which in high risk patients could result in severe complication or death as well.Therefore it is essential for Jim to manage his condition through proper intake of medication,as he has also exhibited non adherence to medication regime in the past. The topic is alsoimportant as influenza is a contagious disease which could infect multiple people in a shortperiod of time, leading to public health or socioeconomic issues in a community. Afterimparting relevant teachings to Jim, he should be observed to ensure that he is following thenecessary precautions, and instructions to ensure his own well being and avoid the spread ofvirus. He needs to avoid touching his eyes, nose and mouth to prevent the spread of germs,cover his mouth while coughing, and practice hand hygiene (American thoracic society,2018).
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