
ICT Project Management Assignment


Added on  2021-05-31

26 Pages4128 Words138 Views
Running head: ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENTICT project managementName of the studentName of the universityAuthor note
ICT Project Management   Assignment_1

ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT1Part OneMeasurable Organisational Value AreaArea of ImpactRank (1 to 5)CustomerConsumer satisfaction at every media possible1SocialDeveloping a brand image 5StrategyAcquiring competitive advantage and sustainability4FinancialReducing the overall cost which will thereby increase the profit margin of the organization2OperationalIncrease in processing speed andfaster service to the consumers3SummaryThe consumer has the highest priority for the client which can be understood by thetanking provided. The measureable organization value will determine the importance of thefeatures that are more important to the client (Amoako-Gyampah, Meredith & Loyd, 2018).This will facilitate in focusing the aspect that the crucial for the success of the project.The project has a maximum budget of $1, 50,000 and the time span for the project is200 days so the project will have to be completed within the allocated budget and the giventime.
ICT Project Management   Assignment_2

ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT2Part TwoScopeThe key aspect of project planning is defining the scope of the project which explainsfactors such project deliverables, functions, activities, costs, goals and features (Budu, 2018).Therefore, the scope will explain the outcome and the deliverables of the project.Out of ScopeThe current scope of the project does not contain any help system or notification forthe breeders as the client focus is more on consumer satisfaction than on breeder notificationand help system (Chen et al., 2018).AssumptionsThe assumptions of the current project are as follows:The project owner and sponsor has approved the project requirements and are fully aware of the project specifications and goalsThe different teams are assigned with their given responsibilityAgile methodology will be used in this project s that changes can be made to the later stages of the projectThe different standard protocols will be followed while executing the projectConstraintsThe constraints of the current project are as follows:The project has a limited time span and budget The database cannot be accessed without authorized permissionThe project deliverables cannot be changed due to shortage of funds and time The help system has not been included within the scope of the projectScope Management Plan Project scope statementThe project scope of the current project are as follows:Online stud farming managements system developmentThe system will be developed and designed keeping in mind the consumer requirements
ICT Project Management   Assignment_3

ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT3In order to develop a system with null error, the quality metrics will have to bedefined and the project will have to monitored and tested after each phaseGlobex would be provided a warranty period of 3 years along with services such as server maintenance and further upgradation to the system.Project deliverablesTask NameDurationStartFinishOnline Stud Farm Managementsystem182 daysFri 18-05-18Mon 28-01-191.0 Initiation Phase7 daysFri 18-05-18Mon 28-05-182.0 Planning phase16 daysTue 29-05-18Tue 19-06-183.0 Breeding features17 daysWed 20-06-18Thu 12-07-184.0 financial features59 daysWed 04-07-18Mon 24-09-185.0 Mobile Features35 daysTue 25-09-18Mon 12-11-186.0 Control and Monitor phase50 daysTue 13-11-18Mon 21-01-197.0 project closure5 daysTue 22-01-19Mon 28-01-19Work breakdown StructureTask NameOnline Stud Farm Management system 1.0 Initiation Phase 1.1 Identify the Mobile features
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ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT4 1.2 Identify the Breeding features 1.3 Identify financial Features 1.4 Stakeholder Meetings 1.5 Make the changes discussed in the meeting 1.6 Document the specifications of the project 1.7 Dispatch the final specification 1.8 Milestone 1: Initiation phase completed 2.0 Planning phase 2.1 Identify the software and hardware requirements for breeding, financial and mobilefeatures 2.2 Document the technical requirements 2.3 Sent for approval 2.4 Milestone 2: Technical requirements developed 3.0 Breeding features 3.1 Entry of horse breeding procedures and vet examination results 3.2 Database of Mare and Stallion owners, with full stallion booking history 3.3 Person/Company name and contact details of breeder 3.4 Provisions for entering type of business 3.5 Provisions for booking for "Broodmare" and/or "Stallion" 3.6 Allocation for booking DNA test for parentage 3.7 Allocations for obtaining certification of paternity 3.8 Allocations for booking for micro-chipping and other identification process 3.9 Allocations for obtaining foal identification card and colour description 3.10 Allocations for obtaining public liability insurance details 3.11 Allocations for checking the breed registry 3.12 Milestone 3: Breeding features included 4.0 financial features 4.1 Develop marketing and general ledger database
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ICT PROJECT MANAGEMENT5 4.2 installing features for Stallion bookings contract management 4.3 installing features for monitoring location status of horses 4.4 including features for entering Vet and Farrier charges 4.5 installing features of tracking of cost 4.6 installing features for entering discounted rates, extrenal costs, GST and ownershipcharges 4.7 Milestone 4: Financial features included 5.0 Mobile Features 5.1 installing quick and easy recording of procedures to horses out of the office 5.2 installing features for reviewing of breeding and vet history for any horse 5.3 Installing features for sending advices to the owners 5.4 including customization for corporate branding 5.5 Milestone 5: Mobile features included 6.0 Control and Monitor phase 6.1 Monitor the online system 6.2 Determining the drawbacks 6.3 Make amendments 6.4 Milestone 6: control and monitor phase completed 7.0 project closure 7.1 online stud management software launch 7.2 Milestone 7: project completedResource PlanNameStartFinishCostRemainingWorkProject OwnerWed 23-05-18Wed 23-05-18$0.008 hrsProject SponsorWed 23-05-Wed 23-$0.008 hrs
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