ssume the following facts based on the Jennings case study: Agristar, the successor company to Agriprocessor Inc., has decided to sell the meat packing plant. Your client, Agriprofit, has asked your consulting firm to evaluate the wisdom of acquiring the company. Specifically, as the case study indicates, the plant requires a large employee base of unskilled workers and the previous owners had not been able to hire enough employees without resorting to hiring alien workers. Agriprocessor got into trouble after the workers requested jobs for their minor children to increase household income.Agriprofit has no intention of hiring minors to work in the plant or undocumented aliens but papers can be forged and sometimes, the company must look the other way to meet its production quotas.
Given the federal government’s inability to resolve the problem of illegal immigration and the Supreme Court’s decision in Arizona vs. U.S., which limits a state’s ability to pass legislation to resolve