
Sustainable Business Practices and Performance


Added on  2020-01-16

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Unit 33. Small Business Enterprise
Sustainable Business Practices and Performance_1

SMALL BUSINESSContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................................................Task 1: Investigating the performance of small business enterprise...............................................................................1.1. Identification of the strength and weaknesses.......................................................................................................1.2. Comparative analysis of the or the business.........................................................................................................Task 2: Proposing the changes for improving management & performance of the business..........................................2.1. Recommendations of appropriate actions for overcoming the weakness of the identified business........................................................................................................................................................................2.2. Analysing the existing performance and strengthening it.....................................................................................Task 3: Business Objectives and plans to incorporate proposed changes.....................................................................3.1. Assessment of existing business objectives and plans........................................................................................3.2. Revision of business plan to incorporate appropriate changes...........................................................................3.3. Preparation of an action plan...............................................................................................................................Task 4: Examine the impact of change management on business operations (ppt).......................................................4.1. Impact of the proposed changes on the business and its personnel....................................................................4.2. Preparation of business plan to manage the changes..........................................................................................References:.....................................................................................................................................................................Page 2 of 35
Sustainable Business Practices and Performance_2

SMALL BUSINESSIntroductionThe assignment is based on the small business enterprise and the development of theopportunities and growth for the busyness that would help the business to rise in a profitablemanner in the market. The business enterprise is a bakery firm that is situated in the UnitedKingdom namely the Montana bakery.The assignment concentrates on the performance of the respected business enterprisethat helps to propagate a bakery business in the market to increase its sales percentage in therecent years. It further concentrates on the improvement that is made in the management of thebusiness, which involves the performance of the business to upgrade its status in themarketplace.Many improvements are taken into consideration in the following discussion that wouldhelp to strengthen the business of the company to progress with flying colours. Moreover, thebusiness plan is taken into consideration in the following discussion that would help the businessto develop a more concrete plan to make the possible progress in the bakery business of theMontana bakery. This would ensure the suitable changes to be adopted by the organisation toincrease its liabilities in the market. Lastly, it demonstrates the impact of the changes that aretaken into consideration by the respected bakery to implement the changes for further progress inthe business.Page 3 of 35
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SMALL BUSINESSTask 1:Evaluating the existing performance for the small business enterprise1.1. Identification of the weaknesses and strength BUSINESS INTRODUCTIONMONTANA bakery is an independent firm and the owner aims at serving the qualityfood to its consumers in the most creative and innovative manner. The bread used by the bakeris of the best quality and majorly manufactured with the natural products. Moreover, the majordesire of the Montana bakery is to concern the needs of the consumers and wants to innovatenew products as per the needs and demands of the consumers and even develops its existingproducts as well as concerns for the future demands and is basically a future oriented firm. The main strength of the organisation is that it being a small-scale business enterprisetherefore, the number of turnover of the employees in the firm is very less. Moreover, thecooperation and coordination among the members are very appreciable that helps to perform firstclass quality in the working. The main mission of the organisation lies in the quality service thatit likes to provide to its customers to gain the satisfaction and the loyalty.Moreover, it aims at making different types of bread such as garlic and pizza breadwhich they tend to supply to the shoppers of the food services and the retail shops of therespected country (Wolf, 2014). On the other hand, the use of modern machines in the bakingprocess with the application of the new form of tools is another vital strength that upgrades theperformance of the bakery. However, it being a small-scale business enterprise, therefore, itcould attract very limited customers to purchase its products. Therefore, the weakness it centresis in the making of the maximum profit due to the minimal number of customers.The food shop is not really a so called food shop actually it s coffe shop and a smallrestaurant where all kinds of coffee and foods are available. The objective of my business is toPage 4 of 35
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SMALL BUSINESSsatisxfy thre customer by meeting their expectation and providing the best quality and thequantity of the food to the customer. But on the other hand the company has tpo look after theinternal factors those factors are related to the employee, productr and the service issue whochthe coampny mau face in the near future. ORGANISATION MISSIONMontana bakery basic mission is 'to produce the best quality products for their costumersin order to increase there morale as well as wants to initiate the sustainability among the businessenvironment. Further, the organisation mission is to create a sound business environment amongthe staff working under the organisation in order to improve their work efficiency which leads toincrease in the economic growth of the organisation.'ORGANISATION'S OBJECTIVESThe objective of the small business organisation is to achieve the future business growthof the business as well as its main aim is to attract more and more consumers towards itsbusiness by serving the best quality and creative as well as innovative products to theirconsumers by achieving morale among their consumers. Moreover, the basic desire of the smallbusiness firm is to enhance their current organisation more widely in future and want be theamong the leading bakery among the other organisation's within the same business sector.INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL FACTORS AFFECTING BUSINESSAn organisation is generally affected by those of the external factors or internal factorsand if we talk about external factors it majorly concerns about the external environment. As wePage 5 of 35
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SMALL BUSINESSall know that business environment is dynamic and it keeps on fluctuating as per the needs anddemands of the consumers which in turn affects the existing products of the businessorganisation whereas if we throw some lights on internal factors of organisation it includes thestaff, owners or any other employee-level working under the organisation because if there is anykind or miss-management among these persons then it results in dispute among the employeeswhich affects the organisation in a very dreadful manner.STRENGTH AND WEAKNESSES OF SMALL BUSINESS ORGANISATION'SStrength of Montana bakery:- The strength of the bakery lies under many factors suchas the creativeness or innovativeness which the organisation is providing in its products ,the proper location is even a plus point for the organisation because it also attracts theconsumers because the eye catchy ambience with a proper parking availability attractsmore costumers which in turn results in more profit for the organisation.Weaknesses of Montana bakeryThe weakness of the organisation is because of the lack of demand for the availableproduct among the consumers because the tastes and preferences of the consumers keeps onchanging which results in decrease in demand for the existing products as well as if the amountor the price of the products increases than it results in decreasing the demand for the particularproduct which results in deficit for the organisation. Moreover, if there will be no proper parkingfacility available outside the bakery than the costumers would avoid visiting the bakery.CONSTRAINTS AND RESTRICTIONS ON BUSINESS The pressure or restrictions on the bakery organisation is that it has to be properly ortimely licensed and should be abide by law. The setup of the bakery should be according to thePage 6 of 35
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SMALL BUSINESSlegal rules and policies as well as the products manufactured by the bakery should be preparedwith proper inspection by the food inspector and the place where the product is manufacturedshould be properly cleaned and hygienic.LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY OF BAKERY OWNERThe basic liabilities of the owner is to get the proper insurance of its bakery the food itdoes manufactures, the employee-level insurance and more. Moreover, the responsibilities of theowner the to ensure the proper safety and security of the food, their employees as well as therecostumers. In addition, it's the responsibility of the owner of the bakery to ensure the budgetedprice of the product which is affordable for every consumers.1.2. Comparative analysis of the companyIt is required that comparative analysis of the company should be made so that itsstrengths and weaknesses could be assessed and evaluated. Montana Bakery has combat tumblein the range of £1.3 to £1.2 in time period of 12 months’ span. Curve in net revenue is varyobvious in year 2014 to 2015 in the range of 0.4% - 48.9%. The organisation is in this mannerexpected to create item improvement procedure and to dispatch assortment of items to addressclients' issues. The fall has expanded the awareness of the business administrator to build up afew procedures and to redesign plants and types of gear. The executive additionally concentrateson the expertise improvement of representatives. Numerous independent venture undertakingsPage 7 of 35
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SMALL BUSINESSconfront misfortune at specific stages, yet they attempt to defeat the misfortune and to raise itsbenefit bar is more noteworthy than different organisations (Wolf, 2014).Cooplands is the pastry shop undertaking that confronted £18.6 Million of overallturnover in the year 2011 beginning from the year 1933, On the other hand Montana Bakery hasgained revenue £19.6 Million to £21 Million in the time period of 12 months. It has been foundthat Cooplands neglected to offer the adaptability that is being offered by Montana Bakery. Froma long time, this Bakery is operating effectively with no hindrances and still begrudgeorganisations concern that its prosperity will reduce. However Negative growth rate has beenobserved and 39 stores of Cooplands have been shut in the financial year 2015. along with thisNational training award has been received by Cooplands as it gave excellent preparing. It alsogives information to its staffs. The venture also concentrated on employees preparing afterencountering twist in benefit diagram. It has been observed that Cooplands has taken initiatives for moving its IT support tothat of the Practical Networks. In this manner, the organisation has not thought backmost. In anycase, utilisation of Sottoriva innovation makes the organisation's prosperity at benchmark level,with this it also makes the utilisation of innovation of this organisation exceptional. Deals are expanding all the time in Cooplands, however, Montana Bakery endures theloss of benefit lately. Total benefit have diminishing from .4 48% in the Bakery however inCooplands the net benefit is also expanding. .performance measurement refers to the analysis of the workforce and their activities in aconcerned case of organization. The components of the problems are regarding the employees inthat case the company should fulfil the demand of the employees and should s,olve the problemsPage 8 of 35
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