
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic in workplace


Added on  2022-11-23

12 Pages3764 Words61 Views
Disease and DisordersPublic and Global HealthHealthcare and ResearchEconomicsPolitical Science
Impact of COVID-19
pandemic in workplace
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic in workplace_1

Table of Contents
Project Plan......................................................................................................................................4
Literature review..............................................................................................................................4
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic in workplace_2

As governments spherical the area are in search of for to shop lives with the useful
resource of the use of slowing down the spread of the corona virus, they may be having to take
dramatic measures, with big implications for economic activity. The United Kingdom declared a
lockdown on March 23, 2020, to control the COVID-19 pandemic. This seems to have helped
rein inside aspect the public-fitness catastrophe but is taking its toll on the economy. In a median
lockdown week in May 2020, we estimate that monetary hobby (as measured with the useful
resource of the use of GDP) is down extra or much less 30 probabilities from February 2020
levels. According to the Office of National Statistics, inside aspect the weeks from April 6 to 19,
2020, 23 percent of agencies had speedy closed or paused trading, with spherical 60 percent of
agencies that persevered to trade reporting a fall in revenues (Hickey, 2021). Economic hobby
gets higher as lockdown guidelines are lifted, but the tempo and patterns are especially uncertain
and will variety with the useful resource of the use of sector. In McKinsey’s midpoint scenario,
UK GDP in 2020 is expected to lessen with the useful resource of the use of 9 probabilities,
overall. This record is primarily based totally on effect of Covid-19 on the place of business and
there are numerous elements are covered.
The corona virus disaster and its financial consequences coincides with the fiftieth
anniversary of Milton Friedman’s influential statement that the social duty of commercial
enterprise changed into most effective to growth its profits, within side the law. This mantra has
received a sturdy preserve on a good deal of commercial enterprise practice, with a fierce
cognizance on the quick term. It is on this context that commercial enterprise leaders could be
responding to the consequences of the corona virus disaster. Even earlier than it struck, self-
hobby were an increasing number of on the fore of organizational behaviour. And what are the
consequences, Employment has been actualized to a formerly impossible extent. Eight million
human beings within side the UK held gig economic system jobs in 2017. One in 4 of such
employees earned much less than £7.50 an hour (Khatib and Nour, 2021). It is those employees
who're maximum liable to the financial fallout from the corona virus disaster. Mainstream
management theorizing predominantly takes the rights of commercial enterprise leaders to
pursue anything cause they've in thoughts completely for granted. The task of management
studies is to expand theories that assist them to do that within side the best and green manner
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic in workplace_3

There are some key points such as, Factor of covid-19 that are impact at workplace and
opportunities during this pandemic for company as well for local people.
Project Plan
“To analyse the impact of Covid-19 Pandemic at workplace”
To determine the factors of Covid-19 that are affect the workplace
To analyse the impact of Covid-19 at workplace
To determine the opportunities during the pandemic
Literature review
“To determine the factors of Covid-19 that are affect the workplace”
COVID-19 is every a global health catastrophe and an worldwide economic threat. The
worldwide lockdown of businesses and industries which have been implemented and mandated
to reduce the spread of the virus generated a large variety of precise and critical traumatic
conditions for every employees and employers all through the globe. At the individual level,
populations of shutdown affected employees were grew to come to be in a unmarried day into (a)
artwork from home” employees, (b) “critical” or “life-sustaining” workers (e.g., emergency
room medical personnel and grocery save staff), or (c) furloughed or laid-off employees on the
lookout for the nation-particular same of unemployment benefits. Organizationally, the economic
shutdowns and related governmental sports activities appear likely to (i) trade some industries
fundamentally, (ii) accelerate traits which have been already underway in others, and (iii) open
opportunities for novel industries to emerge, as usually takes region in times of wars and natural
disasters. Given the uncertainty and breadth of the COVID-19 shock, artwork and organizational
psychologists urgently need to apply the field’s modern-day information for the cause of sense
making to help humans and businesses control risks while developing and utilising solutions.
Among the prevailing unknowns, it's miles feasible that an effective vaccine or restoration
treatment becomes available rapid enough to limition the direct influences of COVID-19 to a
great deal much less than a year. Among relevant knowns, though, a have a look at human
information and prehistory is complete of times in which pathogenic microbes (together with
viruses and bacteria) have wreaked havoc on societies and workplaces (Diamond, 1998). As an
example, amongst 1918-1920, the Spanish flu killed an expected 50 million humans worldwide,
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic in workplace_4

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