
Customer Loyalty and Its Drivers


Added on  2020-01-28

17 Pages6142 Words141 Views
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3Empirical Review.............................................................................................................................8Summary of the literature review..................................................................................................12Critical literature review................................................................................................................13REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................16
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INTRODUCTIONLiterature review is a process through which the existing literature is being evaluatedover a given topic. It can also said that, it is a in-depth evaluation of the previously conductedresearch by the other researchers. This is a summarised form of the research topic or area whichallows others to identify the motive behind research. A literature is prepared with mainly fourobjectives such as survey, synthesise, critically analysed and presentation of information whichare briefly explained further. However, a literature review emphasis on the examination of theselected area or topic. Besides this, it precisely explains the information in a summarisedmanner. In addition to this, as per this process the information is critically analysed with the helpof evaluating the gap between the current and required knowledge. Here, the theories and modelsare evaluated by comparing the different view points of the authors and writers. This helps theresearcher to conduct the research in an effectual manner. Further, the whole information ispresented in a way that it can attain the motive of conducting the research.A literature review helps a reader to evaluate the in-depth knowledge of the subject to theresearcher. However, it can be explained that a good literature review is necessarily be conductedso that it can result in attaining the motive of the research process. However, this literaturereview is conducted with a aim to identity the impact of customer loyalty in Amazon UK.Concept of customer loyaltyAs per (Aaker, 2012), Customer loyalty is an indication that the client is interested orsicked to the product offered by a company. However, it is crucial for the management of anorganization to keep raising the needs and demands of the consumers. This enables a customer toexpect from the organization to get the demanded products and services. The loyalty of thecustomers may towards the product or a company. If the customer is demanding the sameproduct again and again then it can also be known as the brand loyalty. Whereas, loyalty can alsobe explained as the sticking of the consumers towards the particular brand even when thedifferent substitutes are available. On contrary to this, (Bodet and Bernache‐Assollant, 2011)criticized that Customer loyalty is a reward for the supplier in consideration of the services orproduct provided by the company. However, an organization needs to focus on analysing thecustomer loyalty. It helps the company to improve their services in a way that the goals andobjectives of the organization can be attained. The management of a company needs to prepare a
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customer loyalty plan in order to measure the loyalty level of their consumers. This allows anorganization to keep improve its performance with the adaption of different measures. Whereas,customer loyalty is not somewhat related with customer satisfaction. Because the customers maynot be able to express their level of satisfaction but they can show their loyalty by purchasingproducts from the same organization or a brand. This is an indication for an organization that theproducts and services are highly demanded by the customers.In context to above, (Kaplan, 2012) defined that if the organization is able to meet therequirements and needs of the consumers then it results in developing the customer loyalty. If thecustomer are loyal towards a brand then it can have positive influences on the company. Thisconcept will enable the firm to improve its brand image with the help of increased customerbase. As an conclusion, the positive image of the company will result in standing tall among thecompetitors. It is the most crucial concept for an organization because if the customers are loyaland satisfied then it will remain fruitful for the organization. It is important for a venture to keepenhancing the loyalty factor of the customers by adopting the customer loyalty plan or statement.With the help of this document, the management will be able to analyse the areas and factorswhich can remain useful in raising the customer loyalty. The organization can offer rewards onthe birthed of the consumers. It leads to feel the customer that they are valued to the company asthe firm is concerned about its customers. It can result in bringing new customers to the companyas well. If the customers are satisfied with the company product then they will suggest theirfriend and relatives for the same. This will enhance the customer base of the organization in aneffective manner.In addition to above,(Bodet and Bernache‐Assollant, 2011) explained that the loyalty ofthe consumers can be measured with the help of retention level of them. This is an indication forthe company that their products are valued in the market. In addition to this, purchasing isanother method which can be adopted by an organization for measuring the customer loyalty. Ifthe purchases of the company are high then it is an indication that the products of the firm arehighly demanded and vice versa. However, the management of a company needs to focus onmeasuring this factor so that it can assist the organization to bring improvement. The overallimpact will be on the enhancement of the chances of company opportunities for future growth.It helps the company to improve their services in a way that the goals and objectives of theorganization can be attained. The management of a company needs to prepare a customer loyalty
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