
Impact of Globalization on Human Health Assignment


Added on  2021-02-20

25 Pages5715 Words113 Views
Nutrition and WellnessPublic and Global HealthEnvironmental Science
11 – Research Project
Impact of Globalization on Human Health Assignment_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................2Impact of Globalization on Human Health..................................................................................2Need of Sustainability on Human Health....................................................................................3Environmental and Social Impact of Globalization.....................................................................4RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................5DATA ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................................7REFLECTION AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................18CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................19REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................20
Impact of Globalization on Human Health Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONGlobalisation may be defined as a process by which businesses, people and companiescome together on a common global platform. It is the process of interaction and integrationbetween the people, governments and companies of various nations which is driven by the globaltrade and investments which is aided by information and technology. In recent years there hasbeen rise in the globalisation which are brought various opportunities, challenges as well risksfor the businesses across the world (Eriksen, 2018). Globalisation has led to free movement ofgoods and services and people across the various countries in an uninterrupted manner which hasresulted in the growth and advancement across the nations of the world. Globalisation hasimpacted lives of the people, businesses, cultures, economies of the world and is still impactingdue to continuous process of globalisation. There are various reasons for increase in globalisationlike the technology, transportation, communication processes etc and these are also called asdrivers of globalisation. It has mostly impacted the business of the world as there are numerousopportunities as well as threats available for the companies in the global business environment.Also due to increase in global process human health has become a great concern due to climatechange and lifestyle trends which as resulted in change in ecosystems, food security, waterresources that have affected human health (Bennett and et.al., 2015). So, it has become reallyimportant to maintain the sustainability of human health globally. There is a link between thestandards of globalisation and various components of human health which has effected globalhuman health and its sustainability. In recent years globalisation has played and important role isdevelopment of human health across the world but with every advantage there are disadvantagesassociated with it. It has also been one of the possible reason for degrading the human health andthere are various factors associated with it. Nations of the world are putting efforts fordeveloping as well as improving the sustainability of human health across the world. Aim- To analyse the concept of globalisation and sustainability of human health- A studyon Napolact.Objectives:To evaluate the impact of globalisation on human health.To analyse the need of sustainability for improving global human health.To explore the environmental and social changes imposed by globalisation.1
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To provide recommendations for improving sustainability of human health throughglobalisation.Research Questions:What is the impact of globalisation on human health?What is the need of sustainability for improving human health?How environmental, social and lifestyle changes is imposed by globalisation?What are approaches for improving sustainability of human health through globalisation?Significance:This report has got a great significance as it can provide knowledge to the readers aboutthe process of globalisation and how sustainability plays and important role for the humanhealth. It also provides an idea of how sustainability can be promoted across the world whichhave got a great impact on the human health across the nations. Also, how with the help ofglobalisation sustainability can be maintained across the counties. Present report also provides aproper understanding in relation to changes which are taking place with lifestyles of people andhow can it impact the human health in the world. This research also describes the what is theneed for maintaining the sustainability of human health on global level and also discusses abouthow organisation can help in maintaining the sustainability of human health across the world.Present research is also important as it provides the understanding about what are the challengesand opportunities which are faced for improving the sustainability of human health. LITERATURE REVIEWImpact of Globalization on Human HealthAs per the views of Beumer, Figge, and Elliott, (2018) health consciousness have becomethe basic need of people in their every day life. In a retailing organisation there may exist a hugepositive impact of globalization which can positively effect the human life. If an organisationenters in to the global market there may be a large scope of improvement. Globalization canhelp in improving the quality of products as well as services within the retail sector. The processof globalisation can help in providing the huge amount of information for the organisation whichcan be used by a company in improving the quality of its products in an international market.With the increase in quality it can attract the people across the world and can act as promotion ofhealth in the countries in which a company operates. Due to the promotion through globalisation,it can create a health consciousness among the customers which can help them in improving the2
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healthy living at a global level. The products which are healthy in nature can be the best way ofimproving the human health. Various countries across the word are involved in selling of organicand healthy products which can be effective for promoting a good health and the products whichdoes not contain harmful substance. As per Qaim, (2017) many countries wants to promote healthy life style in citizensbecause most of the people prefer the fast food to save time in hectic life schedule. This iscausing a lot of problems like obesity in different age groups. So it is important to promotehealthy life style. The companies which are promoting healthy life style in people are sellingdifferent healthy products which are directly come from farms and hundred percent organic. Ifcitizen of country are using organic product over other product will improve their routine lifestyle. Globalization of a company which is promoting organic and fresh products improves thehealth of customers. If the company is selling their product on international level it will providehealthy product to larger number of people and this will improve life style of too many people.Globalization also help the organization in different manner like sustainable packaging of foodproduct which is harm less and can help to preserve food product for longer time. The healthyproduct which are served or sell by different organization provide better level of nutrition to user.This improves their immunity level and less chemical improve their physical health. This is howthe globalization help the people to live a healthy life style.Need of Sustainability on Human HealthAs the view of Lawrence and Almas, (2018) for better human health sustainable foodproducts are essential. The farming process of this product should be chemical free. Thechemical used in fertilizer are not good for human health. The chemical like urea and otherchemical as fertilizer increase the productivity but it comes with less nutrition value. Thischemical severely damages the human body after consumption. When this chemical fertilizerreach to intestine they damage the inner surface and reduce its function. This slowly reduces thehealth of humans. To prevent this the farmers need to use chemical free fertilizer in the farmingto grow chemical free food products. By this type of organic food product the better nutritionreach to body which help the people to live healthy life. The people who are aware of bad effectof chemical containing food product usually don't use this kind of product. Sustainability in thefood product is most important for healthy life. The organic food products are able to sustain thehealth of users. Ethically is important to provide better food product to people which will keep3
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them healthy and safe from different disease. So sustainability is required in food products forhealthy life style.According to ink and Fischer, (2018) if the products people are using are not sustainablefor health can cause different type of deficiency in people. Sustainability of food product can bejudged by the nutritious value of food item and packaging of food product. The quality andnutritious value of product is most important for better health. If the product is meeting therequirement of nutrition then it will be good for health. Different companies uses the chemicalpreserver to keep the product preserve for longer time which is not good for health and causedifferent medical issues in consumer. The packaging of product also important to maintainnutrition value and quality of product for longer time. In the globalization use of bettersustainable methods can improve the health of consumer which is basic need. Organization canuse different sustainable ways of packaging which can keep the food product free formcontaminating. Contaminated food product can cause many sever issues which are not good forhealth. Use of chemicals as preserver can reduce the efficiency of digestive system of consumer.So it is very important to keep the food product sustainable to maintain better human health.Environmental and Social Impact of GlobalizationAccording to Whitbread, (2015) the companies which are producing develops the productas per the market trends and needs of consumer. The current trends in market are more focusedon healthier diet. These food products improves the physical fitness in human beings. This thinghelp to improve the social health in the societies. The awareness related to personal health canalso be targeted by promotion of company products. This is very important for people to stayhealthy and it is only possible with healthy life style. By including healthy food in daily routinediet it can improve the life style of people. Globalization has different type of influence on socialand environmental factors. Positive impact of globalization is that this connects the differentpeople from different nation for their mutual purposes. This connects the people of differentnations. By this the products can be more diversified on the global level. The promotion ofhealthy food product can reduce different health issues in citizens of country. This will reducethe expenses. The main role of globalization of is spreading awareness of health consciousnessand diet consciousness in people. This improves the social health on global scale.As per Robinson and Carson, (2015) the environmental impact of globalization are goodfor sustainability. This improves the awareness of people to preserve the natural resources for4
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