
Analysis of Business Ecosystems and Marketing Strategies


Added on  2020-07-23

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Business CaseStudy
Analysis of Business Ecosystems and Marketing Strategies_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................11. RESEARCH AND DESIGN OF A COUNTRY.........................................................................12. TAILORED MARKETING MIX FOR EXPANSION OF COFFEE SHOP IN ABROAD.......23. IMPACT OF INFORMATION SYSTEM AND GAINING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES..........................................................................................................................................................44. EVALUATING THE PROFITABILITY AND LIQUIDITY WHICH MAKE IMPACT ONDECISION.......................................................................................................................................55. SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................8
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INTRODUCTIONBusiness is a working place where goods and services are produced and sell to others. Inthe present report, Marvin and Smith coffee shop is taken as organisation who want to expandtheir business in UK. It also describes the research and design which are related to the UKcountry where business expand itself (Yin, 2013). It also considered the logistical and ethicalconsideration, structural challenges for growing their business. It present a Tailored marketingmix in relation to the coffee shop plan in abroad. It also present the impact of information systemand advantage of gaining competition. By evaluating the profitability and liquidity analysis, Firmanalysis the impact in decision-making process. 1. RESEARCH AND DESIGN OF A COUNTRY Marvin and Smith coffee shop want to expand their business in UK so that they canestablishes their business in a new higher level. To establish the coffee shop in UK, they take thiscountry because it is a routine of a British people to visiting the coffee shop. In UK, the coffeeshop market enjoys their growth in 2008 when market was valued at 2.2 billion pound. Theowner of Marvin and Smith coffee shop found that in next two year, the market of coffee sharegoes increases. There are large number of working class people which adopt the habit of drinkingcoffee. As per the, market share of coffee in UK Firm decided to expand their business in UK.There are various factors which are considered by the Firm to enlarge their business:Logistical Consideration: This consideration factors make great impact in businessactivities. It include one of the most important factor like location of retailers and sources ofsupply to the business. It also consider the location of plant, sourcing of raw materials, standardscustomers services etc. In addition to this , Marvin and Smith coffee shop make connect with thesupplier in UK which give high quality of coffee beans to them. They also focus the taste ofcustomers so that they can produce as per their need. To formulate the business strategy, Firmneed to focus in government rules and regulations, transportation system, energy, techniques etc.so that they can produce high quality of products (Thomas, 2015). Hence, after establishing thebranch in London and also analysis their current profit condition, Firm also expand their productby using innovative techniques, modifying strategies etc. Logistical consideration includevarious process like forecasting, order processing, finished good transport, warehouse facility,1
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distribution centre, packaging, planning, plant storage, control on raw material, procurement etc.which are followed by the Marvin and Smith coffee shop.Ethical Consideration: It include all the employment, culture, corruption, human rights,pollution etc. factors are involved in it. Marvin and Smith coffee shop need to follow all thesefactors to work fairly in a new country (Stake, 2013). Firm gives effective employment practiceand hire the individual by following set of standard. They also focus in right of employee so thatemployees can share their ideas and work freely in their workplace. Firm also behave ethical inwork without making any corruption with the UK government. Here, Marvin and Smith coffeeshop expand their business in UK as per the the country 's rule and regulation. Firm also workfairly and without making cheating with their customers. To expand the business in UK, Marvinand Smith coffee shop also focused to make any environmental pollution in their activity. Forexample: For roasting the coffee beans and use of disposal glasses for coffee are to be work in anappropriate manner.Structure Challenges: While expanding the business in UK, Marvin and Smith coffeeshop faces various structural challenges like HR issues and employment management. It includetraining to the employees so that it will expand skill sets, loosing staff motivation and pay. Firmalso face the new competition and unfamiliar marketplace, contingency plans which makeprotection against business expansion risk (Poulis, Poulis and Plakoyiannaki, 2013).2. TAILORED MARKETING MIX FOR EXPANSION OF COFFEE SHOPIN ABROADMarketing mix is a marketing plan of four P's which consist of product, price, place andpromotion which are adopted by Marvin and Smith coffee shop.Product: Marvin and Smith coffee shop create such a product which satisfy the demandof the targeted market. In addition to this, product means anything which are consume by theconsumer because it have some value for them. Product consist product, packaging, brand andname etc. In term of service it can be intangible in nature (Krajewski, Ritzman and Malhotra,2013). Hence, all the services which are provided by the Marvin and Smith coffee shop areintangible in nature and can not be transported or stored. It contain the customer value, actualvalue and associated services. For example: Marvin and Smith coffee shop offers coffee drinks2
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