
Agile Software Development Research


Added on  2020-05-16

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Running Head: IMPACT OF SCRUM METHODOLOGY ON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTRunning Head: IMPACT OF SCRUM METHODOLOGY ON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTGRAD 699-90-2017 LATE FALL - GRADUATE THESISNischay Varma MudidaHarrisburg University of Science and TechnologyAssignment submitted to Dr. Stanley Nwoji in Fulfillment of GRAD 699
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Running Head: IMPACT OF SCRUM METHODOLOGY ON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTAbstractAs companies invest huge amounts of money on developing software, it is important to recognize the effective methodology to save money while improving the quality of the software product (Permana, Bali, 2015). Successful software development has various factors impacting the development. Every methodology has tried to address these factors which also help in the success. (Avison and Fitzgerald 1998; Hirschheim et al. 1995). For this study, Constructivism would be used, and the gathered data would be further analyzed to validate the impact of Scrum Methodology on factors like software quality, operation costs, and project success. For this research using a more quantitative approach will give the expected results. The collected data will be recorded, measured and analyzed to display the variables used in this research. This action would be a research method which makes use of surveys, questionnaires, interviews alongwith numerical data, statistics to come to a quantitative result. This research paper would be helpful in deciding for the companies across the industry willing to consider implementing Scrum methodology in their organization. Keywords: Software development, Agile methodology, Scrum
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Running Head: IMPACT OF SCRUM METHODOLOGY ON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTTable of ContentsIntroduction.................................................................................................................................................5Problem Statement.....................................................................................................................................5Purpose Statement......................................................................................................................................5Research questions:....................................................................................................................................6Research objectives.....................................................................................................................................6Theoretical Framework...............................................................................................................................7Hypothesis...................................................................................................................................................7Significance of study....................................................................................................................................7Definition of terms......................................................................................................................................8Ethical Considerations.................................................................................................................................8Delimitations...............................................................................................................................................8Limitations...................................................................................................................................................9Literature Review........................................................................................................................................9Methodologies for Software Development...............................................................................................12Factors affecting Software Development..................................................................................................14Research Design and Methodology...........................................................................................................15Research Worldview..................................................................................................................................15Research Design........................................................................................................................................15
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Running Head: IMPACT OF SCRUM METHODOLOGY ON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTResearch Strategy......................................................................................................................................16Method of Data Collection........................................................................................................................16Method of Data Analyses..........................................................................................................................17Population (Unit of Analysis).....................................................................................................................17Sample.......................................................................................................................................................17Results.......................................................................................................................................................18Descriptive analysis...................................................................................................................................18Inferential statistics...................................................................................................................................20Discussion..................................................................................................................................................21Scrum methodologies................................................................................................................................21Traditional methodologies........................................................................................................................24Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................26Recommendation......................................................................................................................................27References.................................................................................................................................................28
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Running Head: IMPACT OF SCRUM METHODOLOGY ON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTIntroductionThe software industry has always been implementing various software development methodologies to ensure efficient development, optimizing resources, time and money. Since theorigin of software technology, many popular methods like Traditional Waterfall methodology, Agile methods have been adopted by companies (Livermore, 2007). Scrum methodology, since its introduction, has been proving that it is the efficient methodology in various terms. Some companies implemented Scrum methodology by making suitable changes to meet the organizational processes. (Tripp, 2012)Problem Statement Businesses intend to develop any software with the highest quality while keeping operating costs low. Many development methodologies have been created to achieve the same, but have failed in meeting the quality and budgets. (Permana, Bali, 2015). Waterfall being the traditional methodology, many companies have been reluctant to change and are still implementing Waterfall, with which there might be loss economically. (Altameem, 2015). But since Scrum Methodology is responsive to change and is economically viable, implementing Scrum Methodology has been widespread, (Ambler 2009; Schwaber and Fichera 2005). As per reports, more than 50% of businesses have been adopting Scrum Methodology (West and Grant 2010). The goal of this paper is to prove that developing software's using Scrum Methodology is far efficient, both for quality and budget, then using Waterfall Methodology.Purpose Statement Any developed software should be of high quality and businesses intend to achieve thiswithin a limited budget. (Permana, Bali, 2015). Since early stages of software development,many methodologies were created with the same intention, but each of them had their limitations
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Running Head: IMPACT OF SCRUM METHODOLOGY ON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT(Avison and Fitzgerald 1998; Hirschheim et al. 1995). For this study, Constructivism would beused, and the gathered data would be further analyzed. This will help in validating the impactScrum Methodology has on software development regarding software quality, operation costs,and project success. For this research using a more quantitative approach will give the expectedresults. Many variables will be taken into consideration and will be used to perform the research.These variables will be recorded, measured and analyzed to finally obtain a report which willsolve the purpose of the research. Also, non-experimental research strategy can be used toapproach this research. This research method makes use of surveys, questionnaires, interviewsalong with numerical data, statistics to come to a quantitative result. For conducting researchusing the quantitative approach, the questions should be very specific, mathematical.Research questions:The questions about this research are listed below:How does traditional Waterfall Methodology differ from Scrum Methodology?What are the factors that affect software development?How effective is Scrum Methodology in developing software?Research objectivesThe objectives of the research are listed below:To identify the factors that affect software developmentTo understand and scrutinize how these factors affect the software developmentCompare the factors of Scrum and Waterfall methodologyRecommend solution based on the outcome
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Running Head: IMPACT OF SCRUM METHODOLOGY ON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTTheoretical FrameworkThe above diagram only depicts the fact that Scrum methodology is very efficient than Waterfall.If any company adopts waterfall, then it is an inefficient methodology to implement and whereas any company taking Scrum will have a successful implementation.HypothesisH0: Implementing Scrum methodology has no impact: as there are other methodologies which may be efficient based on the organizational needs, Scrum may have no impactHa: Implementing Scrum methodology has an impact: As Scrum methodology is efficient in saving time and resources, this will have an impact on organizations implementing it.Significance of studySeveral software methodologies have been implemented and have been emerging since last four decades. Every methodology has been implemented to address issues related to growingsystems and complexity (Hirschheim et al. 1995). These methodologies haven’t been able to reduce the failure rates of projects. The failure rates continue to increase. (Standish Group, 2009). To overcome this, Scrum methodology has been introduced. This scrum methodology takes into consideration, a variety of factors that are negatively affected by Waterfall. (Beck and Andres 2004; Conboy 2009). Implementing Scrum methodology has not only increased project
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Running Head: IMPACT OF SCRUM METHODOLOGY ON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTsuccess ratio but also positively impacted many factors. And companies implementing this methodology have been able to complete projects on time and saved time and resources in the process. (Boehm and Turner 2004; Cockburn 2001; Highsmith 2002; Schwaber 1996).So, this study will help many companies which haven’t moved to Scrum methodology, in making their organizational change decision.Definition of termsScrum Methodology: “Scrum is an agile information systems and software development method with a strong focus on project management, which was formalized and tested by Schwaber and Sutherland in the mid 1990ties” (Schwaber & Beedle 2002, Schwaber 2004).Software Development: "Software development methodology is a process of organizing a set ofmethod and notation convention which has been defined to develop software" (Johannesson, 2003)Ethical Considerations In the process of conducting research, no human subjects are involved in this research. But the participant's privacy, confidential information will be secured consistent with ethical measures. All participants consent will be obtained from the data collection. The process of data collection is transparent, and measures are taken to ensure participants safety. The research data doesn't comprise any personal information.DelimitationsAs for the boundaries, this research doesn’t take into consideration all the other software development methodologies except Scrum and Waterfall. This research is only focused on research questions stated above, and any other questions are not covered in this research. Also,
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