
Social Media Marketing Strategy


Added on  2020-01-07

21 Pages5990 Words172 Views
Research Project
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................41. Research report outlines and its specification ........................................................................41.2.Determining various factors in the selection of research project..........................................41.3.Critical review of the social media and its role in to the customers choices.........................51.4. Research report specification of social media and its impact on the customer choices. .....51.5. Appropriate plan and procedure of the social media and its impact on the customer’schoices research report. ..............................................................................................................6TASK 2............................................................................................................................................72.1 Efficiency of the researches questions .................................................................................72.2 Research investigation .........................................................................................................82.3 Record and collection of the required data.........................................................................10TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................143.1 Research evaluation techniques and appropriateness for the research project ...................143.2 Interpretation and analysis of the results.............................................................................153.3 Recommendation and justification for the further researches.............................................16TASK 4 ........................................................................................................................................174.1 Recommendation on research.............................................................................................17CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................18
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INTRODUCTIONSocial media is the biggest digital market a company to advertise their product and services, ithas a big impact on customer choice as various companies and advertising their product so it isdifficult for a consumer to differentiate among various products. While using social media acompany can updatInterpretatione regarding the arrival of new products in the market and it iseasy for the company to generate demand forecast for their product based on the customerreview which they collect from comments on web page and videos of their products. This all isbecause of the advancement of the technology.1. Research report outlines and its specification Social media affects on consumer choice that may be in negative and positive manner. Inwhich at this time all customers are wants something new and innovative products and goods tofull fill their needs and wants(Heinonen 2011). Social media through provide information anddata related to products and goods in the attractive firm by various methods and techniques. Socustomers are attract to buy products in their life. Social media means online services, socialmedia applications, online ads on the sites etc. by these techniques and services to customers areeasy to understand products feature, new and innovative things, quality, sample videos and somore all these are help to give proper satisfaction to customers. These methods and techniquessometime useful and sometime these all are harmful. They are provide all valuable informationas well as develop negative things in customer mind so customers are use social media in thenegative manner through the social media develop many crimes and create unhealthyenvironments for persons. Social media use full as well as harmful to customers or public.Research objectivesTo identify how many individuals are in interaction with social media platforms.To ascertain that individuals use various social media sites on continuous basis. To identify what individuals are involve in process of social media marketing.Research questionsAre you having an interaction with social media platform?Are you continuously using the Facebook and other social media?Are you involved in the social media marketing process of any company?
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1.2.Determining various factors in the selection of research project.Research project is the systematic process in which find out something new and differentresearch related to the social media in the country. Research project selection process shouldidentify and clarify all factors and issues related to the project in which mention all details andobjectives of the project(Lee Kim and Kim 2011). To conduct the research in social mediasectors so should determine factors those affecting the projects like should suitable, help to fullfill objectives and goals of the project and also clearly define in the systematic way all researchdetails. There are some factors those may be affecting on research project selection like visionand mission of the project, project team, working strategies and techniques, local, society,environment and so more. During the research project selection should clarify and determine allissues and problems related to the project after that take effective decision those help to achieveobjectives and goals of the research project. Research project in prepare a effective planningdesigning all project team members are working according to the planning.1.3.Critical review of the social media and its role in to the customers choices.The research project related to social media in which provide all informations and datarelated to the research topic that help to take effective decision and provide better and effectivequalitative products to customers. In the social media having many application and softwarethere are apply some online ads for provide all informations related to the services by socialmedia public know about something new and innovative features and products. Because at thistime customers are wants something new products with effective feature. In this research projectconducting new informations and data related to the social media. Social media throughcustomers are highly attract to buy products and use in their life and try to full fill needs andwants of customers(.Fotis, Buhalis and Rossides 2012.). Research project having many factorsthose are affecting in the negative and positive manner. During the research project shouldanalysis and determine all informations and factors related those may be affecting in the negativeway.Research theory: Research theory highlights the systematic way of understandingbehaviour, situation and events. To carry out research in an effective manner, it is very essentialfor research to choose a right research theory as this help and provide direction to researcher intake right decision which help in achieve final objectives of research in an effective manner.
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1.4. Research report specification Research project specification is a major thing which includes and stated about variousconsents and factors which lead to included in a project. There are various essential andimportant terms are included in a study which need to understand by an researcher properly sothat better and suitable gains lead to get understand in a suitable and appropriate frame. In suchaspect, following are several number of points which included in the project which have toundertake in an appropriate and suitable frame:Introduction: This project section includes about each and every consent of projectproperly so that all related aspects get understand in a suitable and appropriate frame. It isimportant to include and underpin all important information of project in introductionsection properly so that better and effective study lead to get promoted for gaining betterand appropriate outcome.Literature review: This part of an investigation clearly depicts about various scholars andpoint in a suitable and appropriate frame. Literature review describe about aspects ofvarious famous authors and their view point of signified topic so that better andappropriate gain could be promoted in a suitable and appropriate frame. Moreover, it willalso support to reach the final outcome of a project. Gathering of information: This factor define about collection of primary and secondaryinformation especially focused on primary information which get obtain throughquestionnaire. Gathering of information is a major task through which better and suitableoutcome could be gain for analysing various aspects and responses properly. Record and collate information: Collection of information is consider as importantsection which get underpin by applying relevant methodology. There are various sectionsneed to get understand and underpin properly so that better study get done in order tomaximise efficiency. Conclusion and recommendation: The last part of study is conclusion andrecommendation in which overall summary of project get done. Along with this, it willalso reflect about recommendation of project in which appropriate suggestion lead to getprovided related with project.
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1.5. Appropriate plan and procedure of the social media and its impact on the customer’s choicesresearch report. StagesDefineCost(million)Time schedulingIntroductionIn this stage provideall information relatedto the research projecttopic. Through theintroduction easy toidentify and determineabout the topic andevaluatethem(Cantallops andSalvi 2014.).20015 to 20 daysCollection informationAfter the introductioncollect informationsrelated to the researchproject through thesurvey in the marketand ask somequestions to customersrelated to the researchproject.Information analysis In which analysis allinformations related tothe research projectthrough the qualitativeandquantitativemethods20020 daysEvaluationIn this stage evaluateallcollectedinformationsand10040 days.
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