
Impact of Technology on Travel & Tourism Industry


Added on  2023-03-29

22 Pages5145 Words77 Views
Leadership ManagementData Science and Big DataPolitical Science
Impact of technology on Travel & Tourism Industry
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Impact of Technology on Travel & Tourism Industry_1

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................3
Aims and objective of the research..............................................................................................3
1.2 Research Questions................................................................................................................4
1.3 Problems statement................................................................................................................4
1.4 Rational of the study..............................................................................................................4
1.5 Research hypothesis...............................................................................................................5
Chapter 2: Research Project Justification and Potential Outputs....................................................5
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................5
2.2 Conceptual framework...........................................................................................................6
2.3 Potential outputs..................................................................................................................12
Chapter 3: Research methodology.................................................................................................12
3.1 Research philosophy............................................................................................................12
3.2 Research Design..................................................................................................................12
3.3 Data collection process........................................................................................................13
3.4 Data sampling method.........................................................................................................13
3.5 Data analysis method...........................................................................................................13
3.6 Ethical considerations..........................................................................................................13
3.6 Limitation of the study.........................................................................................................14
3.7 Summary of the proposal.....................................................................................................14
Chapter 4 Research Project Organisation......................................................................................14
Scheduling of the proposal........................................................................................................15
WBS Structure of this proposal.................................................................................................16
Cost Analysis of this proposal...................................................................................................17
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Chapter 1: Introduction
This proposal will be identifying the impact of using numerous categories of emerging
technologies in tourism and the travel industry, such as the Harbour Rocks, Australia. Being one
of the best places for both national as well as international tourists, Harbour Rocks provides
luxurious services over a period of time. According to the investigative sources it can be said that
the service provided by this commercial establishment can be hugely improved if emerging
technologies are considered as a platform for changing the current infrastructure of this
corporation. This corporate establishment provides an extensive range of service for their
consumers in terms of the Wi-Fi access, bar and restaurant services, breakfast facilities, and
other essential services such as the warehouses and the penthouses. This corporate establishment
allows their consumers to customize all the services they are getting, hence it can be assumed
that the incorporation of the emerging technologies will be very much beneficial for both the
consumers of this corporate establishment and also for the management team of this corporate
establishment to understand the importance of incorporating emerging technologies in the
business environment of Harbour Rocks.
Aims and objective of the research
The foremost aims and objective of this proposal are listed below.
To present the usability of emerging technology.
To understand the complication of the incorporation of emerging technologies.
To measure the effectiveness of the new emerging technologies.
To understand the limitations of using emerging technologies.
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1.2 Research Questions
The research questions of this proposal are listed below.
How can emerging technologies ensure the organizational growth of Harbour Rocks?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of emerging technologies?
What are the future prospects of using emerging technologies?
Is scheduling and budgeting important for the employment of a particular technology in
Harbour Rocks?
How can the degree of success of incorporating technology measured?
1.3 Problems statement
The incorporation of the emerging technologies has numerous changes such as aligning
the vision of the organization with the future prospect of the technology which is going to be
incorporated in this hospital. The foremost challenges which can be faced by the hospital
corporation is the professional development of the employees which are working in this
corporation, scheduling of the implementation plan is the other significant challenge of the
technologies for this corporate establishment. The user adoption challenges are the other
problems which have to be addressed in the first place so that the growth of this private
establishment is maintained.
1.4 Rational of the study
The incorporation of the new technologies can have a huge impact on the growth and
development of Harbour Rocks as the services offered by this commercial establishment can be
huge optimized after the employment for the new emerging technologies. The net profitability of
Impact of Technology on Travel & Tourism Industry_4

this corporation can also be improved using emerging technologies as well. It can also be said
that the location-based services offered by this private establishment can also be enhanced using
emerging technologies. The chatbot and the mobile application facility obtained from the IT
innovations can also be very much responsible for improving the customer engagement of this
commercial establishment. The networking of this organization can also be improved using these
emerging technologies as well.
1.5 Research hypothesis
H0: The incorporation of emerging technologies can have a positive impact on the growth
and development of Harbour Rocks.
H1: The incorporation of emerging technologies will not have any significant impact on
the growth and progress of Harbour Rocks.
Chapter 2: Research Project Justification and Potential Outputs
2.1 Introduction
The incorporation of emerging technologies can have a huge impact on the growth and
development of the tourism and travel industry. This unit of the paper will be very much
beneficial to understand the importance of the emerging technologies from which the
commercial establishment can address their issue faced by the consumers as well as by the
workers of this establishment.
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2.2 Conceptual framework
The conceptual framework of this proposal is described in the following diagram
Figure 1: Conceptual framework of this proposal
(Source: Created by the author)
As stated by Al-Badi, Tarhini & Al-Sawaei (2017), the use of emerging technologies can
have a huge impact on the growth and productivity of the transportation industry. The
investigators of this paper suggested that the ICT can play a huge role in the travel and tourism
industry by providing wide range of software and Information System which can be very much
helpful to track and manage essential business documents in terms of the annual financial data
and the raw data of the business (Tom Dieck, Fountoulaki & Jung, 2018). The investigators of
Identifying the areas of
improvement on travel and
tourism industry
Identification of the
technologies which can be
used in the travel and
tourism industry
Identify the limitation of the
technologies and risks while
implememting the new
Ubderstand all the
government regulations and
the protocols of the new
technologies along with the
ethical cobsiderations.
Pklan the entire
implmentation of the new
technology using IT project
governance plan.
Make the descisions based
on the data collection
procedure. Data security
must be maintained.
Aligning the workimng
procedure of the
technologies with the
workplace ethics and busiess
Quality of servuce is
improved in the tourism and
travel industry.
Customer satisfaction of the
travela nd tourism industry
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