
Diversity in Business: A Review


Added on  2021-06-14

8 Pages2437 Words268 Views
Leadership Management
NameStudent NameLecturer’s NameCourse CodeDateIntroductionThe increasing shift of demographic patterns, compositions and work practicesin the world today warrants an integration of diversity viewpoints into organisations. For a business to be successful, it must manage its diversity workforce effectively by taking into consideration the moderating factors. This paper examines three articles allof which review the moderating factors that determine the impact of the outcomes of adiverse workforce either in a positive or negative way. In the initial section, the essay will give a brief overview of what each article contains. Further on, an analysis of all three essays will be brought forward. In the preceding section, the paper proposes avenues that require further research and winds up by giving feasible inferences. Guillaume, Dawson, Otaye-Ebede, Woods & West (2015) performed a study aimed at informing organizations and managers on how to effectively manage workplace diversity. Their focus in the review was on variables moderating the effect of diversity on performance, innovation, creativity, social homogeneity and workforcewelfare variables. In the overview, Guillaume, Dawson, Otaye-Ebede, Woods & West(2015) identified moderating variables such as strategy, unit design, human resource (HR) practices, climate and culture, leadership, and individual differences. These moderating variables were explained to be those in which the organization has controlover. Further, they examined several studies that provide empirical quantitative data on the moderated effects of workplace diversity. In particular, the Categorization-Elaboration Model, the typological approach, the fault line approach, and the 1
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Namecontextual framework were examined as models containing contingencies of work group diversity effects. Diversity is viewed to benefit an organization by, increasing innovation, talent pool, productivity, customer base and builds the reputation of the company. However, the foursome acknowledged, in their study, that diversity is a double-edged sword that does not always work to benefit an enterprise. This is because at times linked to more conflict, lower morale, and poorer performance. For this reason, they worked to scrutinize the various moderators on the effect of diversity.Greer, Homan, De Hoogh & Den Hartog (2012) studied the effects of a visionary leader on the production and communication adequacy in an ethnically diverse team. They found fault in previous findings of consequences ethnic diversitieshave on a team’s performance and communication. To make congruent such inconsistencies, they suggested reviewing the disposition of leader behavior and assortment in an ethnically diverse team. An ethnically diverse team is described, in their qualitative report, as a group containing people from distinct social and cultural backgrounds in the society. The report explains that visionary leaders often idealize, set values and future goals of an organization for which employees follow. Visionary leaders that exhibit a high tendency to categories the workforce into groups could potentially negatively affect the relations, attitudes, and perceptions of an ethnically diverse team. To test the theory of leader behavior and categorization on the performance of an ethnically diverse team, the authors examined 100 retail outlets. Just like Guillaume, Dawson, Otaye-Ebede, Woods & West, (2015), they call to use a moderating approach to diversity taking a particular focus on the leadership moderator. The idea is to understand the implications of leadership on the negative or positive outcomes of diversity.2
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NameGoldberg, Riordan & Schaffer (2010) conducted a study to weigh upon the moderators that prescribe when demographic similarity matters and the effects on work outcomes. They explained that relational demography within groups is often informed by the social identity theory. What’s more, a social identification motive is described in the text to include the need to reduce uncertainty and enhance social status. These motives act as moderators for the relationships linking race and gender or both in similarities and incoherence at the same time affecting group outcomes. The research was completed to contribute to the insufficient texts that had not tested effects of these motives. More explanation is given as to why individuals choose to classify themselves and others into groups. In so doing people boost their self-esteem and need for self-continuity by feeling like they belong somewhere thus reducing uncertainty about their social identity. The trio points out that social identification being a group phenomenon shapes the creation of a shared identity. Their study examines surface demographics such as age, race, gender, education levels, and industry background along with perspectives, values and outlook since these attributesstructure a person’s identity.All the three journal articles selected for this analysis share the commonality that they test theoretical mechanism that moderate a particular outcome. The first two following the order of this essay demonstrates how the successful management of diversity in the workforce could lead to better performance, commitment, job satisfaction and ultimately financial befits to an organization. Leaders have the ability to bring together a diverse team with dissimilar opinions by a setting an agenda that guides and creates synergy among the workforce (Greer, Homan, De Hoogh & Den Hartog, 2012). A visionary leader that communicates a vision centered by categorization is likely to fuel the development of subgroups within the workforce. 3
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