
Customer Satisfaction & British Airways


Added on  2020-02-05

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Customer Satisfaction & British Airways_1

Table of ContentRESEARCH PROJECT ......................................................................................................................31.1 Formulate and record possible research project outline specification.......................................31.2 Factors that contribute to the process of research project selection..........................................31.3 Undertaking of critical review of key references.......................................................................41.4 Research project specification ..................................................................................................51.5 Plan and procedure for the agreed research specification..........................................................6TASK 2.................................................................................................................................................72.1 Matching the resources effectively with stated research objectives and question ...................72.2 Undertaking the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures.................................................................................................................................72.3 Record and collate important data where appropriate...............................................................9TASK 3 ..............................................................................................................................................113.1 Use appropriate research evaluation techniques......................................................................113.2 Interpretation and analysis of data ..........................................................................................123.3 Make recommendations and justify areas for further consideration........................................19TASK 4...............................................................................................................................................194.1 Presentation of the key result..................................................................................................19References..........................................................................................................................................20APPENDIX .......................................................................................................................................222
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RESEARCH PROJECT TASK 11.1 Formulate and record possible research project outline specificationTitleTo critically ascertain the impact of service quality on customer demand in airline industry:A study on British Airways, UK. BackgroundBritish Airways is the largest airline in the UK, founded in 1974 and headquartered inWaterside, Harmondsworth. It further have fleet size of 295 and is among the largest the flag carrier.According to the passenger carrying capacity, British Airways is regarded as second largest entity.The organizations provide its services to around 183 destinations. The main hub of British Airwaysis Gattwick and Heathrow airport. The vision of company is to become an international premiumairline. The company aims at becoming highest preferred airline for longhaul premium customers.British Airways also operates Boeing 747-400 in the globe with 51 registered to the airline. In orderto survive in present cut throat competition, the entity focuses more on delivering outstandingservices to customers at every touch point (About us. 2016). The main concern of company is todeliver quality services so as to maintain its premium image amongst customers. In this respect,organizations provide constant training and development to employees so they render best servicesto customers. ObjectivesTo critically study the concept of service quality with reference to the airline industry. To ascertain the importance of service quality for British Airways. To determine the relationship between service quality and customer demand for BritishAirlines.To recommend new method through which service quality of British Airways can beimproved to hold b in ack the customer demand of company. Research questions What do you understand by service quality within the airline industry?How service quality is important for British Airways?What is the link between service quality and customer demand for British Airways?1.2 Factors that contribute to the process of research project selectionThere are various factors that assist in choosing the research topic. The first and foremost theresearch project is importance of the topic. Present scenario, the quality services are crucial aspect3
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that assure survival and sustainability of company. The customers are getting more informed andcompare the quality and prices of services before selecting them. Thereafter, reason for selecting thepresent project is that the researcher is interested in knowing the impact of service quality oncustomer demand (Soteriou and Stavrinides, 2013). Further, investigator have effective knowledgeabout the airline industry and thus to implement this knowledge practically and make best use ofavailable information, research has been performed. So far, the researches are done on the impactof prices on service demand. Therefore, to fill the gap between past studies, new aspect which isrelated to impact of service quality on customer demand is focused. The another reason for selectingthe research problem is that current issue is well-known and appropriate with reference to airlineindustry. In the current scenario, the quality is most influencing factor that can drive customerstowards a specific brand (Moreira and Silva, 2016). The corporation are emphasizing more onquality aspect to develop a strong and well define market position in the economy. Hence,investigator has taken decision to perform the study on this topic as result of aforementionedfactors. However, the present research project is to understand service qualities on customer demandin airlines industry. In accordance to this, several aspects to be expressed related to projecting andimpact on British Airways' effectiveness by fulfilling customers' requirements. Therefore, differentsteps for project accomplishment is to be described including research methodology throughconducting survey and further on the basis of collected data analysis, preparing plans for furtheryears' business operations. Thus, significance of market demand fulfilment can be understoodthrough this assignment.1.3 Undertaking of critical review of key referencesIn the past there were many scholars that performed study on the identical topic to thepresent one. The current study on impact of service quality on customer demand will help indeveloping detailed understanding about customer preference, their buying behaviour etc. Thedifferent books,journals and literature are analysed to identify the scholars opinion about the impactof service quality on customer demand within the aviation industry. Theoretical framework of thereport will assess the relation between service quality and attributes on the customer attitude in thecurrent scenario. The critical review of key references in the context of current study is presentedbelow. Understanding the concept of quality services within the airline industry In the opinion of Mok, Sparks and Kadampully, 2013 the service quality is the aspectthrough which business concentrate on the attribute of services and their performance. With this4
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aspect it perform important role in the company by which it render the superior services to theircustomer. It assists to meet the contentment of the customer towards the services. British Airwaysconcentrate on the quality of services where focus is given on the growing needs and preferences ofcustomers which can be incorporated in services. According to Bansal and Taylor, 2015 goodquality of services assist the company to stimulate maximum customers towards the services. Asper the opinion of ITarí, Heras-Saizarbitoria and Dick, 2014enhanced service quality maymaximize economic competitiveness of the brand. The service quality is important way throughwhich company can attain the high benchmarks of the industry. Importance of quality services for British AirwaysAs per the views of Street, 2012 there is wide scope of the services quality for the BritishAirways. With the help of superior quality of services, many services user draw in towards theofferings of entity which assist business to enhance the sales ratio. The effectiveness in servicequality, play a major role in developing distinct image of brand in market. The good qualityservices also help in cut down the customer compliant to large extent and thus develop positiveimage of the brand in market. The good quality of services can be used as tool to retain presentcustomers and attract new one. According to Madar, 2015 quality of services enable the corporationto charge high amount for the same from customers. By this method, company can increase theprofit margin and enhance market share. The main significance of the quality services is that it helpin maintaining the leading position of British Airways. Relationship between quality services and customer demands for British Airways It has been stated by Grundy and Moxon, 2013 there are strong relations between servicequality and customer demands. The increase in quality of service will be help in influencing thecustomers to prefer offerings of British Airways over its competitors. The service quality isimportant attribute that help in company maintaining the brand image of company. However,organization renders the effective services with the organized way which develop the long lastingimpact on the interest of the consumer. Accordingly, they attracts towards the services which willhelp in enhancing the demand of entity. The failures to provide best quality of services have directbenefit to the rivals as customers will shift towards their offerings. The customers will also notfavour the poor quality service due to numerous grounds like compromise on quality meansincrease in risk of customer health. It impacts performance of the entity as business fails to meet thecustomers demand (Soteriou and Stavrinides, 2013). This further decrease the satisfaction level ofthe customers. With this aspect, drop in the number of customers due to inappropriate qualityimpact the sales turnover. On the contrast, if the executives of British Airways are competent to5
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render the superior quality of services with the right ways which assist to increases the number ofcustomers. It helps administrator to keep the quality of services and meets the consumer demand. Ithas positive impact on the image of the organisation and increases the productivity in airlinesindustry (Moreira and Silva, 2016). 1.4 Research project specification Survey method can be defined as study of sample of individual units from a population andis related to survey data collection methods like, questionnaire etc. this method will help inobtaining the first hand information from the respondents. Therefore, primary data can be obtainedthrough survey. On the other side, secondary data will be gathered from various sources whereinformation is readily available. Therefore, books, online article, government reports, journals andPDFS etc. can be accessed to obtain secondary data. Sampling is one of the most important aspectof performing a research. It assist the investigator in achieve a representative population for theevaluation. The population of the current study is significantly wide. There are more than 20million individual in UK as it is impossible to address them all a ratio of group can be chosen whichwill stand for the entire group. A sample size of 40 British Airways consumer was undertaken forthe evaluation. Therefore, the present research is specified regarding understanding customers'views on quality services of British Airways so further decisions can be made for improvements andbetter performance. However, critical evaluation on organization's performance is obtained thatleads to prepare plans to create innovations for effective customer satisfaction. In this regard,researcher is to conduct survey and analysing their opinions that affects further production anddistribution to gain revenue effectively. Research 1.5 Plan and procedure for the agreed research specificationIn order to perform the present study, the researcher is required to pursue a organized planand process which will assist in performing the entire study according to the agreed specifications.The present study is descriptive one which must be performed in most effective way. Theinvestigator will focus on acquiring the research objectives which will build strong impact onascertaining the purpose of the study. Primary and secondary research method can be used to collectthe data for the current study. In order to gather primary data, survey method can be consideredthereby framing a properly structured questionnaire for the study. In this respect, a sample ofrespondent can be selected to obtain the response to planned requisitions through open and closeended questions. The respondents will be selected randomly through probabilistic method.Thereafter, secondary data will be obtained through, books, journals, literature, past research etc.6
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