
Implementation of Ethical Decision Making - PDF


Added on  2021-06-14

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Implementation of Ethical Decision Making - PDF_1

1IMPLEMENTATION OF ETHICAL DECISION MAKINGIntroduction:The term ethical decision making refers to the process of evaluating and selectingamong the alternate choices in such a manner that it abides by the ethical principal and also iseligible to meet the criteria of the demand. The term ethical means something that is withinthe limitation in an effective manner and has maintained proper strategies and systems tomeet the requirement in nature (Ford&Richardson, 2013). An ethical decision helps thedecision maker to benefit from the selection that they have made. It does not involve any riskor harm to the person or the situation on which the decision has been made. The ethicaldecision making helps the decision maker to select among the various situation that has putthem in dilemma (Shapiro, Stefkovich& Gutierrez, 2014). Thus it is very important to make aproper and justifies decision in terms with the required situation and condition. There arevarious steps involved in the decision making process such as:Establishing the fact in asituation, decide whether the situation is legal or ethical, and identifying the option andpossible consequences, evaluating the options, choosing the best possible option,implementing the decision.These common steps are must while taking a decision that has to be considered ethical.The ethical decision making can save the individual from facing various consequences thatcould have harmed the person in various ways (Craft, 2013). Thus ethical decision makinghas to be considered by everyone. The study will typically discuss about the importance ofethical decision making and its impact in the process. The decision making process builds theinner quality of an individual and thus helps them to become a better and wise person. As leadership and management are activities that include decision making and makingchange, thus it can be said that an effective leader or manager has to be an effective decisionmaker.
Implementation of Ethical Decision Making - PDF_2

2IMPLEMENTATION OF ETHICAL DECISION MAKINGThe manager must strive to focus on the method of setting and achieving the targetsset by the organization. However to reach the target they have to make sure that they areusing effective measures and one among that is ethical decision making (Yeager, 2015). Thedecision making policy in the leaders makes a significant creativity in the leaders. The factorsthat affect the decision making of the manager are as follow: Certainty, risk, definition of theproblem, identifying the limitation, developing potential alternatives, selecting thealternative.The leader has to make sure that the decision that they are making is abiding by therequirement for the company or organization and is affectively working for it. The leadermust know what is best suited for the organization and what will be the best alternative forthe decision. The manager or the leaders is the person who has to decide on behalf of theentire organization, thus they have to make sure that they are taking effective decision in anefficient manner (Crossan, Mazutis&Seijts, 2013). The manager will show the correctdecision making process to the followers who will show them the accurate way to handlesituation by themselves in the future and take relative decisions.Literature review:Review on ethical decision making and its importance are as follow:Ethical decision making relates to effective managerial practise- Decision making plays avital role in management. It is perhaps the most important component in a manager life. Therole of the manager is to manage the organization in an efficient manner and among theefficiency the decision making process plays a vital role. According to Crossan, MazutisandSeijts (2013) there are many decisions that has to be taken by the organization which isdone by the manager who works on behalf of the entire system. The decision has a directimpact result time, cost, feelings and work. The decision making process included manyphases that has to be considered by every individual while taking a decision. The good
Implementation of Ethical Decision Making - PDF_3

3IMPLEMENTATION OF ETHICAL DECISION MAKINGmanagement skill says that it is always the best thing to take a decision and stick to it.the manager should have proper decision making skill that allows one to ascertain theproblem and come up with a better solution that proves it be beneficial to the companyand its employees was said by Craft (2013). As per Yeager (2015) it is believed thatdecision making is a process that is regarded the cognitive method resulting in the selectionof a thought or action among various other actions. Every decision making process has afinal selection that decides to select the best choice for the organization and it is expectedthat it will benefit the organization. The decision making process determines the capabilityof the manager to out show their skills to become an efficient manager and explore theirmanagerial skills. The manager who is responsible for the maintenance of the organizationmust abide by the common skills that are required to build a proper organizational system.Important skill required to promote the leaders or manager- the managers form the corecentre of an organization. They are the vital part of an organization without whom it wouldbe difficult to run an organization. Manager have a vision of what can be achieved from aparticular decision making and what decision they should make. They are well aware ofevery single step that will benefit the organization and help them to grow. According toHartman, DesJardins& MacDonald, (2014) the role of a manager is to guide the entireorganization in such a way that will benefit the organization and the employees workingthere. The manager is responsible for every single high and low situation faced by theorganization. Thus they play an extremely important part. The primary reason behind thesuccess of the organization a rete decision and working pattern of a manager. The managerdetermines whether the organization will succeed or fail in terms of achieving the desiredgoals in the organization. It was said by Goodall, (2014) that the job description of a manageris to integrate function and department for the implementation. The manager is responsiblefor every single action taken by the organization. It the decision of the manager that
Implementation of Ethical Decision Making - PDF_4

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