1.1 REVIEWING THE SYSTEMS, POLICIES, AND PROCEDURES According to the Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974, the employees have an obligation to ensure safety for their co- employees and co-operate accordingly with the employers for the welfare of everyone. According to the Health and Safety Regulations Act, 1981, the ward should be equipped with trained first aiders, first aid amenities, and the necessary measures for managing any adverse situations. 1.2 ASSESSING THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF A SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE WORKPLACE Themanagementoftheorganizationmust implementtherules,monitorthepractices,and ensure that the policies are being strictly followed bytheusers,staffandallthemembersofthe organization. 1.3 ANALYZING THE HEALTH AND SAFETY PRIORITIES Althoughdifferentorganizationshavedifferent health and safety rules to be considered, however, for any health and social care workplace the rules and regulations need to be specific and appropriate for ensuring the welfare and safety for everyone. REFERENCES Blais, K., 2015.Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives. Pearson. Carayon, P. ed., 2016.Handbook of human factors and ergonomics in health care and patient safety. CRC Press