
Importance of Maintaining Accurate Records of Communication


Added on  2023-06-10

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Professional Development
ILM Level 2 – Workplace communication
Centre Number: 072797 Centre Name: Specsavers Optical
Registration No:
6. Outline the importance of keeping a record of oral communication
Oral communication can be described as communication which takes place
verbally. The communication may take place between different employees, the
customer and the employee or between the senior management and the employees
who are managing the stores. Although all communications are crucial, even if the
conversations are more crucial, it is not possible for an individual to remember all
the parts of the conversation. Hence, very often when an individual is required to
make certain decisions, they need to refer back to the conversation and the
different facts which are stated in that particular conversation. It is at this time
frame that the decisions began to pend when the facts cannot be referred to
accurately (Berger and Iyengar 2013). Secondly, if the wrong fact is being referred
to during the decision making, it might lead to an incorrect outcome. In case of the
optical stores, if the number of the spectacles are not noted down considerably and
the wrong frame is not prepared then it may spoil customer relationships. Hence,
due to accuracy of the different operations, it is very crucial for the business
organization to maintain the maintenance of records of conversations, discussions,
negotiations, agreements and interviews.
It will assist in the following manner:
Help in recalling what has been said, agreed to, discussed and others
Helps in decision making (Yow 2014)
Helps in referring to in case of consequences or emergencies
Assists in ensuring that transparency between different relationships is
In case of the optical business, Specsavers Opticians, the customers often
provide basic information about their needs and designs which need to be conveyed
to several layers of management for the complete service. Hence, for this it
becomes necessary to keep a record of the conversation and ensure success in the
operational cycle.
Berger, J. and Iyengar, R., 2013. Communication channels and word of mouth: How
the medium shapes the message. Journal of consumer research, 40(3), pp.567-579.
Yow, V.R., 2014. Recording oral history: A guide for the humanities and social
sciences. Rowman & Littlefield.
Importance of Maintaining Accurate Records of Communication_1

ILM Level 2 – Workplace communication
7. Describe methods of maintaining accurate records of electronic and oral communication
It is very important to maintain accurate records of electronic and oral
communication in order to ensure that the individual does not miss out any relevant
information which is largely available. The given methods can be alternately used in
Specsavers Opticians in order to keep an accurate record of the electronic as well as
oral communication :
Email- A record can be kept in the form of an email. This means that the necessary
communication that takes place between the different customers or the employees
of the different departments can be sent through an email. This will go a long way in
assisting the firm to ensure that accurate records have been maintained
accordingly. In case of the given organization, the client can be mailed.
Memo- A memo is a rough record which is maintained in a designated format in
order to maintain a record of internal communication which means communicating
amongst the different employees of the organization. The customer requirement
can be maintained accordingly with the help of a memo.
Letter- Letter are also used to maintain accurate records of the different
communications which take place amongst the different members in an
organization (Mascle 2013). The letter can be addressed to the concerned party.
Letters can be sent to the consumers.
Minutes- The minutes are generally prepared during meetings of the organization
and other related concerns. This forms an important source of internal
communication system whereby the entire organization tends to become aware of
the contents of the meetings which tend to take place. Using this, one cannot go
back on their words (Moore and Morton 2017).
Short Reports- Very often short reports that are prepared also serve as an
effective means of communication which go a long way in assisting the individual to
maintain efficient records for the long term.
Mascle, D.D., 2013. Writing self-efficacy and written communication skills. Business
Communication Quarterly, 76(2), pp.216-225.
Moore, T. and Morton, J., 2017. The myth of job readiness? Written communication,
employability, and the ‘skills gap’in higher education. Studies in Higher Education,
42(3), pp.591-609.
By submitting I confirm that this assignment is my own work
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ILM Level 2 – Workplace communication
MARK SHEET –: Workplace communication
Assessment must be conducted with reference to the assessment criteria (AC). In order to pass the unit, every AC must be met.
Assessors will normally award marks for every AC and then total them into a percentage. However, for greater simplicity, there is the
option to not use marks at all and merely indicate with a ‘Pass’ or ‘Referral’ in the box (below right). In order to pass the unit every AC must
receive a ‘Pass’
Where marks are awarded according to the degree to which the learner’s evidence in the submission meets each AC, every AC
must be met, i.e. receive at least half marks (e.g. min 10/20). Any AC awarded less than the minimum produces an automatic
referral for the submission (regardless of the overall mark achieved).
Sufficiency descriptors are provided as guidance. If 20 marks are available for an AC and the evidence in the submission approximates to
the ‘pass’ descriptor, that indicates it should attract 10 marks out of 20, if a ‘good pass’ then ca. 15 out of 20. The descriptors are not
comprehensive, and cannot be, as there are many ways in which a submission can exceed or fall short of the requirements.
1. Learner named above confirms authenticity of
2. ILM uses learners’ submissions on an
anonymous basis for assessment
standardisation. By submitting, I agree that ILM
may use this script on condition that all
information which may identify me is removed.
However, if you are unwilling to allow ILM use your
script, please refuse by ticking the box:
Learning Outcome / Section 1: Understand the importance of effective communication [44 Marks]
Assessment Criteria (AC) Sufficiency Descriptors
[Typical standard that , if replicated across the whole submission, would produce a referral, borderline pass or good pass
Assessor feedback on AC
[comments not necessary in every box]
AC 1.1
Explain why clear and
communication is
essential in the
Referral [ca.4/16] Pass [8/16] Good Pass [ca.12/16]
There is no explanation
of why clear and effective
communication is
essential in the
Explanation is minimal or
An explanation of why
clear and effective
communication is
generically essential is
given although it is
related implicitly rather
than explicitly to the
workplace and/or it is not
explained what might be
the result if
communication is not
clear and/or effective
Gives a detailed
explanation of why clear
and effective
communication is
essential with its
importance to the
workplace made explicit
Explains what constitutes
clear and effective
communication and how
to ensure clarity and
Explains what might be
the result if
communication is not
clear and/or effective
/ 16
(min. of 8) Pass or Referral
AC 1.2
Outline the key stages
in the
Referral [ca.3/12] Pass [6/12] Good Pass [ca.9/12]
No recognisable
process given
Stages of the
Key stages in the
communication process
are briefly described
including some, but not
necessarily all of; sender,
Clear and thorough
explanation given of key
stages in the
communication process
including: sender, / 12 Pass or Referral
Importance of Maintaining Accurate Records of Communication_3

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