Enhancing Communication Skills for Effective Workplace Management
Added on 2019-09-19
6 Pages2137 Words275 Views
Importance of Emotional Intelligence for Successful CareerEmotional intelligence refers to the competence of individuals to manage as well as controltheir emotions and also having the ability to manage and control the emotions of others (DiFabio and Kenny, 2015). In other words, emotionally intelligent people can influence theemotions of other people as well. A number of researches has been conducted on the impactof emotional intelligence skills on the career of students at different level of education.Research in the area of academic success have also revealed that students having higheremotional intelligence have scored higher than compared to other students in their academicactivities (Di Fabio and Kenny, 2015). On the other hand, Jiang (2016) found out that there isa positive relation between higher emotional intelligence and academic success. It is anevident fact that graduation students usually have more academic challenges in comparison tothose admitted to kindergarten or high schools. Thus, having control over emotions of oneselfas well as on others is a competency skill which sets apart the students with higher emotionalintelligence from others in their academic level. Since past few decades, the most widely used tool to measure the intelligence of people,particularly students were analytic intelligence, i.e. Intelligence Quotient or IQ test. However,this only helped in determining the intelligence level of the students in numeric values basedon analogies, classification, pattern, visuals, spatial and logical tests. Emotional intelligence on the other hand, has been considered as one of the most significantskills in leadership. Di Fabio and Saklofske (2014) contends that emotional intelligenceentails five major elements namely, - motivation, self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, aswell as social skills.If students are self-aware about their skills, requirements, strengths andweakness, they are in a better position to handle and control the situations. For instance, theycan have control over those situations when they feel angry over any matter, in front of thepublic, thereby not leading into an embarrassing situation. In addition to this, self-regulationis also an important aspect which enables the students, particularly those with high temper toregulate themselves before speaking a word during any conflict or debate against theirviewpoints. Coetzee and Harry (2014) in their work argued that when an individual is motivated towardscompleting a series of task or activities, they are in the better position to explain and illustratethe same to others in getting the task done effectively, and vice versa. Thus, motivatedstudents lead as an example to others even when they are assigned a complicated task, such
as performing new activities of higher level in the university or taking part in any competitionand such other cases(Di Fabio and Kenny, 2015). It has been well said that one should notjudge people unless they have walked in their shoes. This means, one must evaluate thecharacteristics, personality and traits only when they have faced similar issues, risks rchallenges as them. Every successful leader must know how to empathise with others, so asto earn their respect, without judging them when unaware of the situation. This is calledempathy and it plays a significant role in balancing emotional aspects during situations ofdilemma. Another element of emotional intelligence is social skills which is of significant importancewhen dealing with a group of students in graduation level, because they are neither knownschool friends, nor the teachers who have been teaching since junior level (Di Fabio andKenny, 2015). All of them at the college level are new and thus, knowing every individual isdifficult. Using social skills, students can build relationship with one another as well scommunicate their point of view whenever necessary. Socializing with people is alsoconsidered as a challenging task, because control of ego and self-esteem is essential inn suchcases for the candidates in graduation level (Di Fabio and Saklofske, 2014). Thus, it can besaid that emotional intelligence enhances communication skills of the students as well. Cognitive Dissonance Theory- Enhancing Future Workplace CommunicationCognitive Dissonance Theory refers to the psychological conflicts that ascends from holding2 incompatible or contradictory beliefs and attitudes (Hinojosa et al, 2017). It is an evidentfact that everyone is right in their own opinion, however the appropriateness is evaluated by athird person. This communication theory suggests that an individual looks for balance in theirpoint of views and beliefs (Kah and Lee, 2016). Thus, with the intention of reducingdisagreement, one would circumvent listening to the opposing viewpoints or might alsoindulge in changing their beliefs so as to match their actions. For instance, one may like aperson, but dislike their habits. Dealing with the condition of stress is of immense importance to control the emotions andstress at workplace. Appropriate communication skills such as taking up a step ahead andspeaking to the team members, the employers and explaining one’s point of view will help inresolving the conflicts. In addition to this, trying to promote different ideas and solutions withthe key stakeholders without causing any damage to the relationship, will help in sorting outthe issues that arise at workplace. Thus, it can be said that with cognitive dissonance theory,
one could could enhance future workplace communication, as they will be at a position toface the circumstances and take the necessary action to overcome the same bycommunicating with people. Taking instant action to communicate with the hierarchy in theworkplace can be an important achievement for individual as well as for the organization as awhole. Improvement Made in Communication SkillsEffectivecommunicationisvitalfor organizational development. Hinojosa et al (2017)suggests that communication is something which helps the managers to perform their basicfunctions of management, such as organizing, planning, motivating as well as controlling. Inother words, communication is the building block of any organization. This is why manyindividuals undergoes different communication enhancement programs so as to improve theircommunication skills in the future. I have also improved my communication skills through activities of my course namely, videointerview, face to face interview, individual presentation, as well as group presentation. Video Interview and Face to Face InterviewConducting or facing an interview has remained the most challenging task, particularly forthose who attends or conducts such interviews for the first time. As a fresher, when I wascalled for an interview for the position of Assistant HR in ABC Inc., neither I knew nothingabout organizational communication skills, nor I had seen anyone facing any interviews. Thiswas an opportunity for me to enhance my skills through communication with the interviewerat the company. At the time of my first interview, I was very nervous, however, I gatheredcourage when I saw the presentation and professional skills of a senior manager who wasalready conducting an interview of another candidate. The questions which were asked wasbased on my resume and curriculums in which I had participated. With self-regulation skill, I controlled myself and think before speaking anything aboutmyself and growth opportunities. I not only followed the theoretical aspects of enhancingcommunication skills but also practiced a lot with my teammates. The practical approach wasfar better than theoretical approach as it guided me how to communicate with different levelsof hierarchy in an organization.
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