
Entrepreneurship Education and Rural Development


Added on  2020-01-28

13 Pages5156 Words55 Views
EntrepreneurshipProfessional Development
Entrepreneurship Education and Rural Development_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................3TASK 1.....................................................................................................................................................3P1 Assessment of various types of entrepreneurial ventures and their relation with the typology ofentrepreneurship...............................................................................................................................3P2 Monitoring the similarities and differences between entrepreneurial ventures. ........................4P3 Impact of micro , small and medium size enterprises on the economy. ......................................5P4 Importance of micro and small business startups in growth of the social economy.\..................6P5 Identifying, traits and skills of an entrepreneur and their differentiation from business managers...........................................................................................................................................7P6 Reflection of entrepreneurial motivation and mind set. ..............................................................9P7. determining the effects back ground and experience can hinder and foster entrepreneurship. .........................................................................................................................................................10CONCLUSION-.......................................................................................................................................11REFRENCES............................................................................................................................................12Book and Journals............................................................................................................................12Online..............................................................................................................................................13
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INTRODUCTION Entrepreneurship is a process of starting a business by an individual according to hisor her interest level in order to establish its own business firm , small enterprise and largeindustries. Basically this is a self made decision of an individual in order to open its ownprivate company by engaging in the ownership. There are some uncertain criteria of riskysituations in order to carry a business startup. This is a process of developing or starting acareer in the business world. The process of entrepreneurship is carried out by means ofattaining enormous amount of profits and more revenue generations. There are different typesof entrepreneurial ventures like small and medium sectors. There aim is to satisfy their basicfamily and individual needs . Large ventures are engaged in various types of employmentopportunities and their income generation is very high. There is a wide variety of scope incarry out different types of business startups (Jitendra, 2013) . TASK 1P1 Assessment of various kind of entrepreneurial ventures and their relationship within typologyEntrepreneur is a person of having an ideology of driving or carrying a business withits self made decision criteria or interest level in order to generate more income and attainingprofits as well. The entrepreneurs are classified as women and men entrepreneurs. The riskfactor is a most important criteria for an entrepreneur in order to participate in the businessworld and without having risk and uncertain situation no one can start its carrier in this field.The basic theme or idea behind this step is to diversifying various types of trade opportunitiesin nation as well as across the world. There are some some opportunities considered with theentrepreneurship. These are marketing chances, employment opportunities, societal well beingand generation of revenue. Following are the typologies associated with the entrepreneurial ventures.Serial entrepreneur- these entrepreneur are working according to their ideology ofnew concepts and ideas in the starting period of business startups. Their concepts and waysare very innovative in order to deal with the every day business conditions and situations andafter that they provide their responsibility to others and carry out some other business plans. Itis good for an enterprise to innovate new concepts and ideas in order to develop growth andattaining profits but it is very embarrassing to take help from others by giving all theresponsibilities towards it (Wang, 2011 ). Social entrepreneurs- these are the personalities of doing business in order to providetheir complete assistance to the societal level of an organizational environment. Their role ishelp out those level of people of below poverty line by providing education, medical facilities,food and others. They open some cost free organizations like charity, trusts, hospitals , nongovernmental organizations etc. their sole motive is to take responsibilities and work for thesocial citizens. Some famous personalities like bill gates, Hilary worked a lot for the societal
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group of communities. The basic idea is to develop revenue and implement various methodsof implementing social, ethical and biological science concerns. There are several socialnetworking internet sites available like Facebook, twitter, media etc. they are inventive,imaginative, cooperative and judgment making and trouble resolving in nature by providingand working for social level of an organization. Women entrepreneur- these entrepreneur are come under the categories of interestedfemales who want to start their carrier or involved in the business world. Their basic motive isto provide social , cultural and environmental assistance towards the nation. As womenentrepreneur are considered , they are very emotional and sensitive in nature not ready to takeany type of risky situation in order to start their carrier because for them their family andrelatives are more important. They are ready to understand the problem more better than maleentrepreneurs. They are very professional and educated and know how to deal with thedifficult situations of business. Copy cat entrepreneurship- these types of entrepreneurs are not working with theirown idea, concepts, themes, and technologies. Their motive is to copying the ideas andmethods of other business firms in order to attain profits in less time. They are not believingin hard-work instead of believing in doing smart work by means short cut methods of copying(Varol, 2010).Dignified entrepreneurship- these are very determined and organized personalities asentrepreneurs are considered and their working criteria is based on innovate advance methodsand concepts for the betterment of the company and the organizational workforce. They adoptcooperation, confidence, hard-work, discipline , valuable and , decision making, thoughts atthe organizational level. They are very straight forward and always work for the achievementsof group and organizational goals. P2 Monitoring the similarities and differences between entrepreneurial ventures. There are several types of entrepreneurship prevailing in the business environment.These are related with the group of social, cultural, environmental, with respect to smallcompanies, large companies and medium entrepreneurial ventures. Their aims and objectivesare depend upon the policies, rules, regulations and their revenue production. The basic mottois to attain profits and maintain the healthy business environment in order to compete with thedifferent types of industrial prospectus. serial entrepreneurs have adopted many excellent tips and principals in order to gain success and momentum. Their idea is to make and develop new business themes by using selfgenerated income sources. They are making their complete effort in bringing new ideas and innovate services to the market. On the other hand life style entrepreneurship is totally related by self development or to satisfy the needs and demands of their own in order to change their individual life standards .Their full contribution is toward themselves only they are not involving any king of social, cultural and environmental issues. They just want to prioritize their needs and demands. Their motive is to satisfy and fulfillment of their own aspirations, expectations and requirements as well. Their idea is to achieve the self profits and not relatedwith the organizational business world in order to compete the situational analysis. The
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