
Four Seasons Hotel: Problems in the Food and Beverages Department


Added on  2023-04-24

24 Pages7213 Words341 Views
Independent Critical Analysis
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Author Notes:
Four Seasons Hotel: Problems in the Food and Beverages Department_1

Table of Contents
Literature review........................................................................................................................4
Organisation culture...........................................................................................................4
Employee engagement.......................................................................................................9
Structural layers...................................................................................................................11
Lack of concern for the customers and the employees........................................................13
Recommendations and Implementation...................................................................................16
Four Seasons Hotel: Problems in the Food and Beverages Department_2

The Four Seasons hotel, is a chain a luxury chain of hotels that has its headquarters in the
Canadian city of Toronto. The headquarters of the Australian division is situated in New
South Wales Australia. The paper will discuss the problems that are being faced by the latter.
A face to face interview was conducted with a long term employee of the company. The
individual who was interviewed has been bee associated in the food and beverages
department. As opined by the latter, the problem with the organisation lied in the culture that
is prevalent in the department that he is associated to. The particular wing has been
experiencing problem such as slow speed of service, various layers within the system and an
authoritarian general manger. It was found out that the general manager was responsible for
the structural framework of operations of the restaurant within the hotel. Furthermore, it was
discovered that slow service was incorporated by the general manger in order to boost the
sales of the beverages of the said department. According to the interviewee, the manger had
lack of concern about the employees that is the executive chef, the members of the kitchen
and the servers. Moreover, it was found out that they were threatened to be terminated from
their jobs if they would complain to the senior management. This resulted in demotivation
within the employees and the same can be deemed to be responsible for the high attrition
rates that is being faced by the food and beverages department. The implications of the
problems thus detected could pose catastrophic threats to the long term sustainability of the
organisation and thus it requires key attention. In order to solve the issues, the senior level
management must be educated about the existent issues, a smooth communication network
should be established and the 360 degree performance appraisal should be conducted in order
to identify the key individual or individuals who are creating such problems.
Four Seasons Hotel: Problems in the Food and Beverages Department_3

Background to the research
The Four Seasons Hotel Limited is a chain of luxury hotels that has establishments
throughout the world. There are more than 100 hotels within the chain of hotels. Headquarter
of the chain is in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Fourseasons.com, 2019). The Australian
headquarter lies in New South Wales (Fourseasons.com, 2019). The hotel chain has received
success throughout the globe for the standards of services it has provided to the community.
Problem Statement
However, problems have been arising in the food and beverages department of the
organisation regarding the attrition rates of the employees. The aim of the report is to analyse
the internal conditions within the food of beverages department of the Four Seasons Hotel,
New South Wales branch.
Research objectives
This report will help in determining the key aspects within the organisation that
contribute to such problem. This inferences and findings will help in mitigating the prevalent
issues. The paper will enumerate the problems that are associated with the food and
beverages department of the hotel. Key indicators would be used to identify the changes that
are required for mitigation of the problem that have been discovered.
Significance of the research
The report will be based on a face to face interview with an individual who is
employed in the food and beverages department of the Four Seasons Hotel. It is assumed that
the individual will share legible information regarding the problems within the organisation.
Name of the respondent is Ekkachai Junlawons who has been employed in the organisation
for several years. The response of the employee will help in determining and developing an
Four Seasons Hotel: Problems in the Food and Beverages Department_4

understanding regarding the problems that are associated with the proper functioning of the
food and beverages department of the organisation.
The literature review section of the report will help develop understanding of the
topics that have contributed to the problem. Methods employed to formulate the research, the
recommendation and implementation of the same would be included in the report. This will
be done to identify and mitigate the issues that persist.
Literature review
Organisation culture
There are various constraints that determine the atmosphere of an organisation (Fink,
G., & Yolles, 2015). Organisational success can be a by-product of a successful
organisational culture (Cadden, Marshall & Ca, 2013). A well-defined organisational culture
determines the wellbeing of the employees of the organisation and helps in achievement of
goals of the organisation. Well established organisational culture ensure that the company is
perfectly aligned towards the goals of the organisation (Ulldemolins & Arostegui, 2013).
Furthermore, good organisational culture leads to motivation among the employees of the
organisation. Motivation leads to employee engagement (Bedarkar & Pandita, 2014). It is
said that engaged employees contribute to the achievement of goals of the organisation. It
leads to satisfaction of the employees and considerably reduces the attrition rates within
organisations. The importance of the organisation can be further enumerated as follows.
1. Establishment of company’s identity: The culture of an organisation determines how it
appears to the society. The culture of the organisation determines the image and
goodwill of the company (Grohs & Reisinger, 2014). The culture of the organisation
Four Seasons Hotel: Problems in the Food and Beverages Department_5

determines the perception that the consumers have about the company. It also
determines the internal factors such as recognition in the employment market.
2. Determines the core values: The operations of a company are based on principle
ethics and values (Ferrell & Fraedrich, 2015). The core values of the company
determine the key fields of operations of the organisation. Sustaining the same implies
that the management, senior executives and the employee are able to contribute the
company’s sustainability. It is one of the key goals of the organisation to maintain and
attain alignment towards the values of the organisation (Collings, 2014).
3. Transferability of culture: The culture of the organisation determines the behaviour of
the employees associated with the same (Biggs et al., 2013). Once the management is
successfully able to establish and implement the culture within an organisation, it will
get transferred to the employees of the organisation. Both the organisation and the
employees will be benefited from the same. This would imply that the organisation
will be able to spread their mission and vision among the minds of the employees who
could further spread the same initiatives and cultural values of the company
(Kucukusta, Mak & Chan, 2013).
4. Uniting people: Australia is a country that is full of diversity (Hill et al., 2013).
People of various ethnicities make up the population of the country. This implies that
there would be presence if a diverse workforce (Davis, Frolova & Callahan, 2016).
Healthy organisation cultures helps in uniting the people belonging to diverse ethical
and cultural backgrounds (Schneider, Ehrhart & Macey, 2013). This further promotes
healthy relationships among the employees of the organisation and helps in promoting
the success.
5. Team: Effective cultures within organisations encourage and help develop sense of
belongingness among employees of an organisation (Daft, 2015). As mentioned above
Four Seasons Hotel: Problems in the Food and Beverages Department_6

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