health issue: low fruit and vegetable intake
1. Introduction (250 words)
The introduction should introduce the topic and outline the structure of the essay using relevant literature (250 words)
2. Discussion (1,500 words)
Discuss one contemporary healthcare strategy that can improve a health issue experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (400 words)
Describe one health issue experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (300 words)
Describe how key demographic, social, or cultural factors impact upon this health issue (400 words)
Discuss one health perspective, effective program, model of care or practice(s) that meets the needs and is more acceptable to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (400 words)
3. Conclusion (250 words)
The conclusion should provide a summary of key points and indicate the significance of the information provided using relevant literature. There should be no new information provided in the conclusion (250 wor